postal strike looming ?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I know; I'm just having a laugh at the sense of self-importance I read from that curmudgeonly post.
Except there was no sense of self importance, you are reading more into it then there is.

Phil C. McNasty

Go Jays Go
Dec 27, 2010
Strike starts today (n)



Lotsa things to think about
Jul 19, 2021
Letter mail - I get maybe a letter a month.
My utility bills are all online now. Property tax snail mail comes in February but that is a while yet.

I feel for the folks in the less urban areas where the Amazons etc do not deliver with there own/at close arms lenth delivery fleets, and rely on only Canada Post to deliver thier packages.

And in Canada's Arctic there is actually a subsidized food mail postal rate which is how some food gets to its destination via air except for the last mile.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2010
I despise both the union and the management at Canada Post, but I think the union is way off this time. They are losing close to a billion each year and they want a 23% wage increase when mail volumes are declining? Snap out of it, fools! Crippling business at the crucial Christmas rush is stupid and also cruel for small businesses across the country. Let them hire part time drivers for weekends instead of paying your regular staff double time. I would go to every other day mail delivery and have each carrier do 2 walks. They used to use a mail bag all the time... now most of them just carry a small handfull of mail .


Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
They are going to price themselves out of a job with the crazy wage demands.The others are just waiting to pickup the business that they know people will use because its the biggest shipping time of the year.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I hope they get what they want. They see ever other useless Federal employee union get sweetheart deals.

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
I was watching the news the other night, sort of in the background, so I might be mistaken. Anyway, they had some talking head on there and if I heard him correctly, and I'm pretty sure I did, the Canada Post workers have some cost of living adjustment already in their contracts. So If inflation is 5% a year (say), they get a 5% raise no matter what and it's paid out quarterly, or their salaries go up quaterly (I'm not sure which).

The 11 percent raise over 4 years (if I'm correct on that number) that Management is offering is ON TOP of the cost of living adjustment that they are guaranteed to get.

So if all of this is true, that's a pretty sweet deal and I don't understand what they are bitching about.

Now as to Canada Post as a thing, they do need to reimagine the way they do business. No doubt about that. HOWEVER, I don't expect them to balance the books. I'm the first guy to support the private sector (cause I work in the private sector and always have), BUT, I understand that there ares some things I don't mind the government taking responsibility for - like water, sewage, health care (definitely not cleaning of gov't offices, and DEFINITELY NOT picking up garbage, but I digress.) Anyway, if you've ever lived or worked in a remote part of the country (and I have) you will know just how vital Canada Post is. They will get a letter to some dot on the map in the Northwest Territories for the same price as from Toronto to Pickering. So I will give them a pass on not balancing the books. But they should at least try.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I was watching the news the other night, sort of in the background, so I might be mistaken. Anyway, they had some talking head on there and if I heard him correctly, and I'm pretty sure I did, the Canada Post workers have some cost of living adjustment already in their contracts. So If inflation is 5% a year (say), they get a 5% raise no matter what and it's paid out quarterly, or their salaries go up quaterly (I'm not sure which).

The 11 percent raise over 4 years (if I'm correct on that number) that Management is offering is ON TOP of the cost of living adjustment that they are guaranteed to get.

So if all of this is true, that's a pretty sweet deal and I don't understand what they are bitching about.

Now as to Canada Post as a thing, they do need to reimagine the way they do business. No doubt about that. HOWEVER, I don't expect them to balance the books. I'm the first guy to support the private sector (cause I work in the private sector and always have), BUT, I understand that there ares some things I don't mind the government taking responsibility for - like water, sewage, health care (definitely not cleaning of gov't offices, and DEFINITELY NOT picking up garbage, but I digress.) Anyway, if you've ever lived or worked in a remote part of the country (and I have) you will know just how vital Canada Post is. They will get a letter to some dot on the map in the Northwest Territories for the same price as from Toronto to Pickering. So I will give them a pass on not balancing the books. But they should at least try.
Just curious, what government agency picks up curb side garbage?


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Got a email from a bank I deal with. They are suggesting I go to paperless and automatic billing. I already have for non post office reasons but every time they pull stuff like this they will lose more user base. They are pretty much a delivery of packages [which others do] and junk mail as it is.

They are going to price themselves out of a job with the crazy wage demands.The others are just waiting to pickup the business that they know people will use because its the biggest shipping time of the year.
They can't price themselves out, the feds will pay the difference. This is why public sector unions are a bit of a problem [well one reason, they are also productivity killers].

james t kirk

Well-known member
Aug 17, 2001
Just curious, what government agency picks up curb side garbage?
City of Toronto Local 416, everything east of Yonge Street.

They used to collect everything in Toronto except Etobicoke, but Rob Ford ran on the promise to privatize collection for the entire City of Toronto. Unfortunately, he was only able to privatize the west end.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
City of Toronto Local 416, everything east of Yonge Street.

They used to collect everything in Toronto except Etobicoke, but Doug Ford ran on the promise to privatize collection for the entire City of Toronto. Unfortunately, he was only able to privatize the west end.
I had no idea Toronto was like that( I don't live in the GTA).
Where I live it's always been contracted out.


Well-known member
Jan 5, 2012
I’m sure this has been mentioned but I don’t mind the strike. 95% of my life is paperless. All the strike has done to me is I don’t have junk mail cluttering up my from hall.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I have some clients that still mail me cheques monthly. I'm going to have to get on top of them to either enter the age of wireless banking or pay for a courier. This strike isn't going to end anytime soon according to my Canada Post buddy.
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