Ashley Madison

Search results

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    Kathryn from Guilty Pleasures

    The funny thing about Kathryn is that another girl warned me to stay away from her. But after seeing that other girl many times, I started to realize that she was a bit of a liar and manipulator, so, last summer, I decided to see Kathryn for the first time last July. First thing I noticed is...
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    2 Hot Young Sexy Wild Girls - 20

    The pics in the top link are certainly not professional. You can see bruises and they don't look toned at all. I doubt that they're spinners from those pics.
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    2 Hot Young Sexy Wild Girls - 20

    Why do you think it's TGTBT? Those aren't really amazing pictures.
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    Miss K bp

    I've seen her many times now and always a great time. Some of the rumors that have been going around were started by a jealous girl. Not to be believed.
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    Most beautiful face/body in ottawa

    Serena from Vibe Riya from PK Sabrina Leb/Chilean Independent (maybe not great service-wise but the thread is prettiest face/body) Cute0aza0Button
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    Any problem booking (online) with Mirage?

    Why don't you just call the number? It's more direct.
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    Jenny @ PKE

    I saw her Thursday around 2pm. She is very pretty facially and nice to talk to. The experience was incredible.
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    Marie TS post op???

    Actually they always did advertise Marie as post-op when she was at GP. I remember seeing the ad. It is almost the same as her current ad.
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    Sexy Denise

    The second picture in her backpage ad is the same picture that Cassandra, aka Brazilian Berry, was using on her BP ads in Mtl. But based on the other pictures I highly doubt they are the same person. Then again, maybe it was BB who was using the fake pick. Hard to tell...
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    Summer any info

    I met both Lea and Summer when they were at GP. I had stopped seeing escorts back in September because I was having a hard time with MS symptoms but in December I went into remission and decided to celebrate by visiting someone new. That person was Lea. We clicked immediately and I am happy I...
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    Review of Nikky Fox

    As I have mentioned in a previous thread, I've retired from the hobby. I received an email from Nikky about her previous visit to Ottawa. As I never got a chance to say goodbye, I took an appointment and was told that I would receive an email on the day of the appointment to give the location...
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    Nadia on BP

    I've seen Samia in Montreal and the photos look like her. However, the reviews on Merb aren't great. I've seen Samia 3 times and the third time was the worst. She pretty much just laid there. Also, she's not as toned as her pictures lead you to believe. But very pretty face.
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    Some recent gems

    Oh hey, I'm not trying to bring anyone down. I just thought that my previous post about quitting the hobby was known to most Ottawa hobbyists. I've accepted it and although I'm not looking forward to it, that's just the way it is. I thought I'd share my recent finds. Now time to live...
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    Some recent gems

    Umm, recent gems means I just found them recently... (hence the word "recent"). And each I've only seen once or twice. I've reviewed plenty in my many years of membership on here. Not to mention reviewing on merb as newinmontreal. I'm pretty sure you can do a search and find plenty of...
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    Some recent gems

    Now that I am retired from the scene, I thought I would share the names of some of the gems that I have found recently and give brief reviews. 1) Sara of Ottawa Sugarland Excellent service. Probably the best. Beautiful face and body. Shower for two followed by the act (and possibility of...
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    karla Labelle from body language Ent..... :X

    Also, just so you know, you're not texting to her when you text to the number in her ad or on the BLE website. So when you say she was nice on text, it's the booker who was nice on text. BLE does have a very nice person who works the bookings.
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    Review: Alyzey

    Talking about Pigale's, I went there for the first time in my life about a month ago. A stripper who wanted me to take her to the champagne room told me "tu as l'air sympatique" after I told her no. That was nice of her. She could have told me to go and get bent. I forget her name. Then I...
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    Review: Alyzey Yes, I was supposed to have retired, but still looking for one last hail mary pass... Pictures are her. Service is probably the poorest I have ever received. No shower offered...
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    OK this is weird

    Eva who? There are at least 3 Eva's who come to Ottawa.
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    Time to quit

    Well she's not my ATF yet. It takes time to become someone's ATF. And I am comfortable saying her service was as good as my ATF since my ATF is not a member on here so she'll never read it. And if I don't name names nobody will ever tell her I wrote it on here. For the new girl, if I spread...
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