]The Libs may go too far left for political correctness, but I believe that the Liberal ceiling for tolerance of Trudeau is much lower than that of Republicans for trump. Just the fact that a number of Lib members of parliament spoke up publicly and forced Trudeau to resign is evidence of that
The rats know when the ship is sinking
A cult would not do that.
Sure they will a whole pile of Nazis made their way to South America
a rats survival instinct kicks in
I know Trudeau had low ratings but he'd never actually lost an election
a national curse and shame
The GoP would never speak out about trump like that because they're either afraid of or a part of the cult.
He lost an election
your logic is not aligned with your hypothesis
unless you are willing to concede the abnormally and very unique high vote count in 2022 was indeed ballot box stuffing by the democrats to overcome the cults devotion vote
As we speak, their lips remain zipped as trump is turning the US upside down. He will try to retain power 4 years from now.
people generally vote in their own best interest
if Trump is successful he will retain support
if he is not, he wont
He did learn something from his first go round, and upgraded the his team
it would require something along the lines of a constitutional change to allow him to run for a 3rd term
4 years is a long time when your 78 years old , apparently he is a workaholic.
a whole lot is going to happen before a third term becomes a real question
At this point, I prefer to agree to disagree with your point of view. I highly doubt that we'll meet in the middle.
I shall remain eternally optimistic I can help you become incrementally more enlightened.
do not worry , i am not a fan of Trumps (nasty personality), however the left has become scary and require a tap back towards the center to ensure a viable and realistic alternative
Elon musk is opening up the kimono on them and their corruption is going to haunt the democrats
hopefully that is the required tap.
perhaps one day the republicans will require a tap back towards the center.
it is of the utmost importance for a successful democracy to have viable credible choices for the electorate to choose from
you say Trump supporters are a cult, i say the democrats lost the election because they drifted too far left and made a mess of it
Just as a p.s. type of question, do you think that the Liberal party of Canada will elect a leader that is more or less left wing than Trudeau
You should ask the WEF that question
Old Klaus Swab was so proud they had penetrated (his words not mine) the Canadian Liberal cabinet with so many WEF members
it looks like its Carney.
and he wants to offload the consumer carbon tax burden onto the corporate sector
while trump is going to cut the tax burden on the US corporate sector
jobs, companies and investment dollars will flow south.to the US
Carney has spoke of UBI , a great ideologically driven gift to the electorate, but a recipe for economic disaster
I truly believe, that Canada absolutely must elect Pierre P in order to not get run over economically by Trump
There is no guarantee Pierre P can prevent that from happening, but we will have fighting chance with him.
Another liberal govt will put Canadian unity at great risk as well. Alberta has had enough of the Trudeau family , they wont stand for Trudeau 3.0