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    Are STD's Reported?

    Hi There, I'm just wondering if I go to my family doctor and he tests me for the Chlaymydia, Gonorrhea, HPV, Herpes, etc... or any other type of STI, will this be reported if it is positive for infection? Like will they call my significant other or will this be anonymous? BTW, I'm in Ontario.
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    Have you ever gotten an STD from an experience?

    Back in the day about 2001/2, had a Cameltoe slide from an MP. Couple of weeks later, my ball sack was itching like a mofo, and I had a couple of red pimples at the base of the shaft. Went to the doc, and he gave me some cream for the sack, and the pimples went away by themselves. Since then...
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    change one letter to make a new word

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    Prostate Plunge

    Hello All, Just looking into trying the Prostate Massage thingy. Did a search and found some info on MP's that provide this service. The question for you is, any reservation on your first attempt? Were you worried the MP would hurt or damage your "Walnut"? As well, how does it feel...
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    I hate what RAP/HIP HOP has turned into (for the most part)

    Wuddup Biatch! Kanye West is art....and his work will be remembered and loved 10 years from now. Where as someone like "Akon or 50" will sell more albums now, Kanye will sell more, consistently in the next 10 years. Ya know wut me sayin' biatch? G's Up, Ho's down...
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    cute army girls worldwide

    South Korea!
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    girls that have a nasty smelling pussy

    I remember going with this one girl...sweetest looking thing. But the day finally came when the finger went in for a plunge. It was in the front seat of my car, and when I took my finger out, it was covered in her bodily fluids, and I took a quick whiff...WOOOOOhoooooo.....I was floored by the...
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    White Asian Places, That Asians Love to Go to

    To eat that is.... Tangerine is on Markham rd, and filled with caucasians. The food is also geared towards the Chop Suey type patron. But I'm asian and I love the food there. Any other places? Or is this just a dumb post??
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    I'm heartbroken

    Superman - Eminem
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    Different Ways of Referencing Small Tatas

    I don't like to say a female has "small tits", I like to use alternative words like: Fried Eggs (sunny side up) Or Lemons Any Others?
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    Jennifer Valentyne

    Dina is defn' Hot...but small Fried Egg titties.
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    Jennifer Valentyne

    believe it or not...about 10 years ago, I saw Frankish at Fairbanks with a stack of chips! He was with a girl named Jackie....Believe it or not.
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    Jennifer Valentyne

    Is it me or is she extremely HOT?? Something about her...I've seen her a few years back as a Sunshine Girl, and she's def'n worth a session alone with "palmela" in the washroom with....Sorry, don't mean to be too graphic.[
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    How Does A Married Man Hide His Hobby

    Just curious to know how the married men, or men with live in girlfriends hide their hobbying from their mate? Is the risk worth the reward? And...have you ever caught anything (herpes, chlymedia, etc...), and how did you explain it? Just curious
Toronto Escorts