C'mon.Actually you couldn't be more wrong. Rich Americans are going to have a higher propensity to consume imported goods. Many rich Americans work for multinational firms with large overseas footprints and as importantly have investments in these multinational firms.
The anti-tariff debate ignores any benefit to domestic manufacturing employment of which the working class is the main beneficiary. Even if you argue tariffs won't help employment at all, the increased government revenue can be used to offset other taxes on Americans.
The tariff debate is a dynamic discussion. Tariff opponents deliberately want people to view the tariffs in isolation as a cost without considering any other impact on the economy.
It's basic math that the poor shoulder an unduly high tax burden with a non-progressive tax system. We all know this, Earp. That's why the billionaires all want to abolish income tax and replace it with consumption taxes.
And if I thought for a second that tariffing China and Mexico would bring the car factories back to Oshawa and Windsor, I'd support them. But those factories will never come back. All that'll happen is that the poor will pay 25% more for everything they buy and essentially support the government, while Soros and Musk'll pay no income tax.
It's a corrupt fuckover. Like everything Trump and the GOP do.