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  1. Slobus


    Tip: please edit your original post title to include the last four digits of the phone number. This gives better search results when researching SPs. Also, consider adding the URL of the SP to your posts... just makes it easier for us to view. Another trick that is helpful is to include...
  2. Slobus

    MMF Threesome

    The post title literally states "MMF". Let's assume OP knows what they want.
  3. Slobus

    Sex work payment enforceable in court

    Seriously, did any one actually read the article?
  4. Slobus

    Sex work payment enforceable in court

    Speaking of enforcing agreements...
  5. Slobus

    Sex work payment enforceable in court

    Caveat emptor... lots of precedent there so good luck with that.
  6. Slobus

    Sex work payment enforceable in court

    Excellent article, glad to see this case set precedent in small claims court. Who knows, this may lead to full decriminalization of providing and procuring companionship services in the future. Of course, the politicians and religious/right wing nut bars will make a crap ton of noise hiding...
  7. Slobus

    Hush massage DT

    and a free market ;--)
  8. Slobus

    Odd fetish question

    or living around a forest fire... Smoke is bad, over an extended period. Short term, live a little ;--)
  9. Slobus

    Hush massage DT

    I am beginning to wonder if I should set out some saucers of milk...
  10. Slobus

    Odd fetish question

    Reach out to Angel Lina.
Toronto Escorts