Asia Studios Massage

Summer any info


Nov 30, 2013
Hey guys has anyone seen Summer . She says she is newly independent , she was working with an agency I forget which one #613-702-7046.
Jul 28, 2006
It's always best to provide links whenever possible to avoid confusion especially with a common name like summer, I count 3 of them these days. It's likely though you are referring to Summer who used to be with Guilty Pleasures.
Jul 28, 2006
Lea also also used to work for Guilty Pleasures, they are sharing the costs. Gmail is a very common mail provider. They are using emails much like they did when they were with GP. In this case I highly doubt a manager is involved.


Mar 27, 2011
I saw her a few months back (was actually her first client) with GP

Shes brand new to the scene (not a year yet). Gfe Lfk bbj daty digits were enjoyed.
Shes young prob 23 if memory serves. The only thing id say is she's very inexperienced and as such, she'll be a little tentative at times to what shes open to. Def not PSE.

I never repeated. But might consider it.

If you're looking for more details pm me.


Lea Lourdes
Nov 18, 2013
No sweetie, there is no manager for Summer anymore. It is Summer and I and hopefully a couple other friends later on :) It's much safer, easier and more fun working with others.
We have set up new emails accounts and do share a phone number, but again, its safer and more efficient for us and for you :)
She is sharing a number with Lea. Both are using a gmail account for email. I smell a "manager" working behind the scenes.

Lea's ad

Summer's ad


Active member
Sep 22, 2009
I saw her a while ago ... not a great experience. Quite attractive and a nice girl, but it really seemed like she didn't want to be there (even though I'm a clean, fit, respectful client). She didn't offer much, didn't respond to much, so ... we didn't do much (a little lfk, then some daty before the bell rang to leave). To be honest, I'm surprised she's still in the industry because it didn't seem like her thing.


Lets go!
Jul 19, 2006
I had a similar experience to birddogs when she (Summer that is) was at GP. I wrote a review at that time.


New member
May 9, 2012
I saw her a while ago ... not a great experience. Quite attractive and a nice girl, but it really seemed like she didn't want to be there (even though I'm a clean, fit, respectful client). She didn't offer much, didn't respond to much, so ... we didn't do much (a little lfk, then some daty before the bell rang to leave). To be honest, I'm surprised she's still in the industry because it didn't seem like her thing.
I as well had a similar experience and wrote a review like this.


Active member
Mar 26, 2006
Saw Summer last week. Though that since she went indie from GP that it might be a good sign so took the full hour at a downtown "suite" hotel. As per other who review her above. She is very talkative about the whole GP deal. A real turn off. She offer LFK, she does smoke so the breath was not that great. She is very very thin, so only for guys who like that kind of look. Apart from that, she offer a real non memorable experience.


New member
Nov 7, 2008
I would not describe her a very thin at all. To me she is slightly heavier than her pics and not a spinner. Her weight is probably very normal and healthy as we guys typically like women who in fact are underweight. Like many above I saw her when she was with GP. She is nice to talk with but she'd talk through the whole hour. She isn't one to initiate and whatever interest she does show is obviously feigned. Not a great experience, not a bad one - just meh. I too am surprised she is still around.


New member
May 9, 2012
I would not describe her a very thin at all. To me she is slightly heavier than her pics and not a spinner. Her weight is probably very normal and healthy as we guys typically like women who in fact are underweight. Like many above I saw her when she was with GP. She is nice to talk with but she'd talk through the whole hour. She isn't one to initiate and whatever interest she does show is obviously feigned. Not a great experience, not a bad one - just meh. I too am surprised she is still around.

I would agree with this. The second I walked in, I was told to get in the shower right away. And I had to initiate everything. Felt like she could care less and just wanted my money. I would avoid.


Lea Lourdes
Nov 18, 2013
Sorry to hear about your experience with Summer. But I would like you to know she is not a smoker though. She is highly against that.
But thanks for the review! :) Hope your day and week are well
Saw Summer last week. Though that since she went indie from GP that it might be a good sign so took the full hour at a downtown "suite" hotel. As per other who review her above. She is very talkative about the whole GP deal. A real turn off. She offer LFK, she does smoke so the breath was not that great. She is very very thin, so only for guys who like that kind of look. Apart from that, she offer a real non memorable experience.


Mar 27, 2011
If her breath is bad enough to be mistaken for a smoker, how is that any better?... just a thought

Sorry to hear about your experience with Summer. But I would like you to know she is not a smoker though. She is highly against that.
But thanks for the review! :) Hope your day and week are well


Active member
Jul 16, 2003
I met both Lea and Summer when they were at GP. I had stopped seeing escorts back in September because I was having a hard time with MS symptoms but in December I went into remission and decided to celebrate by visiting someone new. That person was Lea. We clicked immediately and I am happy I met her. She introduced me to Summer, who was at the condo they shared. Summer is very pretty and fun to talk to. There was no hint that she smoked. I've seen Lea a few times since then and many times Summer was at the condo as well. One time, when Lea was not available, I had an encounter with Summer. Anyone who has read my reviews in the past knows I am picky. You also know I don't kiss and tell, but I can say I had a good time and did not detect any smoker's breath. And, I don't want to brag, but I think she enjoyed herself too. :)


New member
Oct 6, 2013
Hi everyone I take my personal hygiene very seriously. I think there was a mix up with that one review and it was not intended for me. I do not smoke nor have I ever. I know I am not thin or what you would consider to be a spinner so I apologize if my weight is more than you were looking for. It was addressed in a previous thread about asking my clients to shower and I have already dealt with that issue. I am trying my best and have made much progress on trying to insure my services are more enjoyable for everyone!



Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I know I am not thin or what you would consider to be a spinner so I apologize if my weight is more than you were looking for. It was addressed in a previous thread about asking my clients to shower and I have already dealt with that issue. I am trying my best and have made much progress on trying to insure my services are more enjoyable for everyone!
Hi Summer. I'm not trying to be rude, but you really come off as trying to just slough off what others have been saying. It seem to follow what's been said about your attitude.

Saying you don't smoke is good, but what's this other thread that you are referring to? Also, the people commenting out here are not light-weights nor frivolous in their reviews.

Can you perhaps comment on their other concerns if you wish to comment at all.


Well-known member
Apr 6, 2012
I know I am not thin or what you would consider to be a spinner so I apologize if my weight is more than you were looking for. It was addressed in a previous thread about asking my clients to shower and I have already dealt with that issue. I am trying my best and have made much progress on trying to insure my services are more enjoyable for everyone!
Hi Summer. I'm not trying to be rude, but you really come off as trying to just slough off what others have been saying. It seem to follow what's been said about your attitude.

Saying you don't smoke is good, but what's this other thread that you are referring to? Also, the people commenting out here are not light-weights nor frivolous in their reviews.

Can you perhaps comment on their other concerns if you wish to comment at all.
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