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  1. K

    1 word expressions

    Najiskinabi-damn,shit,what the fuck? Cree word
  2. K

    Strong or Sucky? Obama in Tears

    I was thinking what it would be like to be the President of The United states.The stress,strength,intelligence,courage,pride.........and then again STRESS.The tears were genuine.That's why I love this man,he's real.You want to talk about a hard job.....
  3. K

    OMG you will never guess what happend

    OMG,you didn't know?Was it a big surprise?Why are you saying it on here?OMG.
  4. K

    Do women like to play with their pussy while they are sleeping?

    Comments like this are why I would never see a terb ongoing answer stupid questions g My friends girlfriend would fall asleep on the couch in the living room and while deep asleep she would just start playing with her pussy. Do women like to play with their pussy while they sleep?
  5. K

    I think my box is empty now:)

    I think my box is empty now:)
  6. K

    The Bash Fuji Thread

    You all need to get outside........maybe have a picnic.
  7. K


    They were stoned.
  8. K

    The Bash Fuji Thread

    Did you read what i said?
  9. K

    The Bash Fuji Thread

    Fuji don't you have other things to go swimming,canoeing,fishing,work,showering,anything..................doesn't this take up a lot of important fun time?Throw your net out the window and live ,spazz.
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    The Bash Fuji Thread

    Just fun then?
  11. K

    The Bash Fuji Thread

    Why oh why do you care what FUJI says?
  12. K

    How To Become a TERB Celebrity?

    You are never celebrities.You are no life,bored ,hanging out by the computer ongoing,blabber mouths.(some of you) and you know who you are.
  13. K

    How To Become a TERB Celebrity?

    You're nuts.
  14. K

    Need a heavy duty wire cutter

    Canadian tire
  15. K

    SP's--Are You Lying When You Tell a Guy He is Good Looking?

  16. K

    beware this one ----armed and dangerous

    Exclamation 647 215 7527..... Beware!!! This bitch robbed me!!!!!!!!! I HIGHLY suggest you stay away from this girl!....BOTH SPs AND Hobbiests I get a call/txt earlier tonight asking if I saw girls...I proceeded to accept the call, gave her my address and she came in, said she had to...
  17. K

    I hope we don't see this type of lunacy in Toronto one day ...

    Kick the fuckers out and close the borders to them.This is Canada and we will do as we wish.
Toronto Escorts