So Canada needs immigration. lack of housing in this country ring a bell? I think we've got enough right now.Simple. Canada needs immigration. India does not.
When and if India needs immigration it will have immigration.
And yes I am very much entitled and absolutely demand equal treatment and will call out any and all racism.
Culture clash, feeling threatened etc is only for people like you who are unable to adjust and stuck in a time warp. Times change. You gotta change with it.
As I said before. Be grateful for the immigration that brings you talent, skills, a myriad of cultures and diversity that actually enriches your life and gives you an opportunity to expand your social circle and try to mingle and enjoy. Or sit in your basement, lock yourself in, eat your unsalted green bean casserole and scream online at immigrants and how they are a threat. Your choice.
If you choose the latter I will just point out your racism when and if you resort to it. It seems to be fairly regular on here though.
I know you feel very much entitled and demand equal treatment, which Canada gives you in spades.
Be grateful for the immigration that brings you talent, skills and the myriad bit. I think that every time I go to Timmies or turn on the TV and see all the back bench members of parliament laughing their asses off under their turbans or grabbing all the government jobs they can get for themselves and their relatives.
Times change. You gotta change with it. So the much heralded Canadian Mosaic is to be brown.
There is a certain failure to read the room with the tone of immigrants these days. I see groups of young Indian males, always in groups, laughing and talking in their own language and kind of see it as a "fuck you" attitude. A kind of jocular, arrogant, "we're here now, we're taking over, so change with the times. "
On an individual basis I admit. like Donald Trump. "some of them are fine people"
But if you persist in thinking that nobody should see the mass takeover of a small country by a group who outnumber us a billion to one, as a threat, then you are part of the irritating problem. You've just picked the right target. Canadians are saps. Why don't Indians move to Russia? They seem to have a lot in common what with their warm and fuzzy relationship with Putin. I'm sure Russians would show them the kind of hospitality and equal treatment you demand
If India were to be swamped by a huge influx of White immigrants, expecting India to adjust and accept, it just wouldn't happen. India, being India, there would be blood shed.
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