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  1. D

    NHLPA...take it or leave it

    wasnt meant too, sorry just answering shots from an above comment
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    NHLPA...take it or leave it

    WOW where did that come from ive just stated an opinion, i didnt say u were right or wrong but there are 2 sides to this u seem to blame everything on the worker or the player on this case which is totally unfair it takes 2 to tango, i take it then u dont beleive in workers rights at all and we...
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    NHLPA...take it or leave it

    Thats the whole problem Kathleen neither side trusts each others numbers and Bettman just antagonises the players with these ultimatums this is supposed to be a negotiation but i really beleive he is trying to save face from awful expansion citys they went into and new owners he obviously made...
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    NHLPA...take it or leave it

    Thanks NV at least ur not taking cheap shots at me, LOL i would assume that u have never been part of a union or a desire to be part of one which is fine and therefore i guess u dont beleive in a negotiation taking place, u feel the players should just take whatever is crammed down there throat...
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    NHLPA...take it or leave it

    Im totally with the players on this and i know im in the minority but fact is the PA has caved on the cap plus a 25% roll back the owners have done nothing to suggest there serious about playing hockey ever again. If the number comes in at 45 million its more than fair especially considering...
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    It Looks Like There Might be a Hockey Season after all

    Scubadoo i dont get it why are u so mad at the players, because they were locked out of work or because they didnt cave to all the big bad poor owners who are now crying poor after being bad businessmen for the last 10yrs after screwing the players the 50yrs before that.
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    It Looks Like There Might be a Hockey Season after all

    Why do u want the owners to break the PA both sides are to blame and the players have done nothing wrong other then be high paid athletes that the public defintiley resents these days, the owners said they couldnt survive without linkage and they have all of a sudden come back and said they dont...
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    As the Raptors turn

    This is getting almost unbeleivable now Sportsnet is now reporting that Sam Mitchell was involved in some sort of physical confrontation with Vince Carter in November or early December and that Carter thru him down on a massage table this was confirmed by a player maybe 2 and Carters mother lol...
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    State of the NHL...what should be done...

    sorry that was definitely a rant, but its just one mans opinion and i am definitely in the minority but i really wonder if peoples perspective on this whole thing comes down to the union vs non union question again cuz thats what it seems like to me
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    State of the NHL...what should be done...

    Why should the players give in the league has done nothing but offer joke deals in there negotiations Bettman had this planned for at least 3yrs now and hes getting exactly what he wanted, and yes the players are overpaid athletes just like everyones saying but i dont remember mats sundin...
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    Zo sticks it to the Raps

    TNT is reporting that the injured slash unable to perform Alonzo Mourning will be bought out by the Raptors by weeks end and wow remarkably he will recover from being unable to perform in TO and sign with the Miami Heat and go for a championship what a weasel this guy is, with the turmoil the...
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    Marino @ Young HOF bound

    Dan Marino and Steve Young have just been announced at HOF inductees for this year both well deserved in my opinion somewhat surprised that Russ Grimm and Michael Irvin were not also inducted but they may still be in the future.
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    Emmit retires a cowboy.

    Maybe not the greatest of all time as i think Jim Brown was and this is coming from a very biased Cowboy fan but without a doubt top 5 probably top 3 whether u love em or hate em whether u hate the cowboys or love em, and at the top of the list without a doubt when it came to class and conduct...
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    agree to disagree boys but for you to say no union = good and union =bad is way out of line theres good and bad to both and either sides with too much power is when problems occur
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    Bettman *^%$#*^$*&$*^%#$(

    There is no chance the PA will take this offer and i cant even see hows it the basis for an agreement neither sides trust each other and with a weasel like Bettman running the show i dont blame the players one bit, its funny but when the players made there offer of 25% rollbacks he warned them...
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    As a member of the CAW for a long time now and as a family that grew up in a union household i must say that unions do more for the worker and there families and there rights for a safe healthy work environment. Maybe right now the CAW is too powerful for some companys liking but everything is...
  17. D

    Any thoughts on Rafer being suspended

    Who out there is as sick of these NBA guys constantly gettting in trouble and crying over minutes they get this guy is supposed to be our point guard and leader until 2010 and has about 28 million reasons to do this and cant get along with his coaches and teammates he plays the game as if hes in...
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    just wondering if anyone knows how one can go about cleaning up bad credit, i noticed on my report things from 3to 4 yrs back that still show up even though they were long paid out, is it not up to the payee to report clean balances etc PM or on here with any info would be greatly appreciated
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    Delgado is a Marlin

    Good luck to Carlos he was nothing but a class act when he was here and in the end if the blue jays would have made a reasonable offer he would have stayed, there offer of a 75% cut from 18 mill to 6 was a joke if they would have even bargained in good faith at some point he still might be here...
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    Tony Dungy

    Tony Dungy was brought in based on the fact that he was a defensive coach and had some wonderful defenses with Tampa but the defense in Indy has been awful since before he went there and has continued to be awful, they wont make a move to get rid of him but they should they will never win with...
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