Ashley Madison



A voice of common sense.
Sep 15, 2008
No one's saying that you have to avoid all the bad triggers forever. But if you know you have a date with a provider that you're really into and you want her to actually enjoy swallowing then clean up your diet in the days leading up. Definitely hydrate on water I can't stress that more than enough. And bare minimum the pineapple juice.

But yeah the good kind of negates the bad or vice versa sort of. It's the same way as if you went jogging to the LCBO and then drink a bottle of wine 😜
Well, I must be doing something right because I've received compliments on the taste when the lady, or ladies, swallowed.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
If you want us to accept it then just try to make it taste good. Like bad sperm is tantamount to the shit they make you eat on fear factor. Some of it is unspeakable. Asking us to just accept it no matter how bad it tastes is the reason why nobody wants to swallow
if you assume I taste bad just say no. I will not see you and that's fine.

i for one cook a lot, eat mainly a veggie diet not because i am vegetarian but because you can do so much with vegetables. And did culinary school years ago. Occasional meat like marinated chicken, a lot of sushi and sometimes red meet like duck or beef. Ok ok once in a while i hit Mcdonald because a sausages/egg mcmuffin is fucking awesome 😷

do i eat well just to think that my cemen will taste good? No. Not at all. Never had a girl saying i taste bad. It never crossed my mind actually. Yes some girl spit it out. Yet i found it better than finishing in a piece of rubber. But that's just me i guess 😉
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Well-known member
Sep 21, 2016
I love that you are sharing this, and more so love your perspective and your outlook/ sense of humour as you educate us.

So here’s a question, what if a guy has been snipped and there are no “swimmers” at all? Does that impact things? 🤔
I have to mention again that I have no scientific background so I don't want to be speaking to things I'm not sure of.

And I was in no way trying to insinuate that anybody on here had bad tasting swimmers. I'm just a very assertive person and I straight up will admit that I've tasted more than my fair share of bad batches.

Swallowing should be fun for both of us.


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2016
Not possible. Where do the hydrogen ions go that make lemon acid in the first place? Makes no sense.

No offence intended, but this sounds like pseudoscience.

Your body keeps its pH verrrrry tightly regulated. If it was to become much more alkaline, you’d be very sick/ dead.
Let's just take all the science out of it okay. Pretend science doesn't exist

Let's pretend that the only thing we have to go on is the specimen doing the swallowing. I'm telling you for my experience what has made sperm taste better.

Just some fun little tips and tricks to try.

You know if you do care about your back tasting good and you want to be courteous these are some tips. The same way I wouldn't just expect a guy to accept the fact that I ate a bushel of asparagus before I gave him a golden shower. It's just courtesy on my end


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Let's just take all the science out of it okay. Pretend science doesn't exist

Let's pretend that the only thing we have to go on is the specimen doing the swallowing. I'm telling you for my experience what has made sperm taste better.

Just some fun little tips and tricks to try.

You know if you do care about your back tasting good and you want to be courteous these are some tips. The same way I wouldn't just expect a guy to accept the fact that I ate a bushel of asparagus before I gave him a golden shower. It's just courtesy on my end
You are absolutely right. Apologies for derailing the thread. 😊


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
Oh I was in no way trying to insinuate that you were derailing. More just reiterating that I'm not a scientist. 😘
For a non scientist you have accumulated quite a sample size of semen, and been able to draw conclusions on things men can do to improve the taste! You may not have a PhD, but I’d support you being awarded an honorary doctorate in semenology! 😂


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Not possible. Where do the hydrogen ions go that make lemon acid in the first place? Makes no sense.

No offence intended, but this sounds like pseudoscience.
By the time the enzymes in your stomach are done with the food you've swallowed, it is broken down into so many different forms, segments, chemicals, ions etc. and then absorbed into different areas of the body, IMO, it sounds very possible.


Well-known member
Jan 10, 2016
Are there ladies who think cum tastes good? That’s a real question. Like, if I eat a good diet, will it actually taste good? Or will it just be less bad?
Its all in girls consent, or not, but cum will taste the same even if you ate a complete pineapple or if you had a steak/fries with wine the night before 😷


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2016
For a non scientist you have accumulated quite a sample size of semen, and been able to draw conclusions on things men can do to improve the taste! You may not have a PhD, but I’d support you being awarded an honorary doctorate in semenology! 😂
Omg best reply of the thread! I accept 😘

Golfer Mike

Jan 13, 2024
It's almost as though if you eat the "bad stuff" it's acidic to your body, according health experts, which is also bad for you because "cancer".
And all the good stuff is alkaline in your body it's healthier for you overall. I wonder where refined sugar falls, considering it thrives in acidic environments and feeds cancer, I'm guessing it's a big no no for "aftertaste" as well. lol
LOL! From a conversation of the taste of CUM to the cancer diet comment! Hell Man, even vegetarians die!!


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
I don't think diet has as great effect on the taste of semen as one might think. I thinks it's more like some guys just tastes better than others. From "sex-talk" chats I've had with female friends over the years, I've heard stories of men's cum being everything in taste and consistency, from close to water, to as thick and nasty as Elmer's glue. Which is pretty much the range you see in porn. So, I equate it to some pussies just naturally taste better than others. Thankfully, I've had many partners who both like CIMSW and have told me that I taste good. I've also had women who wouldn't put their lips anywhere near my cock, even after I performed oral on them as often and for as long as they like. But that a different topic. lol

I don't do the SP thing so all my experience has been with civvies. I've had partners kiss me after CIM and it tasted fine. The way I look at it, women taste themselves when you kiss them after DATY or fingering them then having them lick it off, it's only fair that one reciprocates. I find both a really hot experience. Although, I have absolutely zero desire to taste another guy's cum.

My wife and I are friends with a couple who were separated at the time and were no longer having sex. We ended having threesomes with his wife and going to Oasis on occasion. Later on, I had one-on-one sex with her many times. That's when I realized how much she loved swallowing my cum. I've lost count of the number of times she blew me and swallowed my load since. One day after an amazing CIMSW, I said, I think you're addicted to this stuff. She laughed and said, if it tastes good, I can't get enough of it. lol

I think part of the reason men like CIM is because they often can't CIP without serious risks. Pregnancy, STIs etc. CIM offers a similar bareback feeling, and if she can DT like our friend can, it's an amazing feeling. My wife enjoys CIMSW but she has a gag-reflex, so when I get to blow a load down our friend's throat, it's epic!

Does diet affect the taste of semen?

broccoli for fiber and vitamins


Well-known member
May 29, 2016
LOL! From a conversation of the taste of CUM to the cancer diet comment! Hell Man, even vegetarians die!!
There's some logic to it, if you're rotting from the inside, one path leads to another. From what I read, acidosis in the body is a thing.
Nobody said eating a particular way will make one live forever, but it can potentially help in living a healthier life. Unless you like visiting doctors, hospitals and popping meds all the time?
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Active member
Mar 19, 2024
I love love love a woman who swallows. To the guy who doesn’t get it, sucks to be you. Nothing like having a woman take care of me and accept something from my body into her’s. The visual, the sensation, the pure bliss of unloading down her throat and watching her stay there and take it all before unlatching from me, give me a wink and say “thanks for feeding me”.

Best feeling in the world. 😍
this is the appeal. The thought that a beautiful woman is literally feeding on my cock is probably the hottest thing in the world to me.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I’m not really into the cum play when you watch the compilations on porn where you see it shoot out of the dick and inter her mouth, spilling everywhere and she plays and gargles with it. It’s much better for her to just close her mouth over your dick and take the entire load cleanly like Tera Patrick here.
I loved her work. The naughty factor was somewhat unexpected for me. But oh so enjoyable. Anal, swallowing, rimming she did it all.

K Douglas

Half Man Half Amazing
Jan 5, 2005
Room 112
I have to mention again that I have no scientific background so I don't want to be speaking to things I'm not sure of.

And I was in no way trying to insinuate that anybody on here had bad tasting swimmers. I'm just a very assertive person and I straight up will admit that I've tasted more than my fair share of bad batches.

Swallowing should be fun for both of us.
Indeed it should be. Wishing you a speedy recovery I need to cum see you again.
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