Before people repeat silly rhetoric, they could learn a lot by trying to counter the argument they are trying to make.Ready?
In absolute terms less illegals means less crime.
What part of that don't you get.
If Toronto had 100 murders, but only 10 by illegals, so what, it would be 10 less murders in the city. That's the point.
And sanctuary cities let criminals go who WERE CAUGHT doing lesser crimes, that doesn't mean they didn't commit harsher crimes they weren't caught for. And either way, they committed A CRIME. That makes them detrimental, not a net asset.
You are absolutely right Butler. People don't see some analysis of relative crimes by illegals. They only see the crimes committed by the illegals. They only see a young woman murdered at the University of Georgia.
The "Sanctuary" city status has been bastardized over the decades. In the 1970s and 80s, it meant that migrants could call the police for help and make use of city services without having to fear being deported. Now it has become some sort of unofficial permanency regardless if you committed a crime.