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  1. B

    Thread of the Year Nominees

    I did try to warn you he isn't worth it. Although a month free of him I suppose if we all rotate the duty we could keep him off.
  2. B

    Thread of the Year Nominees

    Well, you haven't seen him have you?
  3. B

    When do you guys think a Canadian election will be called?

    No it isn't. Trudeau had the choice to step down at any time. In this case it's his duty to take his lumps if an election is called. If he resigns his cowardice is no excuse, just a lesson for the Liberal party to pick better next time.
  4. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    Ate they? I have lots if friends over there who say it's more about local government than brexit. Kinda like it's more about Trudeau than Trump here......
  5. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke' Here ya go! And they left because they were migrant workers and not immigrants. There is a difference. And yes I prefer money earned in a nation be spent in a nation. It's basic common economic sense to not want wealth...
  6. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    The EU wanted Britain because they have the best business and banking laws in the region. It was where most of the big economic activities flowed through. What Britain didn't want is the EU to control their migrant worker policy. And As I Stated. It was a trade off. It costs more for...
  7. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    Um no, go look at the 25% white thread and see my thoughts. But you told on yourself when you said one of the PROBLEMS was less European (white) immigration and more non EU (people of colour) immigration. My issue is with migrant labour that sends money home. I want immigration where they...
  8. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    So what? Are you then saying Canada should do the same with the USA? Give up our currency, border sovereignty and immigration policy and let the USA decide it? All for cheaper goods? That's the choice. What do you choose?
  9. B

    Thread of the Year Nominees

    See above. Not 100% sure but him and Shack were at it hard there.
  10. B

    Thread of the Year Nominees

    Cripes the one I started Israel at War hit over 1000 pages in less than a year. Mostly thanks to about 7 posters. At least 3 of which now banned. So it did a public service in the removal of Frankfooter. However I will gladly say the Homer page is far more useful and an OG page on this site.
  11. B

    Whitney Roasts CNN While On CNN

    CNN books a roast comedian, she roasts, and you were expecting what exactly?
  12. B

    Happy New Year! Plans, ideas?

    At home steak and lobster dinner. Nice bottle of wine. With SO. Nothing big.
  13. B

    When do you guys think a Canadian election will be called?

    Depends on if he resigns. If he does I expect the NDP will use this as an excuse to delay a non confidence vote so they can have a leadership convention. If he doesn't resign then probably end of Feb call for mid April election. But you never know.
  14. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    It was a choice between ease of trade, some cheaper pricing, easier travel, vs having control over the border, having to support Nations with bad fiscal policy, and continued erosion of national identity. So it wasn't imo about what was better. That was relative. But about preference of the...
  15. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    You are wrong. Don't ask the media, ask the people who voted to leave.
  16. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    My point is that several on here stated that Brexit was a bad decision because it was more important in their opinion for the trade than border sovereignty . Now faced with the idea happening to Canada it's suddenly no way. We wouldn't even entertain the idea. But when Brits chose to...
  17. B

    Trump floats Wayne Gretzky as 'Governor of Canada' while Trudeau's Christmas message struggles to make a mark: 'It no longer looks like a joke'

    Because the EU started to set immigration policy for the members. That is the difference. That is determining nations sovereignty. That is why it happened. So if you are indeed against the USA interference in Canadian immigration and border policy then to say you are anti Brexit makes you a...
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