Which one of trumps two genders is neutral ?I prefer they use a gender neutral washroom.
I hope that clears it up
Which one of trumps two genders is neutral ?I prefer they use a gender neutral washroom.
I hope that clears it up
Look at how he ruined America's credibility and have made all negotiations worthlessOnly people who don't like him for biased reasons think he's clueless.
if you suspend that bias, you'll realize that he's very good at setting the stage for negotiations that will benefit his country.
Look what he made Canada and Mexico do to fix border security...just with words.
Crazy like a fox.
Right.Look at how he ruined America's credibility and have made all negotiations worthless
Its Netanyahu, the war criminal wanted for extermination, that keeps breaking the deals and ceasefires.Right.
Negotiating with Trump is like negotiating with Hamas.
You can't trust what he says, and he is likely to break whatever deal he has agreed to, according to how he feels in any particular moment.
Also, back to Hamas/Israel (sorry for using that as an example in this thread), what happened to Trump's "hell to pay" threat if Hamas didn't return all the hostages two Saturdays ago, or whenever his stated deadline was?
At some point, either you back up your threats with concrete action, or the threats become something your adversary will not take seriously.
Everybody knows Trump's playbook is his "art of the deal", where he threatens something extreme, and then settles for something less extreme that the other side may not like, but will tolerate.
The only trouble with that is, in time, your adversaries will figure out your modus operandi, and that negotiating technique will stop working altogether.
The Orange Dickhead just tried that with Canada yesterday, when he offered to lower the tariffs 50% if Canada totally dropped our own tariffs. Justin just laughed and told Trump to go fuck himself.Right.
Negotiating with Trump is like negotiating with Hamas.
You can't trust what he says, and he is likely to break whatever deal he has agreed to, according to how he feels in any particular moment.
Also, back to Hamas/Israel (sorry for using that as an example in this thread), what happened to Trump's "hell to pay" threat if Hamas didn't return all the hostages two Saturdays ago, or whenever his stated deadline was?
At some point, either you back up your threats with concrete action, or the threats become something your adversary will not take seriously.
Everybody knows Trump's playbook is his "art of the deal", where he threatens something extreme, and then settles for something less extreme that the other side may not like, but will tolerate.
The only trouble with that is, in time, your adversaries will figure out your modus operandi, and that negotiating technique will stop working altogether.
Please leave your stupid, off-topic, woke bullshit out of this thread.Which one of trumps two genders is neutral ?
Don't be silly...I'm not talking about the US economy...I'm talking about Canada's.WTF is Millions to a Trillion dollar economy? We spend more on dental care.
Why are we still getting tariffs if we agree to cover the border? Because he needs the money to cover for his lies.
He can't find $2 trillion in saving. Or am I being biased, right?
He's not a master negotiator, he's a conman and you are getting conned.
He's going to lead the stupid down the path of destruction, just like his last term.
Get conned by a con artist my friend.
Wow you are an angry little man. Do you talk to your mon that way when she doesn't heat up your milk enough at night when she tucks you in ?Please leave your stupid, off-topic, woke bullshit out of this thread.
Thanks very much
Ruined?Look at how he ruined America's credibility and have made all negotiations worthless
See you don't even know the numbers you defend.Don't be silly...I'm not talking about the US economy...I'm talking about Canada's.
It's actually more like over a $1 billion on border security that he had Canada spend without spending a single dollar of his own to make Canada do that.
It's also funny that people are freaking out over tariffs when you can't even buy beer from another province without paying tariffs and we have a PM that "stepped down" yet still clings to power.
You're being played and you're angry at the wrong person. The propaganda is working on you apparently.
Everything from you is just a retweet from Conservative propagandists. It’s clear that you have no original thoughts for yourself and is easily manipulated by propaganda. You are not a smart man and it’s actually annoying seeing your mindless retweetsFox News criticizing Justin.......LMAO
China, Mexico, Canada have said they will do retaliation Tariffs. How is that appeasing the US?Ruined?
But everyone is tripping over themselves to appease the US? Is that what you call "ruined"? Lol!
You guys need to take a course on what business is. You get too emotional and confuse business with perception.