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  1. Q

    smokers and how to get them to quit

    I wish this had a "like" option. She's a smoker, don't pressure her to stop. She will when she is ready. Everyone I know has. You can suggest she not smoke when you are on a date, but really, she smokes. At least it isn't something drastic like drugs.
  2. Q

    Avatar - A really, really good, really, really racist movie

    I agree, I liked it. The entire movie was entertaining. I didn't get a feeling of racial undertone or overtone or any fuckin tone. It was great, bottom line.
  3. Q

    If a tenant fucks you...............Put them in their place with the silent treatment

    Let me rephrase that, they do follow the proper evition process, a legal letter hand delivered giving them the time to pay, which is a two week period from the notices I have seen. Most do pay or go on a payment arrangements, which the property management respects due to the economy. But there...
  4. Q

    If a tenant fucks you...............Put them in their place with the silent treatment

    Where I live, if they don't pay up, the locks get changed, the stuff that they own gets removed in 24 hours and into a storage unit. You need some muscle, what are they going to do? Call the cops? I seen it done and not a thing can be done by them. You want them out time to get serious.
  5. Q

    Wow...And Damn it!!!

  6. Q

    attn: ladies

    Me too Send it over my way too please.
  7. Q

    SPs working on the holidays?

    Moi Working too, no obligations here so why not.
  8. Q

    last night at party

    Hey Maxas Hey Maxas the girl with the short red and pink hair was me, Lexx. I am not with an agency and I am not mixed with Asian. I am Russian and Native. Thank you for noticing me though ;)
  9. Q

    Name of My new bar

Toronto Escorts