These are the same discussions we had during the summer, where you argued it was pointless to try to change the system through protest or political pressure.Ahh, so you completely misunderstand my argument.
At this point I am just going to assume it is willful obtuseness at this point.
You repeatedly argued that only voting counts and it was wasting your vote if you didn't pick one of Harris or trump.
I repeatedly warned that Gaza could be a deciding factor and that Harris was likely to lose the election over the issue.
On the contrary, I supported trying to force change in all ways. Through protests, through political pressure, through the courts and all manners possible. That trying to change the party was the only way to make the dems electable.I think it is a lost cause, here.
He is strongly opposed to working to change the system for the better.
You repeatedly said that the only thing that counted was voting to keep trump out of power.
Now trump is in power.