Club Dynasty

Perfect Public Transit


Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
no one's stopping bikers biking. The issue is them taking over 1/2 the car lanes and creating gridlock.
Reckless single vehicle occupancy drivers are injuring, maiming, dooring, dismembering and killing them at record rates on regular roads without not one, single, solitary cycling lane to the front, rear, left or right of them.

The issue, the facts, the actual lived reality which you refuse to acknowledge is this:



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Bitter House****
Apr 27, 2006
Let me tell you stories.

The province closed 3 outlying courthouses last year - Eglinton / Warden, Finch / Dufferin and Finch / Hwy 400. Everything was moved to a new, shiny mega-court at University and Dundas. There was a problem: - Court staff from the burban locations refused to work downtown and the new court-house was plagued by staff no-shows and resignations for about 6 months, which were so bad that courtrooms had to be shut down when clerks and reporters failed to show up and backlogs and disruption started to happen.

This was because the staff members refused to travel downtown to work because of traffic congestion issues. They simply said "fuck it!" and found other jobs.

Almost none of the new-build downtown condos are selling. Price and size of units are an issue here. But downtown congestion is also a major disincentive.

(This is why dumdum Duggo is suddenly in panic mode about traffic issues. His developer buddies are twisting his nuts off telling him to fix shit fast).
Really? I must'v just fallin off the turnip truck and landed in the big city. Golly! How could I have missed this?

So, let an ole corn cob like me get this straight, Mr. city slicker.

Are you stating that cycling infrastructure caused/causes the above noted, unknown to all, except the elitists like you?

And only, if only we could demolish every bike lane from Queens Quay to Timbuktu can we then realize car driver's nirvana and Shangri-la?

The only problem with that is the following, which you refuse to accept is the actual cause and reality of your wailing and bemoaning:

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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
That's cuz there are more cars on the roads.
Bloor never had a full two lanes of traffic along its length, just for small sections.

So let's get this straight. As soon as they remove car lanes and make them bike lanes. All of a sudden every Torontonian who can't afford rent and groceries went out and bought a car. Franky boy. If ignorance is a bliss. You my friend are living in paradise.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
So let's get this straight. As soon as they remove car lanes and make them bike lanes. All of a sudden every Torontonian who can't afford rent and groceries went out and bought a car. Franky boy. If ignorance is a bliss. You my friend are living in paradise.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Yes. Got this from social media posted by an Uber driver.
View attachment 363460
Yup, people who can't bike and if transit sucks will find other options.
More uber

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Ideally, yes. But practically, Toronto is never going to build an adequate subway net. The burbs are too large, too spread out and not densely enough populated to support a subway net like London or Paris. Any poll which talks about subway building is feelgood bullshit.

It's taken a decade to build a single line along Eglinton at the expense of countless delays, cost overruns and disruption. European cities have subway stations within 5 or 10 minutes WALK throughout the entire city.

no one's stopping bikers biking. The issue is them taking over 1/2 the car lanes and creating gridlock.
Toronto spent a lot more dollars on building the highways as compared to Europe. Here we typically have 6 - 8 lanes in either direction.
Then there are the toll highways. In Europe they have less of those lanes on highways in either direction, but the traffic moves far more smoothly, unlike here where we have indisciplined drivers weaving in and out causing lots of accidents, hence slowing down the traffic. Obviously, you have not been to a place like Amsterdam where they have separate bike lanes, that we have not invested in. These bike lanes do not interrupt the flow of traffic. Here we on the other hand have cyclists who have been hit on several occasions. No wonder there are a lot less cyclists here as compared to those Nations. Occasionally, I love to be on my bike. But not in downtown. I do so when I go to the cottage.

Toronto had plans in the 1970's to build an International Airport in the Pickering. But wasteful dollars were thrown at it over decades. No progress whatsoever. In London they have 3 International Airports. In addition there is a City Airport. London is a huge city that is well interconnected by different subway lines. Easy to get around and you do not need a car to do so. In fact there are trains every 3 to 4 minutes during peak hours and just around ten minutes wait later in the day.

But my point is that the Highway 413 will be encroaching on to the Greenbelt area, and is not a necessity. Just politics in full play. However, the Underground tunnel to be built between Brampton and Scarborough, is beyond ridiculous. Initially, will cost over $80 Billion and no doubt will balloon to over $100 Billion over the years. Of course Ford wants to make the point that if it does not happen the blame will be on The Federal Government for not coming to his aid!!
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Well-known member
Sep 17, 2023
More liberal fake news
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Toronto spent a lot more dollars on building the highways as compared to Europe. Here we typically have 6 - 8 lanes in either direction.
Then there are the toll highways. In Europe they have less of those lanes on highways in either direction, but the traffic moves far more smoothly, unlike here where we have indisciplined drivers weaving in and out causing lots of accidents, hence slowing down the traffic. Obviously, you have not been to a place like Amsterdam where they have separate bike lanes, that we have not invested in. These bike lanes do not interrupt the flow of traffic. Here we on the other hand have cyclists who have been hit on several occasions. No wonder there are a lot less cyclists here as compared to those Nations. Occasionally, I love to be on my bike. But not in downtown. I do so when I go to the cottage.
But look. The entire gist of this thread - and several other recent threads - is that Toronto is not a "European style" city. Around 1960, the same city council that now hates cars went all-in on suburbs, subdivisions, shopping malls and freeways. We became the "LA of the north". So yup. More highways in Toronto than Amsterdam.

IIRC, Amsterdam is about the population size of Winnipeg and massively compact - because it was built in the 1600's.
But my point is that the Highway 413 will be encroaching on to the Greenbelt area, and is not a necessity. Just politics in full play.
No one expected the 401 to be necessary either in 1955. Toronto keeps growing.
However, the Underground tunnel to be built between Brampton and Scarborough, is beyond ridiculous. Initially, will cost over $80 Billion and no doubt will balloon to over $100 Billion over the years. Of course Ford wants to make the point that if it does not happen the blame will be on The Federal Government for not coming to his aid!!
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Jun 29, 2019
And these cycling deaths are occurring:

1) predominantly on roads that do not have separated cycling lanes
2) because of impediments in separated cycling lanes solely and wholly caused scofflaw actors and inattentive drivers
3) scofflaw vehicle drivers
4) inattentive, careless, negligent and reckless vehicle drivers

These killings are not occurring because of separated cycling lanes, they are occurring because of the LACK of them and the recklessness of vehicle drivers.

I hope YOU will take this seriously.
not sure if you are fanatical ideologue or just dimwitted

accidents are not always fault of the driver

many cyclists ride recklessly and since they do not need drivers license, a lot of them do not even know the rules of the road

more bike lanes, more car bike collisions

your lefty council is responsible for that!

they are also responsible for huge increase in pollution since cars now are basically idling for hours and not getting anywhere

also riding a bicycle is not healthy for a man, the bicycle seat puts too much pressure on your balls and your prostate

that can cause testicle or prostate cancer

stay healthy my friend and walk more, do not ride a bicycle!

say NO to bicycles !!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
not sure if you are fanatical ideologue or just dimwitted

accidents are not always fault of the driver

many cyclists ride recklessly and since they do not need drivers license, a lot of them do not even know the rules of the road

more bike lanes, more car bike collisions

your lefty council is responsible for that!

they are also responsible for huge increase in pollution since cars now are basically idling for hours and not getting anywhere

also riding a bicycle is not healthy for a man, the bicycle seat puts too much pressure on your balls and your prostate

that can cause testicle or prostate cancer

stay healthy my friend and walk more, do not ride a bicycle!

say NO to bicycles !!!
Typical rightie propaganda!! Of course you catch the bull by the tail.
If you cycle more than 8 hours a week without taking the right precautions such as:

In any case, the “damage” is temporary and reversible and is caused by a bicycle saddle whose shape is not compatible with the cyclist’s body. The following precautions can help you avoid a range of problems:
  • A slotted saddle with a downwardly curved nose will reduce pressure on the perineum and pudendal nerve while avoiding compression of the urogenital area.
  • Wearing padded cycling shorts will improve comfort.
  • Don’t tilt the saddle upward so as to avoid putting additional pressure on the perineum.
  • Adjust the height of the saddle so that your legs come just short of extending completely when the pedal is at the lowest point.
  • Raise the handlebars to keep your torso in a more upright position.
  • To minimize the risk of injuring yourself when you fall or when the chain jumps off the chainring, make sure your bike frame is sized to leave at least 5 cm of space between the cross bar and your crotch.
The benefits of cycling far outweigh the potential problems caused by a poorly adjusted bike. Cycling or practicing any sport for more than five hours a week reduces the risk of an enlarged prostate by 30–50% compared with those who exercise less than two hours a week. Men whose jobs are physically demanding, such as farmers and construction workers, have a 30–40% lower risk of suffering from an enlarged prostate than those with desk jobs.

Your sofa is a much greater cause for concern
Men who spend a lot of time watching TV or playing video games (around five hours a day) have twice the risk of an enlarged prostate than those who spend less than five hours a week doing so. What’s even more alarming is that if you spend a lot of time on the couch, your risks go up regardless of the amount of time you practice sports.3

Your best bet is to go for a bike ride or find a pastime that’s more active than watching TV! Your family surely has a number of ideas for things you can do that are good for your prostate. Even renovating the basement can be good for you!
So get the full context of linking cycling with "prostrate cancer"!!


Jun 29, 2019
Typical rightie propaganda!! Of course you catch the bull by the tail.
If you cycle more than 8 hours a week without taking the right precautions such as:

In any case, the “damage” is temporary and reversible and is caused by a bicycle saddle whose shape is not compatible with the cyclist’s body. The following precautions can help you avoid a range of problems:

So get the full context of linking cycling with "prostrate cancer"!!
recently there has been a dramatic increase in testicular cancer among women cyclists ;)

walking is much healthier than bicycle riding !

walk more

say NO to bicycles!
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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
But look. The entire gist of this thread - and several other recent threads - is that Toronto is not a "European style" city. Around 1960, the same city council that now hates cars went all-in on suburbs, subdivisions, shopping malls and freeways. We became the "LA of the north". So yup. More highways in Toronto than Amsterdam.

IIRC, Amsterdam is about the population size of Winnipeg and massively compact - because it was built in the 1600's.

No one expected the 401 to be necessary either in 1955. Toronto keeps growing.

London's population density is just over 5500 per square km. Toronto's on the other hand is over 4300 per square km. London is just around 25% more dense.
However, they have a far more intensive public transport system than we have here in Toronto. I feel for those in Toronto suburbs who cannot drive especially due to their sight or other medical or financial conditions. They have to catch a bus to get to the Go Train or Subway. Their commute can take them over two hours in either direction when they have to commute to their place of employment. It is far more convenient in that sense in Europe. I have come across many cyclists who commute to their subway stations and then catch the subway.

Twenty years ago it was a breeze to use the 401 from one the West End to the East end even during the rush hours. Now it is a real crawl to do so, and getting worse.
The 407ETR is out of reach of the average Canadians. I went to London on business and did not require a car to get from one end to another as they also have Express trains in their Subways. Hope they find a proper solution here. But blaming it on bike lanes is really sad, as there are also some who can afford to conduct their deliveries and other related businesses by using a bike. What do we say to them..........tough, get a car or close your business?


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
London's subways are referred to as Underground.
Most people overall are opposed to wasting tens of billions of dollars on The Highway 413 and the so called Underground Tunnel between Brampton and Scarborough:
They would prefer these precious dollars being spent on a some public transport like subways:

If Bikers are also paying their fair share of taxes why should they be deprived of a mode of transport? After all we car owners do not have to pay for anymore car sticker renewals!!
Ok so you come back with your wisdom-filled knowledge about what Londoners refer to subways as? Doesn't "subway" imply it's in a tunnel underground for the most part?
btw Londoners refer to their underground/subway as "the tube".

Remember when everyone lost their minds when Rob Ford wanted to build subways?

So you are half correct: people would prefer subways...if the politician that was fighting to get them built wasn't a politician they didn't like.

The trend goes like this:
A politician you don't like suggests building condemn the very thought of that idea and ridicule them.
A politician you don't like suggests building condemn the very thought of that idea and want subways instead.

This is the reason Toronto is in the mess it's in...people just want to complain for political reasons and nothing gets done for decades so everyone loses in the end and local politicians want to convince everyone that bike lanes are the answer.

As far as bikers, build them their own lanes without removing lanes that were built for cars. Ticket them for violations when they hop from bike lane to sidewalk.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
London's population density is just over 5500 per square km. Toronto's on the other hand is over 4300 per square km. London is just around 25% more dense.
However, they have a far more intensive public transport system than we have here in Toronto. I feel for those in Toronto suburbs who cannot drive especially due to their sight or other medical or financial conditions. They have to catch a bus to get to the Go Train or Subway. Their commute can take them over two hours in either direction when they have to commute to their place of employment. It is far more convenient in that sense in Europe. I have come across many cyclists who commute to their subway stations and then catch the subway.

Twenty years ago it was a breeze to use the 401 from one the West End to the East end even during the rush hours. Now it is a real crawl to do so, and getting worse.
The 407ETR is out of reach of the average Canadians. I went to London on business and did not require a car to get from one end to another as they also have Express trains in their Subways. Hope they find a proper solution here. But blaming it on bike lanes is really sad, as there are also some who can afford to conduct their deliveries and other related businesses by using a bike. What do we say to them..........tough, get a car or close your business?
Cyclists have been biking around Toronto for 100 years before the current council built bike lanes out of car lanes. But it's not only bike lanes. The current council simply takes roads away from drivers. Palmerston Ave in Little Italy was the best non main road route to get from Bloor to Wellington and I used it for 30 years. 2 years ago city council made it "one way" and changed the direction every few blocks to make it unusable to motorists. There's no purpose to them doing this aside from telling motorists to go fuck themselves. The same attitude that Annie and Frankie show throughout these threads. The actual bike lane on Palmerston is just a small fraction of the - largely undriveable - road surface.

It's hard to believe London is only 25% more dense. Compare Don Mills to any part of London.

Downtown Toronto is comparable to London and Leaside is comparable to Croydon or Streatham - what Londoners think of as "suburbs".


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Cyclists have been biking around Toronto for 100 years before the current council built bike lanes out of car lanes. But it's not only bike lanes. The current council simply takes roads away from drivers. Palmerston Ave in Little Italy was the best non main road route to get from Bloor to Wellington and I used it for 30 years. 2 years ago city council made it "one way" and changed the direction every few blocks to make it unusable to motorists. There's no purpose to them doing this aside from telling motorists to go fuck themselves. The same attitude that Annie and Frankie show throughout these threads. The actual bike lane on Palmerston is just a small fraction of the - largely undriveable - road surface.

It's hard to believe London is only 25% more dense. Compare Don Mills to any part of London.

Downtown Toronto is comparable to London and Leaside is comparable to Croydon or Streatham - what Londoners think of as "suburbs".
Such a drag that you can't speed down residential streets anymore.
Imagine the city taking the side of the residents of Palmerston over the mandrills of the world.
Ashley Madison
Toronto Escorts