I am a Canadian, but anyway.
Zero, not at all.
I am however worried about USA invading Denmark.
You said I was a mean SOB elsewhere. Probably where I called you a washed up old curmudgeon. I did, and do so because you are a cowardly ("I am not a fighter" in another post you made) Putin and right wing mouthpeice, living in the freedom of a country, Canada, whose very policies of standing up for democracy and freedom for ALL humans are the ONLY reason YOU are here, and Germany didn't roll over the country you fled.
I sure am a mean SOB when it comes to calling out people of your ilk. If they are young, I just think they are niave. If they are just weak minded being fed tasty bullshit, I pity them.
But a man your age, being such a self-admitted cowardly SELFISH old man is deserving of virtual bitch slaps and being dressed down.
HERE is a
real man, elderly, brave, wise, respectful and deserving of respect. I
respect people who care for their fellow humans. Not just themselves.
U.S. Marine Carl Spurlin Dekle, a 100-year-old World War II veteran, broke down while reflecting on the state of America. Dekle passed away shortly after thi...