Border security also entails eliminating incentives to cross the border. When the progressive Democrats argue that we need to fix the immigration system, they are merely arguing that we need to let more people in legally. Legalize more and you will have less of an illegal immigration problem. Huh?You cannot deport them either.
So let it be viewed as encouraging illegal immigration. Its okay.
Fix your border security, it will discourage and even out.
So the best is to give them citizenship and fix your immigration system and border security.
You will always have illegal immigration.
It is not ever going to be 0.
As you said, you will always have illegal immigration. Authorizing more legal residencies will not do anything for the problem of illegal residency.
I've had this argument with a few members here. The U.S. currently is at or near its historical high for percentage of foreign-born residents. Relative to the rest of the G-7, it's a high number.
Now Shaq, I have this crazy, crazy stay with me now. How bout we let the citizens of our country decide what they think the proper level of immigration should be and hold our governments to work towards that goal?