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  1. Vera.Reis

    Gay Murders

    Correct, and the studies suggest that bisexual women are more likely to experience abuse at the hands of men they date than straight women.
  2. Vera.Reis

    Anxiety of meeting a provider?

    Maybe stick to sites that don't have scam ads like this one and tryst until you develop better spidey senses. While none of this is 100% some possible indicators that someone is being trafficked or managed in an unethical way are ads that say available 24/7, and beside the obvious of it being...
  3. Vera.Reis

    Carrot dangling

    For me it was the same when I was 350/hr, but maybe we just attract different client regardless of rate 😅
  4. Vera.Reis

    Carrot dangling

    This, my best clients only msg me to book, and do so in 2 or 3 msgd. It's the 1hr clients, who try to drain everything they can from a session, and only come around every few months, that want to text all day. I quickly shut it down and say "I look forward to hearing from you when you are ready...
  5. Vera.Reis

    Vacation Destination

    I'm sure the other clients have you set on advice about seeing providers... so I will note, if you want to actually have a vacation and explore the city you're in, I recommend googling what the weather is like at the time you are going. For example, it is rainy season in Thailand in August, this...
  6. Vera.Reis

    Incall or Out?

    I did this in November, me and my client laid in the tub drinking wine and admiring the views. It was so nice! I'm actually doing a photoshoot there Saturday as well 😌
  7. Vera.Reis

    Carrot dangling

    I agree, like I said it sucks if they never had the intention to provide a service in the first place. Though I would caution against assuming you are speaking with the provider directly even if she's indy of leolist. Lots of "managed" providers in Ontario and the bar for getting on LL is low...
  8. Vera.Reis

    Carrot dangling

    Prior consent to sexual services cannot be given, consent is always ongoing, so I don't think that services can be "carrot dangled". Everyone should know this, it sucks if she never had the intention, but there's no way of knowing that unless several clients have it happen to them with the same...
  9. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    I'm not reading that :-)
  10. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    Me: if a client outs me I'll out them BACK This idiot: yOuRe TaLkInG aBoUt OuTiNg SoMeOnE uNpRoVoKeD This level of stupidity is truly awe inspiring, you truly have to work very hard at it.
  11. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    My comment was SPECIFICALLY in RESPONSE to someone saying that me sending a client home could lead to them outing ME to my building. ALL I SAID was that I would out them BACK. Reading comprehension and understanding context is an important life skill, my guy. I swear yall play stupid for fun.
  12. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    And you'll never see me :-) if a client outs me to my building, he deserves to be outed back. Just say that you want to harm sex workers and don't want to held accountable for it, it's less words.
  13. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    For me, I give clear instructions: This is the address, text me when you're close, do NOT approach the building until I reply with the unit and buzzer number. When I give you the info, you MUST buzz as the elevator will NOT let you to my floor if you do not buzz, do NOT follow anyone in as this...
  14. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    My reviews speak for themselves, you must be one of the boundary pushers if you think being told twice to not do something is not a problem.
  15. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    I've gotten 3 bookings, and 2 supportive dms :-)
  16. Vera.Reis

    Reminders On How To Be A Wonderful SP...

    My instruction is to not approach the building until I say so, none of this applies. I'd rather lose my incall than be assaulted by someone who thinks it's okay to not follow instructions because he has now demonstrated he will do what he wants despite being told not to. But also, I always...
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