Ashley Madison

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  1. R

    Terb members: where are they?

    Yeah, has anyone heard from Slurp?
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    Ottawa and area SPs who also have videos on "the net"

    I just saw the post that Selfish Slut apparently has videos on Porn Hub, and I know the fallen Alyssa (Racing Ass) has hers as well for viewing. Does anyone know any other Ottawa or Kingston ladies that have done this? It was always so nice to watch Alyssa (or Allison Sterling) in her Pegas...
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    What is the Porn Hub video title?
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    Brandy Montana - 437-***-0832 - Belleville

    I'm pretty sure that I saw her a couple of years ago as well. I was very surprised when I saw her, and she is pretty much exactly as in her pictures. No drama either, just a real "pro". It was a great session.
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    Moving to Ottawa... Need recommendations

    Every time someone mentions Tara Parker, I think of Madison Parker.
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    Moving to Ottawa... Need recommendations

    I think an act of good faith would be for you to take one for the team, and contribute back to the Members a bit of your own information. I have a badge that you could earn called the "Autonomous Visit" badge. You don't ask for any information from Members of Terb, but do your own research, look...
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    Thoughts on SPs who cancel on same day bookings???

    Omg, itd and I posted very similar posts at almost the exact same time lol
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    Thoughts on SPs who cancel on same day bookings???

    Sometimes, if I feel that they are giving me a better rate than their asking/hoping rate, I understand, because if they have an opportunity to get an additional $50 for an hour visit, then I don't blame them, but that is just thinking as a business for her. If I have met them before, it is rare...
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    Amanda Chadd 7931 - Wow

    OMG she is hot! She may be the only one that could bring me out of SP retirement, but I'm sure that I could convince my Baby to join me with Amanda. I wonder if she hosts couples? She didn't have a lot of concerns/reservations when I visited just prior to covid shutdown, so I'm guessing that she...
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    Most Sensual Massage

    I think that I would also like that exact same massage. Ciera Ryan in Kingston loves rimming, and she does massage. She actually prefers to just work on you, and doesn't really need any touching of her. She's always the most intense session of anyone I've ever seen, but she's not for everyone...
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    milf factory

    I was referencing the discussion that happened before the bust.
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    milf factory

    Household surveillance cameras that you install yourself are only about 100 bucks, and they notify and start recording when the motion area setting is tripped. That would actually be really easy to install and gain information. I'm not saying that actually happened, but it would be really easy...
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    Happy Massage Kingston?

    If you were to knock it down to one visit, who would it be?
  14. R

    Happy Massage Kingston?

    Holy crap, I will have to return to digest the information that you are presenting. I appreciate your extensive research and sharing :)
  15. R

    Happy Massage Kingston?

    Touch of Class is not discrete at all. Both locations are well known, and anyone could be watching you go in and out. The Princess St entrance is the only place that door goes. So if you were to come out, and bump into someone you know, there is not explaining that one. The west end location...
  16. R

    Happy Massage Kingston?

    Yeah, that's what I mean. When you check that out, there is nothing currently, and there was just Jazmine advertising before, but she's gone, but she was also at the business Touch of Class, and there is a room fee, just to get the massage. I was hoping there was a gem out there offering...
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    Happy Massage Kingston?

    Is there anywhere that you can still just get a simple massage and happy ending in Kingston? Just go, relax, enjoy the time, release and leave. I know any provider would offer it, but they would also probably charge fs rates and would probably not focus as much on the massage.
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    Becca Banks?

    Holy crap, a little more than intriguing she seems tgtbt except she seems legit. Can't wait for someone to report back on their adventure
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    Stay safe

    This is too controversial to continue. Get your posts in quick, before this thread gets shut down
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    Pearl in Kingston

    For those of you who have met Pearl in person, I find every time I see Dr. Theresa Tam on the news, I can't help noticing their resemblance to each other. I haven't seen Pearl in a long time, like 5 or 6 years, but she was always really great! Good massage, good finish and you knew going in that...
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