Ashley Madison

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  1. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    I don't need reminders about combat stress, but you keep bringing it up. If you knew what it was like to be in a stressful situation, you would know you do not always do everything in the proper order, can do things wrong and can experience a delay in doing things. Lam turned the siren off so...
  2. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    You are another keyboard warrior who has never been in a fight just like basketcase with no practical knowledge of high stress and no practical knowledge of how the military trains. I never said I was an expert. I said I have practical knowledge, unlike yourself of experiencing high stress...
  3. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    Of course the odds favour someone, be it military or competitive shooter who has training against some random civilian. What kind of stupid question is that?
  4. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    How about you go find a Toronto Police officer and ask instead of depending on a leftist newspaper. Oh wait, you would have to get outside and away from your keyboard. I've been accused of being superhuman, but a sub par police officer under extreme stress dealing with a mass murderer has...
  5. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    There's no government stockpile of millions of rifles in the event of civil disorder or invasion. By the time you need them if you are being invaded, it's too late to start producing them. Canada's military cannot defend this country and cannot protect it's troops overseas. Canada is an...
  6. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    You have this unrealistic illusion of military training. The military has a budget just like businesses do. They have to train a large number of people, which costs money. Military personnel are trained to properly use their equipment to complete their mission. People in the military are...
  7. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    You are mixing up posts. My initial response regarding police response times was to address "Mandrill's" belief that it's the police's job to take care of a threat attempting to break into his house. I responded to him that he shouldn't depend on the police as in most cases, they cannot...
  8. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    I know you have the right to defend yourself. How long it takes the police to reach your house is very material. You realize it can take an hour for the police to reach you in rural Canada. A lot can happen to you in the meantime At no time did I ever say I felt the need to carry in public...
  9. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    You don’t seem to realize that being ex military doesn’t mean you are an excellent shot. Most soldiers do not shoot that many rounds per year. Shooting is only a small component of soldiering. I’ll tell you what I am though. I’m an ordinary guy and a well placed bullet can kill me just like...
  10. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    No I know exactly what it’s like and I know that even if you are well trained, there is no guarantee you will perform. You do the best you can and hope you make less mistakes than the next guy. You hope that timing and luck are also in your side. You hope your skill level is high enough to...
  11. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    What kind of question is that? No one has invaded the country. Stop commenting on this topic. You've made many posts that shown you don't know anything about firearms, the industry, and haven't even been in a fight. You've made no effort to obtain your PAL or learn about firearms safety...
  12. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    No we don't agree. Stop commenting on topics you know nothing about. If there is an active shooter situation, SWAT teams are ineffective. They take too long to get there. That's why tactics changed after Columbine. All officers now are expected to respond and go in to an active shooter...
  13. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    That is something Toronto Police will never say to protect their reputation. Watch the video. You can see Minassian should have been shot. He just committed mass murder and was acting like he was going to shoot Lam. Toronto van attack: Witness video of takedown of person believed to be...
  14. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    With that line of thinking, the police and military shouldn't be carrying guns either. You severely underestimate the number of times the average police officer or soldier shoots his firearms. Go find a random police officer in Toronto and ask him how many times a year he shoots. 9 out of 10...
  15. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    Ukraine Parliament Passes Law Allowing Citizens to Carry Firearms ( In case you haven't been following the news, Ukraine is a warzone. You're a fool if you're staking your life being saved by the police. When is the last time you've actually seen the police in your...
  16. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    I know you're saying this tongue and cheek, but it's not the answer. A fair amount of training is needed not only on how to safely handle a firearm, but how to shoot properly and then there are the tactics to properly employ it. It's also a perishable skill. A firearm in the hands of a person...
  17. P

    22 killed, dozens wounded across several locations in Lewiston, Maine: Live updates

    Meanwhile in Israel... Aghast at Hamas killings, Israelis buy up guns with government's blessing ( "Some survivors of the rampage credit the guns they had near to hand, with which they said they defended their homes until security forces arrived - often after delays of several...
  18. P

    Middle-Aged Men: How to Fight Off Injuries?

    Actually, you need to make sure you lift heavy once a week to maintain muscle mass and bone strength. (1) How to Save Your Muscles From Aging - YouTube
  19. P

    How much do you sleep?

    You might have sleep apnea. See your doctor about a test.
  20. P

    Cops taze and arrest homeless man for simply walking across the street

    Your link does not work. Neither websites I referenced are contradictory. Both made it clear if you are being detained for a crime, you need to identify yourself. New changes to policing | As of January 1, 2017, if a police officer asks you for ID in a situation when the rules...
Toronto Escorts