Ashley Madison

The undeniable sad truth of this election is ...

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
The least of us rule the best of us

Harris was a prosecuter, apparently a very good one, but she knows very little to nothing about the grave issues like economics , international affairs, global warming , negotiations etc

Walz's resume on these gravely serious issues is even worse - he was a football coach for FFS!

Trump not only knows nothing he is a meglomaniac who thinks he is a genius and he is incapable of learning as he is amazingly stupid
and a compulsive liar with no moral compass

Vance is not erudite on these issues either

I vote for Harris because she is the best of two very incompetent candidates and, at least, she will listen to the experts
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
The least of us rule the best of us

Harris was a prosecuter, apparently a very good one, but she knows very little to nothing about the grave issues like economics , international affairs, global warming , negotiations etc

Walz's resume on these gravely serious issues is even worse - he was a football coach for FFS!

Trump not only knows nothing he is a meglomaniac who thinks he is a genius and he is incapable of learning as he is amazingly stupid
and a compulsive liar with no moral compass

Vance is not erudite on these issues either

I vote for Harris because she is the best of two very incompetent candidates
Who would you consider competent given your list of requirements?

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
Who would you consider competent given your list of requirements?
I do not know as the political system does not seek out such people.

but very few politicians would qualify, if any

Prime MInister Harper, for an example, was a professor of economics.

None of the four I mentioned knows anything important but only one is an idiot

During the economic collapse he refused to have a job creation task force because he knew Canada would be OK before any jobs were created and it would be a waste of money where the oppposition was screaming for such a task force so he shut down Parliment

My point is actual knowledge makes a huge difference as Harper understood economics better than other politicians
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I do not know as the poltical system does not seek out such people.

but very few politicians would qualify, if any

Prime MInister Harper, for an example, was a professor of economics.

During the economic collapse he refused to have a job creation task force because he knew Canada would be OK before any jobs were created and it would be a waste of money where the oppposition was screaming for such a task force

My point is Harper understood economics better than other politicians
But that's insufficient according to your criteria.
A professor of economics doesn't know international affairs, global warming , negotiations, etc.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
But that's insufficient according to your criteria.
A professor of economics doesn't know international affairs, global warming , negotiations, etc.
I agree, my point was not that Harper was extremely qualified as he was qualified only in one area and it did make a huge difference as he guided us out of the recession.

The most qualified person who ever ran for President was Hillary Clinton ,IMHO, and she was defeated by the most unqualified person to ever run for President

A person who is an expert in a number of topics is called a pantonmath. They are rare but they do exist.

People who think they know everything but do not are not rare


Notice Trump does not mention any names of people who think he is a genius because there are none, he just made up another huge lie
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I agree, my point was not that Harper was extremely qualified as he was qualified only in one area and it did make a huge difference as he guided us out of the recession.

A person who is an expert in a number of topics is called a pantonmath. They are rare but they do exist
Hey! I learned a new word.
I hadn't encountered "pantomath" before. (I would use the more commonly known "polymath" for those people.)

OK, but if you just have to have some knowledge of one criteria, then your whole original post doesn't seem to hold up very well.

Why do you think Harris or the others (besides Trump) knows "very little to nothing about the grave issues like economics , international affairs, global warming , negotiations, etc"?

Especially with "etc.", you've opened it to any number of other subjects that can qualify her.
But what are you defining as "very little" for the other subjects?
Anything less than being a professor of the subject, since that's the example you used?

Trump's been in business his whole life.
How does that mean he knows "nothing" about negotiations?


aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
I vote for Harris because she is the best of two very incompetent candidates
Calling Kamala incompetent is too far.

It's ok to dislike her or be critical of her past, but incompetent is unjustified. Too add, Kamala will be well supported with top level staff and personnel. As long as she doesn't OD on the DEI hiring, is will be solid staff around her.

I know many are trying to find things to hate about her, but the truth is she ok.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
OK, but if you just have to have some knowledge of one criteria, then your whole original post doesn't seem to hold up very well.
I do not mean to imply you need to be the best expert in all pertinent fields just have some expertise so the learning curve is not so steep
and you have the ability to vet an expert from pretenders as you seek advise
Why do you think Harris or the others (besides Trump) knows "very little to nothing about the grave issues like economics , international affairs, global warming , negotiations, etc"?
How can they? when they spend all their time doing something else?

They have not demonstrated in depth knowlege about anything

For example, Harris states Trump is all about giving tax breaks to the wealthy then gives no explanation as to why this is wrong. Some economists believe that this money will go into investments and create more jobs so it is wise to give the wealthy tax breaks
and it is wise to keep health care private etc so I want to hear an erudite answer

She would not pass a high school economics course based on what she has said

Oh yeah, so she is giving us all hope with a brighter future, think about that. In the past 16 years 12 have been democratic white houses and the last four years with her in the white house and 8 with her hero in the white house so why is this future she is talking about not already here? There may even be a reason but she has not said it

Trump's been in business his whole life.
How does that mean he knows "nothing" about negotiations?
because he is an idiot who would really be a billionaire many times over if he had just invested the monies his daddy gave him into the S&P index fund instead of pretending to be a billionaire where he cannot put up a 100 million bond for the courts

For the world's richest man that would be easy
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License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
@Zoot Allures

You don't give her or Walz enough credit.

A university education in and of itself gives you an education on how to learn, study and adapt. It is not simply facts and figures.

She went to university, then onto law school which proves she is intelligent enough to pass the Bar. And she gained a lot of insight into negotiations, (case) management, balancing competing interests, making snap and considered judgements on credibility, importance etc when District Attorney. Then as AG for California she learned about politics and strengthened her team building knowledge and skills. Budgeting is part of that. She learned and practiced being part of the creating of laws and working the political system in the Senate so she could be effective. Probably learned a lot about many subjects in her decades of those jobs.

She doesn't have to be a professor of economics to know how to select competent, trustworthy people to provide her with the information to lend her support or discourage particular economic and other specific policies.

She has to be a trustworthy and competent leader to lead and set the tone for her administration to consider and recommend particular policies.

Walz was, among other things, the Governor of a State! Governor! Like a Premier. He's not to be dismissed as a part-time high school football coach. If you want to judge an elelcted official by their coaching career, look to Gym Jordan! Now there is a real coach suitable for government!

I gotta admit, I really like Walz. Down to earth, good natured, positive guy who seems to be a hard worker with his heart in the right place.

Seems to be a good dad and his school teaching experience shows he cares about the next generation and seems to be so in touch with real common people.

And hey, the guy has a WORKING 8-Track in his car. What's not to like about a dude like that!



Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010
Calling Kamala incompetent is too far.

It's ok to dislike her or be critical of her past, but incompetent is unjustified. Too add, Kamala will be well supported with top level staff and personnel. As long as she doesn't OD on the DEI hiring, is will be solid staff around her.

I know many are trying to find things to hate about her, but the truth is she ok.
IMHO, Harris is a very weak presidential candidate!!


License to Shill
Jan 28, 2013
IMHO, Harris is a very weak presidential candidate!!
Of course you do. There is ONLY ONE candidate in this entire Galaxy that is suitable to be the POTUS. I hope your support reaches and comforts Diaper Don. HE sure seems to be needing to change them more often since his opponent "Old Joe" got replaced with her!

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
@Zoot Allures

You don't give her or Walz enough credit.

A university education in and of itself gives you an education on how to learn, study and adapt. It is not simply facts and figures.

She went to university, then onto law school which proves she is intelligent enough to pass the Bar. And she gained a lot of insight into negotiations, (case) management, balancing competing interests, making snap and considered judgements on credibility, importance etc when District Attorney. Then as AG for California she learned about politics and strengthened her team building knowledge and skills. Budgeting is part of that. She learned and practiced being part of the creating of laws and working the political system in the Senate so she could be effective. Probably learned a lot about many subjects in her decades of those jobs.

She doesn't have to be a professor of economics to know how to select competent, trustworthy people to provide her with the information to lend her support or discourage particular economic and other specific policies.

She has to be a trustworthy and competent leader to lead and set the tone for her administration to consider and recommend particular policies.

Walz was, among other things, the Governor of a State! Governor! Like a Premier. He's not to be dismissed as a part-time high school football coach. If you want to judge an elelcted official by their coaching career, look to Gym Jordan! Now there is a real coach suitable for government!

I gotta admit, I really like Walz. Down to earth, good natured, positive guy who seems to be a hard worker with his heart in the right place.

Seems to be a good dad and his school teaching experience shows he cares about the next generation and seems to be so in touch with real common people.

And hey, the guy has a WORKING 8-Track in his car. What's not to like about a dude like that!

Actually, I think Harris is very smart and she will devour Trump in a debate if Trump is stupid enough to show and she gave an amazing speech at the DNC - right up there with Obama and JFK ( but well below Lincoln).

She does have those skills you mention and will make a good President but I am assessing her by the standard comparison of other politicians and, man, that is a very low bar

It will be (hopefully) her job to vet experts to get the best of the best advice on all topics , indeed, that is her only real job as the rest is pomp and circumstance and external dressing and it is the only job she cannot surrogate to someone else.
So, how can she vet experts on topics she is casually familiar with if at all?

Look at what Bush did in the two wars he started all from choosing the wrong experts

How does she know when to trust the FBI, the NSA or the CIA?

The list of what she will have to learn is a very long one and she has to start from scratch on a lot of the issues
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Senior Turgid Member
Nov 13, 2003
Durham Region, Den of Iniquity
I agree, my point was not that Harper was extremely qualified as he was qualified only in one area and it did make a huge difference as he guided us out of the recession.

The most qualified person who ever ran for President was Hillary Clinton ,IMHO, and she was defeated by the most unqualified person to ever run for President

A person who is an expert in a number of topics is called a pantonmath. They are rare but they do exist.

People who think they know everything but do not are not rare

View attachment 353292

Notice Trump does not mention any names of people who think he is a genius because there are none, he just made up another huge lie
Careful. It was the late Jim flaherty who led us out of that recession.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
I do not mean to imply you need to be the best expert in all pertinent fields just have some expertise so the learning curve is not so steep
and you have the ability to vet an expert from pretenders as you seek advise
OK, sure, but other than a vague "you don't like them" what evidence do you have that they don't meet this criteria?

How can they? when they spend all their time doing something else?
Studying and learning things is a major part of being a politician.
True, not all of them do it, but unless you have some evidence they don't, I don't see how you know this.

They have not demonstrated in depth knowlege about anything
Ok, this is a bit more concrete.

For example, Harris states Trump is all about giving tax breaks to the wealthy then gives no explanation as to why this is wrong. Some economists believe that this money will go into investments and create more jobs so it is wise to give the wealthy tax breaks and it is wise to keep health care private etc so I want to hear an erudite answer
So this is just personal taste.
You want to hear an answer and if she hasn't given one you have heard, you think she's incompetent.

As you also know, some economists think "this money will go into investments and create more jobs so it is wise to to give the wealthy tax breaks and it is wise to keep health care private etc" are all completely wrong ideas with terrible evidence to support them.

So if the economists disagree, is your complaint just that she disagrees with you and must therefore be incompetent?

If your argument is "I want to hear more in-depth policy discussions from all candidates" that's fine, but it is very unlikely you will.
The media doesn't care about that and neither do most voters.
Even if she had a talk about that, it would almost certainly not be reported.
You would have to meet her face to face and talk to her.

She would not pass a high school economics course based on what she has said
She would easily pass high school economics, I am sure.
What has she said that makes you think she couldn't pass high school economics?

Oh yeah, so she is giving us all hope with a brighter future, think about that. In the past 16 years 12 have been democratic white houses and the last four years with her in the white house and 8 with her hero in the white house so why is this future she is talking about not already here?
Do you think Presidents and governments have magic powers to control the economy?

There may even be a reason but she has not said it
The future isn't here because it isn't the future yet.
I'm not sure what you are asking for here.

This sounds like a policy disagreement, not a question of incompetence.

because he is an idiot who would really be a billionaire many times over if he had just invested the monies his daddy gave him into the S&P index fund instead of pretending to be a billionaire where he cannot put up a 100 million bond for the courts

For the world's richest man that would be easy
None of that has anything to do with negotiations.
That's about personal investment.
He's also not the world's richest man and has never been close to being so.
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aka Dick Dastardly
Dec 2, 2022
IMHO, Harris is a very weak presidential candidate!!
The last 5 Presidents:
Joe Biden
Donald Trump
Barack Obama
George W. Bush
Bill Clinton.

She's in the middle as far as candidacy goes. Far from weak, far great great.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
She doesn't have to be a professor of economics to know how to select competent, trustworthy people to provide her with the information to lend her support or discourage particular economic and other specific policies.

She has to be a trustworthy and competent leader to lead and set the tone for her administration to consider and recommend particular policies.
"Agrees with specific Conservative economic beliefs" seems to be his measure for "competence".

Walz was, among other things, the Governor of a State! Governor! Like a Premier. He's not to be dismissed as a part-time high school football coach. If you want to judge an elelcted official by their coaching career, look to Gym Jordan! Now there is a real coach suitable for government!
He also was a volunteer coach. That wasn't his job.
His job was being a teacher.
He has since spent years in Congress and being a Governor.

I gotta admit, I really like Walz. Down to earth, good natured, positive guy who seems to be a hard worker with his heart in the right place.
He's impressed me far more than I expected.

Seems to be a good dad and his school teaching experience shows he cares about the next generation and seems to be so in touch with real common people.
He's seems exceptionally good at speaking to small groups/crowds. He is ok as a speech-making kind of orator, but seems really good talking to smaller groups in a more casual mode.
That's a useful skill for a politician.
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