First, regardless of the impact on the sex work industry, "I’m all for higher tariffs both ways” is a pretty wild statement from a guy telling others that we have no understanding of economics. North American economies are so now interconnected that 25% tariffs have the potential to devastate all three countries. Have a look at the statements from the BOC during their latest interest rate setting, and settle in for a hell of a lot more than a short term bump in your portfolio if the orange clown continues with this tariff nonsense.
Second, lots of ladies on the higher end of the spectrum already see a significant portion of their clients coming from the US. Have a look back at their social media to the hight of the pandemic and the days of closed borders, many were lamenting the loss of their best clients. Just a guess, but I suspect that sex tourism to Canada will be even more attractive in the future, for all levels of the spectrum. It looks like you haven’t been a member for long, but several TERB members are Americans who come to Canada to see high end ladies for a fraction of the $$ it would cost them at home. One such gentlemen I communicate with has told me even factoring in flights and hotels he can have multi hour dates with some of Toronto’s finest for less than half of what he would spend at home, and with less legal risk.
I was just stating a fact. Tariffs level the playing field otherwise the majority of the majority of the working class will out of jobs in the short distant future.
This industry for the higher end ladies is for Men/Women with a higher disposable income (which the supposed 25% increase will have next to little impact). The ladies who can summon the higher end of the pay scale can do so, because they built up their brand and higher end clientele.
The higher end clientele are very picky and don't fuss around. For the members are the lower end, they will see less or shorten their session length or lower their standards.
The global shutdown (pandemic) is not the same or anywhere close to this comparison. Americans can still choose to fly to Canada to visit a lady vs flying them to their location.
Now I am not sure if you or others were impacted by the pandemic (it had little impact for me outside of not being able to travel for a bit), but it did stop me from seeing a select few independents locally. You don't think the Americans with disposable wealth don't fly to South America or South East Asia where they will get more bang for the buck? Your gentleman that you communicate with lives in a $$$ major US city where it can be very pricey.
P.S. Don't assume, just because my handle is a "New Member" makes be a newbie on this board. I am a dual citizen.