I don't view her as fighting for her country. She is a self intersted CUNT, any fool can see that. All she is fighting for is Danielle Smith.
"any fool can see that ?"
you certainly qualify as a fool
D. Smith has a responsibility to look out for the Interests of the province of Alberta
Interests that have been undermined by the Prime Fool Minister Justin Trudeau and the fools that believe in him FOR 9 YEARS
Trudeau never understood his number one responsibility of holding this country together. and again the result's are disastrous
D. Smith is also fighting for Canada via an approach with a much higher probability of success
Now Scott Moe of Saskatchewan wont support the Trudeau Team Canada approach if it means export Tariffs or supply restriction on energy from his province either
You should really focus on the in fighting within your soon to be decimated Liberal Party ,
now there is a whole pile of self-interested cunts.
the redacted will become unredacted.
The filthy dirty laundry that is going to get aired about this liberal party is going to be sickening.
You may need to find a new party to lie for