Recent content by doggystyle99

  1. D

    Will you take the COVID-19 vaccine?

    I am just really glad after 18 years of being on this site you finally learned how to use the reply the button when posting 😂
  2. D

    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    Only in the mind of “Very Stable Genius” COVIDIOTS are peer reviewed studies false, real world examples and results not true...but a random looney tune youtubers anecdotal evidence the truth. Clearly visible whose as dumb as a bag of hammers. :ROFLMAO:
  3. D

    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    You are the one spreading conspiracy theory garbage because you saw some random Youtube or social media video make some anecdotal claims and you believed it. Again try to deal with facts I know it's extremely hard for you to do so but at least try. :ROFLMAO:
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    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    Which part of lockdowns work, masks work, social distancing works, contact tracing works, vaccines works is your bandwidth having an issue with?
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    New Russian Threat

    Russia specifically Putin is hell bent on destroying the USA's democracy, and in my opinion rightfully so, furthermore he will succeed in doing it. Putin has found the USA's weakness and is exploiting it, this has benefited China the most financially and in terms of super power status, and...
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    16-year-old boy dies of COVID-19 in Montreal hospital

    Like I said try to be original rather than repeating other people's posts who found a meme.
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    Sweden did much worse than its Nordic neighbours

    MrUnknown. Yes please read very slowly and see if you understand the following important facts that are more significant than what you posted. "Twenty-one of the 30 countries with available statistics had higher excess mortality than Sweden. However, Sweden did much worse than its Nordic...
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    16-year-old boy dies of COVID-19 in Montreal hospital

    Oh no that hurt so bad, you didn't even make it up yourself and had to steal it from a meme to which someone else posted first. Try to be original People who can't understand scientific data or don't...
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    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    Some "Very Stable Geniuses"
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    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    Stop listening and repeating fuckwads like Mark Dice and Trump's frat house fockboi Sucker Carlson. Again lockdowns work, masks work, social distancing works, contact tracing works. And so do vaccines only uneducated imbeciles cannot understand that it works and is needed to protect the population.
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    16-year-old boy dies of COVID-19 in Montreal hospital

    I get it simple math is too hard for some, so since you didn't understand it the first time here it is again and I did the math for you. 1-1,000,000 people at a best case and 1-100,000 people. With Canada's population of 37,000,000+ that would mean possibly 37-370 total blood clots from the...
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    Sweden did much worse than its Nordic neighbours

    In their COVIDIOT mind Sweden achieved herd immunity in April...........April of 2020 :ROFLMAO: Herd immunity worked so well
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    16-year-old boy dies of COVID-19 in Montreal hospital

    Educate yourself, yes the Astrazeneca vaccine causes blood clots at a best case scenario in 1-1,000,000 people and at a worst case scenario in 1-100,000 So much to be concerned about the vaccine while downplaying the actual threat and effects of COVID.......Just like a COVIDIOT is programmed to...
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    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    You ain’t got a clue what those recorded number of blood clots are. They happen with the AstraZeneca vaccine At a best case scenario in 1-1,000,000 people At a worst case scenario in 1-100,000 people If you were able to do basic math you would have realized that with Canada’s population of some...
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    DoFo says another lockdown 'on the 'table'

    Nah only Youtubers, conspiracy theorist looney tunes who you’ve subscribed to on Fake Fox & Friends and social media tell the truth and care about the people :ROFLMAO:
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