Say goodbye to universal healthcare. It is insane to think of all of Canada being one state... maybe 12, but still, no friggin way.
just be clear i do not want Canada to become the 51st state. No, No and No again. (finally sometime we agree upon)
but, you are delusional if you think universal healthcare is sustainable in a stand alone Canada
we have an aging population , which is going to drive up utilization rates
we now have a much bigger population, thanks to the fool Justin
medical inflation is historically double CPI
and our productivity per capita has staled out
and both Federal & provincial governments are handcuffed by debt thanks to the loonie left
Justin spent the new health care money for several decades to come
universal healthcare in Canada will fall apart within your lifetime, likely when you need it the most
responsible restraint would have been prudent , but you wanted to give the public purse to a playboy moron and an irresponsible Granny Wynn
this is the point when you ask yourself ' What have I done?"