If a tenant fucks you...............Put them in their place with the silent treatment

Doctor Zoidburg

Prof. of Groinacology PhD
Aug 25, 2004
A tenant fucked me up all kinds of ways, there were threats and withholding rent. When I called them for the rent, they told me that they could not hear me on their cell phone. Finally, I took them to the rental board and won a
small victory, since they had a responsibility to pay on the first of the month anyways.Since last summer, I have not said a word to this tenant. You have to give them the silent treatment if they do not respect you. If they want anything, they have to ask for it in writing. I will no longer do them any favors like accepting mail or packages or waiting for the cable guy. I am the landlord and they are the tenants and thats where it stands. Landlords unite against skumbag tenants.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I hope they don't damage the place.

About the only way to get them out legally is to say you want the unit for yourself or a family member.
You'll have to follow through on it at least for a short time if people are suspicious.


Well-known member
Jun 3, 2005
I had a tenant tell me to clean the snow around his car with my snow blower after a snow storm, things went bad after I refused. If you give in once, your screwed.


New member
Aug 10, 2009
Relocating February 1, 2012
You should watch the movie "Pacific Heights" Michael Keaton, Matthew Modine and Melanie Griffith. Put me off of ever being a landlord.


quen es tu papi???
Feb 21, 2002
having tenants is a bitch.. i now just tell them if they fu#k with me then i will f#ck them back harder. i have been lucky the last ones have all been very cool and quite nice...


New member
Nov 22, 2009
Where I live, if they don't pay up, the locks get changed, the stuff that they own gets removed in 24 hours and into a storage unit. You need some muscle, what are they going to do? Call the cops? I seen it done and not a thing can be done by them. You want them out time to get serious.


Active member
Oct 9, 2002
Where I live, if they don't pay up, the locks get changed, the stuff that they own gets removed in 24 hours and into a storage unit. You need some muscle, what are they going to do? Call the cops? I seen it done and not a thing can be done by them. You want them out time to get serious.
are you legally allowed to do that , though?

Miss Maya Blue

New member
Aug 21, 2003
san francisco
Where I live, if they don't pay up, the locks get changed, the stuff that they own gets removed in 24 hours and into a storage unit. You need some muscle, what are they going to do? Call the cops? I seen it done and not a thing can be done by them. You want them out time to get serious.
id love to assist my landlord with this, if it was acceptable. (which i doubt)
we have two guys below us that refuse to pay rent. and my landlord is a sweetheart of a man in his 70's. i was right pissed when i found out they were doing this...


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Weekly Paid Lease

I had a friend tell me that if you are a Landlord, and you put in your lease that the rent is to be collected on a weekly basis, then you are legally allowed to evict on short notice if rent is one week late. You can write it in the lease that the rent is to be paid weekly, but that you will collect it montly.

This friend told me he knows of a landlord that does it that way and he's been able to legally kick people out if they get behind like a month or two.
Sep 13, 2009
Sometimes these hard to get along with tenants are angry frustrated people that get pissed on in their job and in life. They take their frustrations out on the landlord because the law skewed on their side. When you get a bad tenant, you have to act right away with written notices sent by registered mail, and you have to take action at the rental tribunals as quickly as possible.

My personal opinion of the rental tribunals are that the people working there are no more than bureaucrats that are out for themselves, they try to create as much friction between the tenants and landlords in order to preserve their jobs.


Nov 11, 2004
I had a friend tell me that if you are a Landlord, and you put in your lease that the rent is to be collected on a weekly basis, then you are legally allowed to evict on short notice if rent is one week late. You can write it in the lease that the rent is to be paid weekly, but that you will collect it montly.

This friend told me he knows of a landlord that does it that way and he's been able to legally kick people out if they get behind like a month or two.
Well, this is wrong. Whether the rent is payable weekly or monthly, you can make an application to the Landlord Tenant Board if a tenant is late by one day. By having the rent payable weekly, a tenant only needs to give the landlord 28 days notice that they are leaving, instead of the usual 60, and the rental deposit would only be one week's rent, instead of the usual one-month's rent. Seems to be a greater benefit to the tenant than to the landlord.

I would also question the validity of saying in the lease that rent is payable weekly but collectable monthly. Having such a contradictory statement in a lease is just asking for trouble.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
Where I live, if they don't pay up, the locks get changed, the stuff that they own gets removed in 24 hours and into a storage unit. You need some muscle, what are they going to do? Call the cops? I seen it done and not a thing can be done by them. You want them out time to get serious.
You would be charged with break & enter and theft if he called the police.
Just theft if you gave 24 hours notice that you're going to enter his home.


Nov 11, 2004
You would be charged with break & enter and theft if he called the police.
Just theft if you gave 24 hours notice that you're going to enter his home.
Even with 24 hours notice I think he'd still get dinged for trespassing. Stealing his stuff isn't a valid reason for entry. :)


New member
Sep 15, 2001
I can see this is another "piss on tenants" thread. But I think it works both ways. Both parties have rights and obligations. And for every nightmare story of tenants who are unreasonable and a pain in the ass, there are also stories of slum landlords who ignore regulations. The OP may say revenge is sweet, but we really have no idea of what the whole story is and why the tenants withheld rent. For all we know, the landlord didn't bother repairing the furnace for 2 months.

As for the Landlord Tenant Act, it may, as some people suggest, be stacked in favour of the tenants. Maybe it should be. For a tenant, we are talking about her place of residence. For a landlord, we are talking about a business. There is a big difference between the two. She can hire lawyers very easily. She has all the experience and knows what she can and cannot get away with. You could say that the Landlord Tenant Act is meant to even the playing field somewhat. At least that is one way to look at it.

And all this is not meant to excuse tenants who do not meet their obligations and are unnecessarily difficult to deal with. And landlords who meet their responsibilities and get stuck with idiot tenants do have my sympathy. They deserve better.


New member
Nov 22, 2009
You would be charged with break & enter and theft if he called the police.
Just theft if you gave 24 hours notice that you're going to enter his home.
Let me rephrase that, they do follow the proper evition process, a legal letter hand delivered giving them the time to pay, which is a two week period from the notices I have seen. Most do pay or go on a payment arrangements, which the property management respects due to the economy. But there were and are still some who pay when they feel like it. A letter is then delivered by hand stating they have 24 hour notice that the locks wil be changed because of the due rent, and they are always told days in advance this is about to happen, for which ever reason they can't or don't come up with the rent. From the six units I seen have this done to, they have the money to party every weekend, shop, go out, but no rent. Even a small amount shows good intention. Once they are locked out, they have the option to again talk with the property management, but they don't. Then the process begins to remove the tenents belongings and put in a storage unit in the building. Nothing is tossed away, just packed up and 30 days to remove it. There was one tenent who did call the police, but the paper work was all in order so there wasn't anything that was done to stall the eviction. Just try a little harder, it sucks to see your investment get drained from squaters.


Well-known member
Jun 29, 2008
I believe a sheriff has to be present when you enter the home and remove their possessions.
If you jump the gun, you can be charged and you'll have to start the process over again as well.


Nov 11, 2004
Let me rephrase that, they do follow the proper evition process, a legal letter hand delivered giving them the time to pay, which is a two week period from the notices I have seen. _____________ A letter is then delivered by hand stating they have 24 hour notice that the locks wil be changed because of the due rent, and they are always told days in advance this is about to happen, for which ever reason they can't or don't come up with the rent.
I assume in the space I have marked, the landlord is getting an order from the Landlord Tenant Board for the eviction. Without one, he can't evict anyone, no matter how far behind a tenant is in paying their rent. And the notice is 15 days, and that's before the Board can hear an application. If the tenant pays their rent before that period, the notice is quashed.
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