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  1. C

    Valentines Day Party Feb. 11th How Many Attending?

    I second that Blofeld... it was a lot of fun. Let's do that again... ;)
  2. C

    Terb Party: Where's Waldo?

    i think we all had fun even though there werent as many ppl as expected. Al's mis-steak was a mistake, but then again, my veal wasn't bad... service was bad, but the company was great... over all, i'd say, it's was great fun, and i'd love to have more such parties. a great occasion to meet the...
  3. C

    Valentines Day Party Feb. 11th How Many Attending?

    it's 6:20pm now, and if the party is still on, i should be leaving right now... but what makes me uncertain... not sure... but ummmm, maybe i'll leave... afterall the party starts at 7pm, right??? leave now leave not leave now leave not ... ok, left already... :rolleyes:
  4. C

    Spray to boost female sex drive

    Anyone needs this...??? :rolleyes:
  5. C

    Valentines Day Party Feb. 11th How Many Attending?

    Do We Need One Of These... >Subject: Only A Canadian > >Only a Canadian could think of this - from the province where drunk driving >is considered a sport, comes this true story. > >Recently a routine police patrol parked outside a Prince George, BC bar. > >After last call the officer noticed a...
  6. C

    Valentines Day Party Feb. 11th How Many Attending?

    it'll be lotsa fun if we all reaach there and no reservation's been made... maybe we can all hang out at the diamonds then... cH1ooo :rolleyes:
  7. C

    Valentines Day Party Feb. 11th How Many Attending?

    so FF/NHawk, how many ppl so far have contacted u to come to the party... just wanted to get an idea if it'll be worth trying to come as there're only 30 or so seats available, right...??? :rolleyes:
  8. C

    God Bless ....

    do u work in an MP... :rolleyes:
  9. C

    Zimbawians turn female condoms into fashion bracelets

    Zimbabweans make condom bangles I wonder what we can do with Male Condoms, use them as Water Balloons, Fish Containers, Elastic Bands... What else... :rolleyes: cH1ooo
  10. C

    kobe Tai

    holy %$#, ying's hot... thanx pool for wonderful links... now i have to visit a mp to quench my thirst... cH1ooo :rolleyes:
  11. C

    drivers needed immediately tonight!

    damn, missed it, next time please give longer notice... ;~) cH1ooo
Toronto Escorts