Freezing government monies that run the air traffic control, causing confusion and anxiety in the ranks, along with hiring a drunkard Sec Def with no experience running any agency with any competence showed itself with the otherwise inexplicable tragedy last night. The failure of Trump or his people to know what each agency does, or care about what they do, is sowing chaos which caused the first of many disasters to come when competent experienced people are replaced by loyalists with no skills nor experience in the jobs into which they are appointed. Nobody knows what they're doing anymore, be led by people who don't know either! Our leaders are spending their time seeking out enemies rather than organizing proper flight plans. It's only going to get worse. Thus Trump has blood on his hands already.
Got your attention, eh?
Now, for real, I don't believe what I wrote above at all, except it was a tragedy. To blame this incident on Trump etc is entirely unfair and at least for now dead wrong. Incompetent government (leaders or employees) is a problem, but for now no evidence for that here.
But we just lived through 4 years of nonstop attacks on anything and everything bad being caused by Biden.
Right now if mitch was left of centre he would be posting tweets literally every 10 minutes blaming this on Biden or DEI for the tragedy and killing Americans. And this would go on for days. I'm sure some left wingers might give this a try to copy the right wing firehose model and go on about Trump's war on the US Government and messing with the DoD causing this.. But what I wrote is entirely parallel to that idea.
But we got subjected to 4 years of this.
Supply chains shut down by pandemic, causing delays and inflation world-wide? Bidens fault.
Trump signing a deal to cut oil production to keep prices higher for oil companies, then pandemic clears and gas prices go through roof? Bidens fault. Gas prices are now way down? Woops, Not Bidens fault. Must have been some other factor.
Bird flu causes millions of chickens to be sacrificed so egg prices rise? Bidens fault.
Bird flu causes millions of chickens to be sacrificed so egg prices rise under Trump? Bird flu or Bidens fault.
Anyhow, praying for the families of the victims.
Got your attention, eh?
Now, for real, I don't believe what I wrote above at all, except it was a tragedy. To blame this incident on Trump etc is entirely unfair and at least for now dead wrong. Incompetent government (leaders or employees) is a problem, but for now no evidence for that here.
But we just lived through 4 years of nonstop attacks on anything and everything bad being caused by Biden.
Right now if mitch was left of centre he would be posting tweets literally every 10 minutes blaming this on Biden or DEI for the tragedy and killing Americans. And this would go on for days. I'm sure some left wingers might give this a try to copy the right wing firehose model and go on about Trump's war on the US Government and messing with the DoD causing this.. But what I wrote is entirely parallel to that idea.
But we got subjected to 4 years of this.
Supply chains shut down by pandemic, causing delays and inflation world-wide? Bidens fault.
Trump signing a deal to cut oil production to keep prices higher for oil companies, then pandemic clears and gas prices go through roof? Bidens fault. Gas prices are now way down? Woops, Not Bidens fault. Must have been some other factor.
Bird flu causes millions of chickens to be sacrificed so egg prices rise? Bidens fault.
Bird flu causes millions of chickens to be sacrificed so egg prices rise under Trump? Bird flu or Bidens fault.
Anyhow, praying for the families of the victims.