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Second Attempt on Trump's Life?


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

Given how far the Deep State have gone, not only would Trump be justified in throwing every single corrupt actor behind bars, he would be irresponsible not to. Also, Trump has what he did not have last time. The public are more awake, and the MSM have lost their potency. The public are no longer buying the MSM lies, thanks mostly to Elon’s defense of free speech on X, and the rise of independent journalism. Now with the MSM largely neutralized, and the public red-pilled after 4 years of the Biden/Kamala circus, Trump has the variables in place that would be necessary to carry out an unprecedented cleansing of the US government. Trump has the public support, the optics, the precedent, the political ammunition, and the surrounding cast, to do what is necessary. No more niceties. The enemies of We the People must be uprooted and eliminated, never to rise again.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

How did the Trump would-be assassin, a convicted felon with no money, fly from Hawaii to Ukraine, talk to NGO's, the Ukrainian defense ministry and Afghan mercenaries? Did the US government not think that was suspicious? American intel knows exactly which Americans are coming in and out of Ukraine. An intel officer in Ukraine even flagged Routh to the
, so we know they and the
had him on their radar. So how did he get away with this?


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The tweets he post do a great job of showcasing a varied perspective on what's taking place in real time. I for one find them informative and enlightening. But at the same time, I don't come on this thread to Trump bash, just to get the facts 🤷‍♂️
Trump and Facts do not jive in the same sentence. Just like his monstrous allegations about Haitians eating pets like cats and dogs, as well as tens of thousands of similar allegations!!
Trump is the biggest liar of all time who is running to be the next President. Only his base of cult followers would accept his lies as being The Gospel Truth. No wonder that even a number of prominent Republicans have labelled him a danger to Democracy!!
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