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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    From my personal experience, I beg to differ.
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Sure they have, doesn't mean they failure to be reasonable should make you unreasonable. Don't you have a high liberal ground to uphold as an intellectual voting block, instead of that other dumb redneck racist voter from suburbs who love their SUVs?
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Yeah those stupid voters, something should be done about overall intelligence of those pesky voters you disagree with, I heard Eugenics might work wonders!
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Wait, are you saying that current state of marijuana legality doesn't enable crime? Are you on crack?
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    Both are illegal substances, why not?
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    Mayor Rob Ford - Very dignified.

    So I was waiting on someone in the hospital today while watching the witch hunt on cp24. I am just amazed that the hatred and rage blinds the bike lane commies so much they don't realize that at this point they're just victimizing the guy. Just move on, you want him to step down we get it, but...
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    Drunk Man Wakes Up in Body Bag in Morgue After Big Night Out

    LOL that should cure his alcoholism! Are you people going to trash every thread with your obsession, no matter how unrelated it is to him?
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    Woman fired over Halloween costume

    Yeah cyber bullying at it's finest. Except it is ok when you don't like somebody.
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    Breaking : Rob Ford has finally admitted to smoking crack cocaine

    Is there going to be a day when the left attacks Ford on his policies instead of being hell bent on destroying his character instead? Yeah ok fat dumb drunk who smokes crack on his spare time still manages city budget better than his predecessors, just shows how incapable left leaders are.
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    Woman fired over Halloween costume

    Her boss must be a woman, no way a guy would fire this hottie.
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    Should All City Councillors Be Required to be Drug Tested?

    There should be cavity searches performed at City Hall for anyone working there.
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    Milky Way has 8.8 billion Earth-size, Goldilocks zone planets

    Or you can read the article. Looks like Space Lord is losing another round.
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    I want to hang out with Rob Ford

    What an elitist piece of read. I just love all the hate, sometimes I feel like the paper is going to combust when I pick up Toronto Star in the morning. Yeah, that's what businesses look at when they decide to invest, late night TV, that's what apparently drives market forces.
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    I want to hang out with Rob Ford

    Even though I am not from Toronto, crack or no crack he's still much better mayor then David Miller was in my opinion. Having a conservative mayor will do only good for the city, quite honestly why does it matter what he does in his past time? If he smokes crack, or gets pissed drunk, invite...
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    Escorts and Religion

    I already understand your position, selective following of the Bible. And my point to that why the fuck have a holy book, word of God, or religion at all? Seems like all the Christians lately want just the good stuff, with no repercussions whatsoever.
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    The Walking Dead Season 4 Spoilers

    Apparently it has some truth to it. No surprise here, the show is breaking ratings, would make sense to capitalize on it. And some of the ideas are great, and really zombie overrun post apocalyptic world can have...
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    Escorts and Religion

    I guess she was still too high and missed Leviticus 19:28 while reading the bible, along with all the prostitution stuff. A classic hypocrite.
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    The best sex ever!!!!!!!

    Anal. But seriously I like it romantic. Love the feeling of actually making love, then plain fucking PSE style or w/e. But that's me.
Toronto Escorts