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    The World Series: Yankees vs. Phillies,198105 I hope the Yankees lose but hell, the notion that money rules might stand true in this finale. Who's your pick?
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    Ultimate Fighting Championships 104: Machida vs Shogun

    Why just not fire these idiot judges and find ones who understand the sport?
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    Biggie Smalls.
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    Ultimate Fighting Championships 104: Machida vs Shogun

    LOL so true! Dunno about that one. Shogun CLEARLY won the match. Live audience usually don't boo unless they know it was a very poor call. Shogun came back from a broken arm, 2 knee surgeries, and all the criticism and pressure in the world and beat a champion that hadn't been even touched let...
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    Ultimate Fighting Championships 104: Machida vs Shogun

    Agreed. Shogun won at least 4 out of 5 rounds. Machida did absolutely nothing to defend his title. My hats out to Shogun, finally someone from Pride showing they have some.
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    Could you retire on one million dollars

    I think I'm much too ambitious to ever retire anyway... I'm on the path to make passive income. I'll make a million dollars WHILE I'm doing what I'm enjoying, which is making more $ :)
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    Ultimate Fighting Championships 104: Machida vs Shogun

    I like Shogun but Machida is Machida... he's pretty much untouchable. He gets hit ONCE every 2.5 rounds, lol how's that for a stat for you? If it goes the distance, he'll get hit twice? Shogun better make those 2 shots count. And if anybody really thinks Rothwell will beat Valesquez, you're...
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    How much does a 7 sec kiss with Charlize Theron cost????

    Was there any tongue involved? Where's the video dammit?
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    is the best breast HERE?

    lol agreed! Although, the asian women here shave... right ladies? :)
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    Alcohol suspected in high-speed crash that killed 3 - car was travelling at 200 km/h

    This is the sad reality of the Canadian legal system. I've never driven 200km/h on the highway let alone a city street... This fool kills 3 people and will probably get away with a slap on the wrist. This also reminds me of the idiots who raced to Wasaga a few summers ago, speeding, weaving in...
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    Saw 6 Teaser Trailer Looks interesting that's for sure.
Toronto Escorts