Yes he is a con.
Nothing pioneering about EVs. The first cars were all EVs dating back to the 1890s.
Tesla: Did not found it. Simply invested in it, pushed out the original engineers and founders and then calls himself chief engineer or whatever title.
Paypal: Did not found it. It started as Zip2, which changed name to, merged with confinity founded by Peter Thiel, and then acquired by eBay and renamed to PayPal.
Calling himself engineer: He knows nothing about engineering. He does not even have an engineering degree. When he started Zip2, he apparently wrote code. But his code had to be scrapped in its entirety because it was so crappy.
Rockets: Except for landing boosters, nothing innovative there. Heck the reusable booster concept is nothing new either. NASA used to recover their boosters from the sea. NASA sent a man to the moon in 1969 with analog computers. Top that!
Neurotech:The first BCI research and tech goes back to the 70s. Nothing new there either.
He is a good marketer.
Thats about it.
Nothing he says is new or unheard of.
He just makes it sound profound.
His latest con - 1M people on Mars by 2050.
Lol. Good luck with that.
too funny
you could nitpick the same way about Bill Gates , Steve Jobs, Warren Buffet, Edison and a myriad of others
it would require a hyper critical nature and likely a bias against people who have been financially successful
success requires more than just having a good idea
you need to identify a market demand for the good idea, now or in the near future
then you need to co-ordinate the resources (people, materials, equipment, IT . legal and $$$) to develop, test. modify, package, price, promote and deliver the good idea to the market and stay current in the market
very few people have the energy, drive, interpersonal skills, problem solving skills and vision to accomplish this
far more good ideas get derailed along this path way than actually become a commercial success
a single bad decision or a frustrating delay can result in missing the window of opportunity.
decisions by others can mess things up
not understanding how the market will evolve is also critical
- Research in Motion had a ground breaking idea and enjoyed temporary success , but mistakenly thought voice communication would be too data intensive
- Nicolas Tesla was a brilliant scientist but lacked other skills
- Robertson had the best screw head idea which should have become the standard, but he could not do a deal with Henry Ford
- I know of someone who invent a gadget that could pick open any lock made by a major lock manufacture. He was offered a pittance for the rights / patent by the lock maker who also indicate they would sue him into oblivion if he tried to market his good idea
the proof is in the success in the market
Elon Musk is not a con man