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  1. N

    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    One can argue it was Egypt, or even Rome (before it became an empire) after all they had to raise and army, collect taxes, adminster property including slaves etc etc. How could one conduct massive public works projects like the Pyramids without a great deal of govt? I think claiming it was...
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    I am talking about what they were granted in the UN plan in 1947, they started the genocide before the ink was properly dry on the paper.
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    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    There were nation states long before. Even the Mayans qualify as a nation state. The had culture, state apparatus, territory etc etc,
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    They were given land for Israel, then proceeded to steal more land after.
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    Korean Shepards proabably do lol.
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    there were several porgroms and attacks to "encoruage" them to leave. like you see EVERY DAY in the west bank. People don't just get up and leave their home and everythng they have. Only a idiot would believe that.
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    Nope they were already in possession of the land they were just refusing to codify the land seizure.
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    Its not for the minerals, its for the northern sea route. Russia plans to develop it and is building a massive fleet of nuclear ice breakers to do so.
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    They did not turn down the land they turned down tghe agreement. Israel expelled arabs and passed laws to seize their land. you need to stop lying to sanatize genocide. You are helping kill more children and babies with every falsehood you...
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    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    With the USA leaving Paris and the WHO, it allows others to take over them like China. The USA has over extended itself and I think the Trump admin realizes that.
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    Who said the arabs refused it. Israel attacked them and they fled, then Israel passed laws stealing the land from the Arabs. Yes Canada was built on genocide was the USA, that was a different era and was common pratice at the time. Israel has slow walked its genocide until now. Its funny you say...
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    Deuteronomy 15:4 New Living Translation (NLT) “There should be no poor among you, for the LORD your God will greatly bless you in the land he is giving you as a special possession. Now, I *THINK* god meant that the jews should raise up the poor, so they are no longer poor. However I think the...
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    With no regard to the people already living there. They have their own state, why does it have to expand. Why do they need to kill others, demolish their homes and burn their farms?
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    "Iran cannot have nukes" Trump warns

    WTF is with Micronesia and Naru. Hamas should fuck them up. lol
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    CPC lead over Libs shrinks by 75% as Carney introduced and PeePee hides

    Lol yet the Cons and NDP wanna defeat the govt as Canada enters a very critical negotiation with our largest trading partner. Yeah real responsible. Traitorous. Canadians are starting to realize they are traitors and only interested in self advancement.
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    Canada, Mexico steelmakers refuse new U.S. orders

    Or we can just refuse to talk to them until 2029 🤣Board up the embassy for 4 years,
  17. N

    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    That was when the concept was identified, not created. By the time of the French revolution there were already major nations. (I said nation not nation state). Even the concept of national flags goes back to well centuaries BC. Look at the various tribes in Canada that consider theselves...
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    Canada, Mexico steelmakers refuse new U.S. orders

    Its not easy, they are next door, have a very similar culture and tastes, similar laws. etc. They are even typically easier to do business with then whiny Canadians lol.
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    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    There were nations looong before the French revolution. Ethopia formed as a nation around 10 centuary BC. It existed long before someone put pen to paper. Same with socilaism. When cavemen got together to keep the fire burning and get some sleep, that was socilism. Hunting parties.-socilaism.
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    Gavin Newsom the next president of the United States meets current broken down grifter of a president.

    Everytime I come up against one of the "we must end socialism" ideologial sheep, I ask, name me one wealthy nation with no elements of socialism in its No answer yet. One could even argue the concept of nationhood is in itself a socilaist concept.
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