The system has been fueled by an extremely woke federal govt that teamed with the NDP for two terms. Of course it is broken
It IS about woke and political correctness getting in the way of doing what is necessary.
We cannot blame the system anymore - canada is amongst the leaders in the world in providing equal opportunity and inclusion for all groups. We have room to be better of course. But if one can earn more money pursuing a life of crime, with no real risk of getting caught, of course we are in the spot we are in now. And these instances of random crime. as horrific as they are ( likely related to mental health) are just the tip of the iceberg. Car theft, smash and grab I jewellery stores, break and enters in to people’s homes, gang crime - these are the big issues that are getting worse. Total disregard for laws, police and society
Somehow being hard on crime became inhumane.
somehow it became racist to acknowledge that (frankly) POC communities are ravaged by growing systemic crime - impeding the ability to focus more police and social intervention and resources in these communities
Somehow society wanted to de-police instead of listening to on-the-ground police officers that deal-with and interact with criminals daily - police see how the politicalization of crime policy towards the left is the problem
Do you really think this is an issue that only came to a head in the past 2 terms? When it comes to serious crime, Canada has always been seen as a joke with the light slap on the wrists it’ll give out. If we want to look at this case as wokeness going too far, that concept sort of contradicts this instance. If anything, this kind of supports the idea that white men can get away with pretty much anything, short of killing someone.
Individually, I think you make a lot of good points, like community resources being an important factor in deterring people from going down the wrong paths to begin with. And how, as a society, mental health issues aren’t really dealt with until they culminate in serious ways, but at that point, what extent could that individual be helped? In the case of violent crimes, probably not at all. Especially if we’re talking about sex-related crimes, which statistically, don’t show any hope of rehabilitation.
Those that are in support of police reform, are looking for just that. Police play a necessary role in a functioning society. Or, at least they should. However, that doesn’t detract from the fact that there are a lot of tyrants who will be obsessed with authority, that are drawn to those kinds of positions. Just look at the number of people in that industry that are domestic abusers. Putting anyone up on a pedestal without examination is a dangerous game, and holding police accountable that have abused their power, shouldn’t be taboo. For sake of decrying wokeness, we’ve massively moved off-topic. These things can absolutely be related, but in this instance, it pulls things in so many different directions that don’t really look to add up at any point.