
Kamala flip-flopping on immigration


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
She also stole Trump's no tax on tips policy.
And she didn't even blink an eye,lol

I've never seen such a coordinated effort to go after a political opponent as the Democrats have done in the last 3 plus years.
It is such a beautiful thing isn't it!!!

Take every talking point away from Trump and have an attack dog like Coach Walz who goes low and does it with a smile. OH THE JOY THE JOY is awesome!!!

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2018

Not out of the woods yet! Of course in the end Dad will bail him out one more time. Breaking one last promise.
Guess that one went right over your head. After several relentless daily stories on fox they haven't mentioned his name once since Harris came on the scene. Is this what a fair and unbiased news source does ?
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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001

Not out of the woods yet! Of course in the end Dad will bail him out one more time. Breaking one last promise.
No one GAF any more cos the Repugs can't use it as smear. :D
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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Guess that one went right over your head. After several relentless daily stories on fox they haven't mentioned his name once since Harris came on the scene. Is this what a fair and unbiased news source does ?
Where have I ever discussed Fox as such. It's amazing how myopic your world is. Do you know how tiny their audience is? Why would you fixated on this?


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Where have I ever discussed Fox as such. It's amazing how myopic your world is. Do you know how tiny their audience is? Why would you fixated on this?
You should really do your homework before you spout off nonsense.

and also admit you watch Fox and other right-wing rabbit holes to get most of your talking points. Be honest man, just be honest! ;)


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You should really do your homework before you spout off nonsense.

and also admit you watch Fox and other right-wing rabbit holes to get most of your talking points. Be honest man, just be honest! ;)
As I said....nope.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
You should really do your homework before you spout off nonsense.

and also admit you watch Fox and other right-wing rabbit holes to get most of your talking points. Be honest man, just be honest! ;)
Dude on their best day they will draw maybe what 3 million for whatever their best slot is? That's a tiny reach , mainly old people, all of which their party affiliation is locked. Just like MSNBC.

Do you need me to bring up the Morning Joe shilling? Seriously these "news" networks on both sides are just preaching to the converted to affirm biases and sell pharmaceuticals. And you should note I never post their links? For I.

Btw, still waiting to hear you criticize the Dems. And all you seem to post are bias affirming links as well.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Btw, still waiting to hear you criticize the Dems. And all you seem to post are bias affirming links as well.
Why, should I fabricate outrage as a rightie would do when I don't see anything wrong the Dems are saying or doing at the moment? I think they are running a perfect campaign right now, flawless. When is the last time you criticized a Republican policy or candidate besides the obvious Trump knocks.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Why, should I fabricate outrage as a rightie would do when I don't see anything wrong the Dems are saying or doing at the moment? I think they are running a perfect campaign right now, flawless. When is the last time you criticized a Republican policy or candidate besides the obvious Trump knocks.
rump is imploding

All of a sudden he's the one that is clearly too old and he's the one that has tiny, mushroom shaped crowds.
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
rump is imploding

All of a sudden he's the one that is clearly too old and he's the one that has tiny, mushroom shaped crowds.
I don't have a candidate in this race because i don't vote in the US election...Kamala hasn't done any interview yet, refused to debate Trump under fox coverage...Trump agrees MSNBC...who's scared? LoL.
Apr 12, 2017
She’s pushing moderate views to appeal to independents and just normal people in general.

she is not a moderate. She is more liberal and progressive than Bernie Samders. Look at her past, not this charade she is putting on. She will destroy the country.

This immigration under Biden is a disaster and extremely dangerous for citizens. She will only make it worse. It will spill over to Canada.
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Master of Disaster
Jun 10, 2008

Great video showing how she is no longer telling the truth. And has dropped anything resembling Progressive values
Oh, did she say something previously about having an open border?

Where is the flip flop? She supported that bipartisan bill that Trump tanked which would have tightened up the border. I know the GOP/Right want to pretend that Democrats want an open border (but fail to show where any prominent Democrat has said that), but the reality is (shocking) far from it. But, here's the reality. The president cannot just wave his hand and fund the hiring of new federal employees. It requires Congress/Senate to pass a budget. Something the GOP MAGAts have pushed back against.
Also, people's views are allowed to evolve. They get exposed to new data, or things change with the issue. But basically, this is the GOP trying another of their tricks to discredit her (totally fair). They did it to John Kerry, calling him a waffler, but they also Swift Boated him, which is what they're trying to do with Walz... However, I see a lot of veterans calling this out for being bullshit...


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Oh, did she say something previously about having an open border?

Where is the flip flop? She supported that bipartisan bill that Trump tanked which would have tightened up the border. I know the GOP/Right want to pretend that Democrats want an open border (but fail to show where any prominent Democrat has said that), but the reality is (shocking) far from it. But, here's the reality. The president cannot just wave his hand and fund the hiring of new federal employees. It requires Congress/Senate to pass a budget. Something the GOP MAGAts have pushed back against.
Also, people's views are allowed to evolve. They get exposed to new data, or things change with the issue. But basically, this is the GOP trying another of their tricks to discredit her (totally fair). They did it to John Kerry, calling him a waffler, but they also Swift Boated him, which is what they're trying to do with Walz... However, I see a lot of veterans calling this out for being bullshit...
Watch the video. See her previous stances. Then come back.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Harris once wanted to ban fracking. Trump wants voters in energy-rich Pennsylvania to remember
Aug 5, 2024

Facing the need to win battleground Pennsylvania, Vice President Kamala Harris is swearing off any prior assertion that she opposed fracking, but that hasn't stopped Republican Donald Trump from wielding her now-abandoned position to win over voters in a state where the natural gas industry means jobs.

Last week, in his first appearance in Pennsylvania since Harris became the Democrats' presumptive nominee, Trump repeatedly warned that Harris would ban fracking — a position she held as a presidential primary candidate in 2019 — and devastate the economy in the nation's No. 2 natural gas state.

“She's against fracking, she's against oil drilling, she wants everybody to have one electric car and share it with the neighbors," Trump told rallygoers at a Harrisburg rally on Wednesday, which was also his first appearance in the state since he was wounded in a July 13 assassination attempt in Butler County. “Harris has stated repeatedly that she supports, quote, banning fracking. I'll ban fracking, I'll ban it on my first day.”

Harris’ campaign, in a statement, insisted she would not ban fracking, and called Trump’s claims an “attempt to distract from his own plans to enrich oil and gas executives at the expense of the middle class.”

Still, Trump criticized Harris' support as a senator and candidate in 2020's presidential primary for a Democratic resolution to create a “Green New Deal,” a sweeping progressive effort to shift the country toward renewable energy. Trump called the platform — never fully translated into policy proposals — a “$100 trillion green new scam designed to abolish the oil, coal and natural gas industry entirely.”

While Harris considers choosing popular Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a finalist to be her running mate on the Democratic ticket, Trump has made it clear that he won't concede the swing state, part of the decisive “blue wall” along with Michigan and Wisconsin. Trump repeatedly has said his administration would “drill baby drill” and dismissed Harris' change of position with these words of caution: "Remember, a politician always goes back to what their original thought was.”

Fracking is nearly always on the ballot in Pennsylvania. Formally named hydraulic fracturing, it has made the United States an oil and gas superpower over the past decade, along with horizontal drilling.

Republicans routinely attack Democrats over fracking to drive a wedge into the party's fragile alliance between its left wing, which is hostile to fossil fuels, and its bedrock building trade union base, whose workers are building an expanding network of gas pipelines, power plants and processing facilities in Pennsylvania.

Republicans have used similar attacks in the past two election cycles, both unsuccessfully, against Joe Biden in 2020's presidential race and against Sen. John Fetterman in 2022.

To attack Biden in 2020, Republicans seized on a series of confusing statements — such as remarks on the oil industry from a debate just a couple weeks before the election — to claim he intended to “ban” or end national gas extraction. That was not Biden's official position, and if he intended to restrain the extraction method, it was hard to find evidence of it in energy production data during his first three years in office.

Biden has sought to slow down leasing on federal lands and emphasize conservation as part of a large-scale effort to slow global warming. But U.S. natural gas production and crude oil production have hit record monthly highs in the past year, according to federal energy statistics. The same thing has happened with gas production in Pennsylvania, which also has posted record monthly highs during Biden's time in office.

Harris has backed Biden’s plan to reach net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. But that plan never included a ban on fracking, and Biden has said he viewed those energy sources as necessary during the transition.

Trump, meanwhile, has heavily courted the gas industry in Pennsylvania and has ridiculed the science behind increasingly urgent warnings for immediate action to stave off the worst of climate damage by cutting fossil fuel emissions.

Oil and gas producers have opposed a range of energy policies under Biden, including tougher regulations on tailpipe emissions and vehicle fuel economy that they see as a de facto electric vehicle mandate, clamping down on leases on federal lands and delaying liquefied natural gas projects.

Energy companies want to know whether Harris will continue down those roads.

“It's safe to say that we and a lot of other folks are eager to hear from the vice president,” said Dustin Meyer, a senior vice president at the American Petroleum Institute.

Attacking Harris over fracking is reminiscent of Republican efforts to turn union workers against Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016. In tenor and scale, Trump's overtures to the industry have echoed the unfulfilled promises he made to save the coal industry during his first campaign.

Clinton was hammered for saying “we’re going to put a lot of coal miners and coal companies out of business” when describing her climate plan, a comment that was used to suggest she had declared war on coal.

Democrats in Pennsylvania — such as Fetterman, Shapiro and U.S. Sen. Bob Casey — have successfully run on getting tough on fracking through stronger regulation. They shun talk of a fracking ban, although they may not necessarily support every aspect of Biden's energy policy if unions oppose it.

When Biden dropped his candidacy, the United Association of Union Plumbers and Pipefitters, whose members work on pipelines and in power plants, quickly endorsed Harris in a unanimous vote.

Mark McManus, the union's general president, pointedly noted that Harris “did have a previous position in a previous role in a different state,” but said she has been clear about her new position on fracking.

“And it’s a good position for the United Association,” McManus said. “She’s a nationwide candidate right now.”

McManus described Harris' energy approach as being joined at the hip with Biden, a Pennsylvania native the union endorsed twice in his races against Trump, including this year's campaign. McManus embraced what he described as an “all of the above energy approach."

Still, in a heavily populated and heavily contested state where Trump won by just over 44,000 votes in 2016 and Biden won by just over 81,000, any marginal change is significant, campaign strategists and pollsters say.

Christopher Borick, director of the Muhlenberg College Institute of Public Opinion in Allentown, said fracking simply won't be a decisive factor for most Pennsylvania voters because opinions on it are highly divided in the state.

The gas industry has flushed money into some local economies. But it has also inspired a backlash in other communities, most notably in Philadelphia’s suburbs.

The sweet spot for statewide candidates — such as Casey, Shapiro and Fetterman — has been not calling for a ban, but calling for tight regulation, clear disclosure about the process and limits on where it can be done, Borick said.

“It’s been successful for all of them,” Borick said, “and that’s where you see Harris going now.”

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