Ashley Madison

Search results

  1. P

    BBW Thick Search

    My mates I have seen one lassie that was a little bigger and she is in Toronto name is tori. Used to be a dancer and smoking hot. I saw her advertising on red zone. I think still does and her partner is a dom. Great team. Both laddies are great.
  2. P

    Katt and Samantha Oshawa

    Wow. Hump day is today Mates. Went in for the ultimate session today in Oshawa. Amazing double massage from the famous blonde Samantha and her blonde girlfriend Katt. Who is a beauty. A 31 year old bikini model from Peterborough. For all you Mates that want to know details just shut your eyes...
  3. P

    Looking for bbbj cim in Durham

    Monica is great and way cheaper then most. Don’t get gouged.
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    Looking for bbbj cim in Durham

    Candi is professional at booking mate.
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    Kingsway Spa Peterborough

    Does the owner work. Not sure if I seen her before in Durham but lost track of her. If so I’m coming for a visit. Been too long.
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    Alexandra 4410 - Erotic Massage Bowmanville

    I will need to try out this girl and see how she is. Thanks mate
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    Candy B&G

    Exactly lol. Candice is great. End of story.
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    Candy B&G

    A lot of girls have told me other girls sign up as new members just to bash a popular girl. Used to happen to my favourite Tina a lot. But it back fires. More advertising helps. And Candice is amazing. She is friendly and gives great service.
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    Candy B&G

    She’s great. I’m sure she was gorgeous then and she’s even better now lol. Like wine.
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    Candy B&G

    I’ve seen her and mate she is incredible.
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    Candy B&G

    She wasn’t just fine then. Why years ago. She still is fine.
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    Monica at the Little House

    I love Monica and kitty as well. I hope kitty comes back.
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    Ava - 0097 No teeth Fantasy TOFTT REVIEW

    I have seen her and I approve. Nice body. Nice bj. Great friendly lady.
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    TOFFT CiCi 5476 - Am I Crazy???

    Samantha is a blonde girl that works out of Aristocrats in Pickering. Gorgeous blonde and worth every penny. She is Amazing!!!
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    baby doll a complete waste of time

    Yes and stick to normal great not flake providers is best.
  16. P

    Asian Wendy - Nonquon #5476 LL

    Ritson is garbage service I agree. This girls photos are fake. 💯 percent fake. Unlike kitty’s and Mimi’s ads. They are asian and real photos.
  17. P

    TOFFT CiCi 5476 - Am I Crazy???

    Great review mate but I’m sticking to Monica kitty Mimi and samantha. Just because too nervous to try anybody else. The service I get from these 4 is perfect. Can’t beat perfect.
Toronto Escorts