Discreet Dolls

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  1. T

    Jury Duty Twice, got out of it

    Got nailed twice for jury duty both times, I was in my apprenticeship at school. The third time I had to show up and yes they ask you to address conservatively, jeans and a T-shirt. When I was interviewed I just basically told them to things first, I don’t want anything to do with this kangaroo...
  2. T

    Mochi Donuts-Ridiculously Priced?

    most of the time it's the cost of the hole in the middle, just paying for the name .I'm happy with the Tim Horton's
  3. T


    A policeman, an archer, and a soldier are on an airplane losing altitude. The pilot yells to these passengers, “We’re carrying too much weight, drop whatever you got!” The policeman drops his pistol, the archer drops his bow and arrow, and the soldier drops a grenade out of the hatch door. The...
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