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  1. R

    First world problems....

    Lol I feel your pain. I'm at a rental cottage this week that doesn't quite have everything you need. I had to flip burgers with a pie lifter and flip steaks using the tiniest little salad tongs. I got some burnt knuckles for my trouble.
  2. R

    Will you buy a 3D printed gun?

    I get the impression that a lot here aren't familiar with 3D printers and how open source it is. So a quick rundown with regards to this, and how ridiculous the notion is on containing it: Here's a link to the STL files for free - basically the blue prints...
  3. R

    What's the deal with COF?

    From a guy's perspective I don't see how this is enjoyable. I don't have anything against it, I just don't see what the attraction is. If a lady wanted it or if that is how the session was flowing I certainly wouldn't have a problem with it but I wouldn't walk into the session asking for it.
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    Will you buy a 3D printed gun?

    You're right the whole point of this is to have a gun that is untraceable. I don't really understand what legal argument is all about... Well I get it to a point but I think it's futile. The cat is already out of the bag. After a similar thread I downloaded the files just to check out what was...
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    Top 5

    I saw Savannah maybe 6 months ago or so based on the great reviews. Service was good and she was nice so I can't fault her, but there wasn't a lot of personality (as in really no talking) and service and responsiveness seemed pretty mechanical. Chemistry matters a lot to me and it just wasn't...
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    2018 CRV or 2016 RDX

    My experience with Honda is they will admit to, and own a problem, if it's on them. Good for them. I even had regular wear parts replaced out of warranty because they said they tried something new and it didn't work out. Makes for trusting their brand a lot easier. I'd go for a car a couple...
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    Colonoscopy done.

    Wow I never had to drink a gallon of anything, just a packet of powder in a glass of water (twice). The fasting part was easily the worst part of the experience though for sure! Word to the wise - beer qualifies as a clear liquid (the right type anyway)! I woke up part way through mine and I...
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    Air Conditioner Noise - Lesson Learned

    For the OP's situation (and @ Smallcock), could be new units they aren't familiar with all it's quirks yet or could have just been a unique situation to this specific install. Resonances needs everything to be right, a different pipe length or different route may have been enough to throw off a...
  9. R

    Americans can legally download 3-D printed guns starting next month

    I just had a quick look at the STL files for this and I don't see anything that would suggest you need some "high end" 3D printer for this, especially since they are only printing ABS. A lot of 3D printers are hack jobs guys build in their apartments with a very limited compliment of tools...
  10. R

    Favourite Albums of All Time!!

    Back when I had a good stereo put together (I design and build my own speakers) I listened to a lot of stuff I'm not proud of. It was more about the ear candy that showed off how good the speakers were vs. if I actually liked the music much. Basically I was more concerned about the recording...
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    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Ok this isn't making any sense to me... First no she isn't aware yet that I'm thinking of divorcing but she drops hints now and then that I think she is thinking the same thing too. Regardless of that, I would have thought the sale of the house would be the final act in a divorce so the proceeds...
  12. R

    What’s the one move that absolutely does it for ya?

    Pfft, I'd take the first one any day so I'd say you're ahead.
  13. R

    Sad State of Affairs

    I don't know much about your posting history but leaving altogether seems like an extreme response. Yeah there are some caustic members here but there are some good ones too. The trolls can easily be ignored even without actually having to use the ignore button. Some will definitely post rubish...
  14. R

    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Hey Whiskey, thanks a lot for that info. Most of it I have a good idea of, or more so I have a good idea of what's uncertain. Either way more info is better than none so thanks again. The fact that you've been through this before certainly helps, and your last post gives some numbers to go by...
  15. R

    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Thanks for the advice of consulting professionals... A good friend is a real estate agent/broker, another acquaintance is a successful real estate lawyer, both have lots of connections. I have resources to draw on when the time comes. I wanted to hear form people who have actually lived it, what...
  16. R

    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Thanks Jess for trying to get the thread back on track! I certainly wouldn't use the advice here as my only source. However, I'm pretty sure there is a lot of members here that are divorced and must have had to go through finding a house after the fact unless they moved back in with their...
  17. R

    Global firm (We Work) bans meat at company events in effort to be greener

    I don't really think it's forced veganism since fish is still on the menu. This strikes me as someone who makes the policies has guilt issues about the food chain, since they talk about "saving animal lives" or more likely something to look good in front of the media with the added bonus of it...
  18. R

    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Maybe I'm using the wrong terms? I thought alimony was the same as spousal support, if I got it wrong that's what I meant anyway. The calculators I've used shows I will still pay a bit after factoring that in and the child support I would owe. I expect all debts, assets, and equity would be...
  19. R

    Questions about buying first house after a divorce.

    Quick history: - I'm thinking about a divorce in a year and a bit. - We own a home now (durham region). - She makes more than I do - I assume our daughter will stay with her most of the time so I'll be paying child support. - I'm expecting it to be a pretty clean split if it matters. I'm...
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    Wow, sure hard for a Canadian to get back to Canada!

    I can sympathize with this. When I moved back to Canada I felt like a freshly landed immigrant. I was even still a full fledged Canadian citizen, no dual citizenship. I was held at the border for hours, paper work took me a couple weeks of running around, even a waiting period to get back on...
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