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Recent content by Bare.50

  1. B

    Full school vouchers for all

    The teachers union MMMMM???? there’s an idea. They are one of the most lucrative unions in Canada. Why don’t they invest in Public education? (Maybe they do) Seems like they might have a good influence on our future Rocket scientists No facts just a thought that popped into my head.
  2. B

    A Crude Awakening (The Oil Crash) -"People need to see this movie"

    This debate has been going on forever. In bars at party’s, wherever knowledgeable people meet. Or at least the ones that think they know it all. The demand for oil is real. But not necessary. Once people feel they have the right to this non renewable commodity. They tend to be more possessive...
  3. B

    How do you decide??

    This may sound like relationship suicide. But try showing each one your bad side. Depending on how they handel it may help your decision. Not an easy position to be in. Good luck Bare
  4. B

    Cougar Bar???

    Thats why they pay for it . They cant close the deal in the cougar bar. Sorry guys I just couldnt resit. This thread was set up to hit out of the park. Just had to do it Bare
  5. B

    How to write

    For the Select Few not the Masses Listen to yourselves; you people are the most narcissistic bunch of People around. You sit there in judgment of people who don’t participate in your childish degradation. And wonder why the average person won’t enable your sick need. You hide behind a...
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