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Israel at war


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Time to bomb the absolute fuck out of Hezbollah after those vile fucks murdered those poor schoolkids playing soccer.
1) All evidence points to this being an Israeli Iron dome failure. Israel killed those kids.
2) Israel bombs kids every single day and has likely killed close to 100,000 children according to the Lancet.
3) This attack occurred in Syria, not in Israel. That land is Syrian.

I'd say the vile fucks are the people enabling the Israeli genocide in Gaza.



dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The truth is that under 20,000 Gazans have been killed and Hamas killed close to 5,000 civilians on Oct.7.

Nazi policy did a great deal to facilitate denial of the Holocaust even as the killing operation unfolded across German-occupied Europe during World War II.

The Holocaust was a state secret in Nazi Germany. The Germans wrote down as little as possible. Most of the killing orders were verbal, particularly at the highest levels. Hitler's order to kill Jews was issued only on a need-to-know basis. The Nazi leaders generally avoided detailed planning of killing operations, preferring to proceed in a systematic but often improvised manner. The Germans destroyed most documentation that did exist before the end of the war. The documents that survived and related directly to the killing program were virtually all classified and stamped “Geheime Reichssache” (Top Secret), requiring special handling and destruction to prevent capture by the enemy. Heinrich Himmler, Reich Leader of the SS and Chief of the German Police, said in a secret speech to SS generals in Posen in 1943 that the mass murder of the European Jews was a secret, never to be recorded.

In order to hide the killing operation as much as possible from the uninitiated, Hitler ordered that the killings not be spoken of directly in German documentation or in public statements. Instead, the Germans used codenames and neutral-sounding terms for the killing process. In Nazi parlance, for example, “action” (Aktion) referred to a violent operation against Jewish (or other) civilians by German security forces; “resettlement to the East” (Umsiedlung nach dem Osten) referred to the forced deportation of Jewish civilians to killing centers in German-occupied Poland; and “special treatment” (Sonderbehandlung) meant killing.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2010

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Jewish school bus torched in Toronto Why would CTV and City News omit the fact that these were school buses for Jewish schools, marked as such, and parked near a synagogue? I heard on the radio that a school bus “caught fire” at around 5 a.m. this morning in Toronto. Do school buses do that a lot? Just catch fire, for no reason? That’s what the media said. CTV and City News both ran the story as some sort of freak of nature. They said the school bus was parked near a No Frills grocery store at Wilson Avenue and Bathurst Street. Hang on. I know that grocery store — it’s right next to a Jewish synagogue. Was the media somehow covering up the true nature of this fire? So I went there to see for myself. Why would CTV and City News omit the fact that these were school buses for Jewish schools, marked as such, and parked near a synagogue? How on earth do you leave that part out of your report? When I arrived, a policewoman was investigating. Why didn’t the media say that part? I also bumped into the owner of the bus and spoke with him. It’s obviously an antisemitic arson. But everyone official is in on this conspiracy of silence. The media; the police; prosecutors; politicians. (The local MP is the atrocious Ya’ara Saks, a Jewish MP who actually met and held hands with the terrorist leader, Mahmoud Abbas.) There has been an antisemitic crime wave in Canada over the past nine months, and every authority is trying to cover it up, and it’s obvious why: this crime wave is directly correlated to mass immigration Canada has allowed from countries where hating Jews is second nature. I promise you one thing: while the regime media covers up the facts, Rebel News will continue to tell you the other side of the story.


Well-known member
Jan 11, 2017

EXCLUSIVE VIDEO: Jewish school bus torched in Toronto Why would CTV and City News omit the fact that these were school buses for Jewish schools, marked as such, and parked near a synagogue? I heard on the radio that a school bus “caught fire” at around 5 a.m. this morning in Toronto. Do school buses do that a lot? Just catch fire, for no reason? That’s what the media said. CTV and City News both ran the story as some sort of freak of nature. They said the school bus was parked near a No Frills grocery store at Wilson Avenue and Bathurst Street. Hang on. I know that grocery store — it’s right next to a Jewish synagogue. Was the media somehow covering up the true nature of this fire? So I went there to see for myself. Why would CTV and City News omit the fact that these were school buses for Jewish schools, marked as such, and parked near a synagogue? How on earth do you leave that part out of your report? When I arrived, a policewoman was investigating. Why didn’t the media say that part? I also bumped into the owner of the bus and spoke with him. It’s obviously an antisemitic arson. But everyone official is in on this conspiracy of silence. The media; the police; prosecutors; politicians. (The local MP is the atrocious Ya’ara Saks, a Jewish MP who actually met and held hands with the terrorist leader, Mahmoud Abbas.) There has been an antisemitic crime wave in Canada over the past nine months, and every authority is trying to cover it up, and it’s obvious why: this crime wave is directly correlated to mass immigration Canada has allowed from countries where hating Jews is second nature. I promise you one thing: while the regime media covers up the facts, Rebel News will continue to tell you the other side of the story.
Now that's serious journalism brought to you by Ezra Levant.
Jump to conclusions, shoot first, scream bloody anti-Semitism....ask questions later.
Interview your key witness who won't corroborate anything your asserting.
Hassle a cop while they're investigating the scene demanding answers they possibly wouldn't be able to provide.
And then segue nicely into "anti-Semitic crime waves" by Jewish hating immigrants let in by Canada.
The conspiracy goes much deeper because they don't mention if there were kids and a driver on the bus at 5:00 am.


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2009
Jonathan Cook On The "Useful Idiots" Of U.S Congress

Only a Failing US Empire Would Be So Blind as To Cheer Netanyahu and His Genocide
Every empire falls. Its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become

by Jonathan Cook Posted onJuly 29, 2024
There is only one country in the world right now, in the midst of Israel’s slaughter in Gaza, where Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is guaranteed dozens of standing ovations from the vast majority of its elected representatives.
That country is not Israel, where he has been a hugely divisive figure for many years. It is the United States.
On Wednesday, Netanyahu was back-slapped, glad-handed, whooped and cheered as he slowly made his way – hailed at every step as a conquering hero – to the podium of the US Congress.
This was the same Netanyahu who has overseen during the past 10 months the slaughter – so far – of some 40,000 Palestinians, around half of them women and children. More than 21,000 other children are reported missing, most of them likely dead under rubble.
It was the same Netanyahu who leveled a strip of territory – originally home to 2.3 million Palestinians – that is expected to take 80 years to rebuild, at a cost of at least $50bn.
It was the same Netanyahu who has destroyed every hospital and university in Gaza, and bombed almost all of its schools that were serving as shelters for families made homeless by other Israeli bombs.
It was the same Netanyahu whose arrest is being sought by the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court for crimes against humanity, accused of using starvation as a weapon of war by imposing an aid blockade that has engineered a famine across Gaza.
It was the same Netanyahu whose government was found last week by the International Court of Justice (ICJ) to have been intensifying Israel’s apartheid rule over the Palestinian people in an act of long-term aggression.
It was the same Netanyahu whose government is standing trial for committing what the ICJ, the world’s highest judicial body, has termed a “plausible genocide”.
And yet, there was just one visible protester in the congressional chamber. Rashida Tlaib, the only US legislator of Palestinian heritage, sat silently grasping a small black sign. On one side it said: “War criminal”. On the other: “Guilty of genocide”.
One person among hundreds mutely trying to point out that the emperor was naked.
Cocooned from horror
Indeed, the optics were stark.
This looked less like a visit by a foreign leader than a decorated elder general being welcomed back to the Senate in ancient Rome, or a grey-haired British viceroy from India embraced in the motherland’s parliament, after brutally subduing the “barbarians” on the fringes of empire.
This was a scene familiar from history books: of imperial brutality and colonial savagery, recast by the seat of the imperium as valor, honor, civilization. And it looked every bit as absurd, and abhorrent, as it does when we look back on what happened 200 or 2,000 years ago.
It was a reminder that, despite our self-serving claims of progress and humanitarianism, our world is not very different from the way it has been for thousands of years.
It was a reminder that power elites like to celebrate the demonstration of their power, cocooned both from the horrors faced by those crushed by their might, and from the clamor of protest of those horrified by the infliction of so much suffering.
It was a reminder that this is not a “war” between Israel and Hamas – let alone, as Netanyahu would have us believe, a battle for civilization between the Judeo-Christian world and the Islamic world.
This is a US imperial war – part of its military campaign for “global, full-spectrum dominance” – carried out by Washington’s most favored client state.
The genocide is fully a US genocide, armed by Washington, paid for by Washington, given diplomatic cover by Washington, and – as the scenes in Congress underlined – cheered on by Washington.
Or as Netanyahu stated in a moment of unintentional candor to Congress: “Our enemies are your enemy, our fight is your fight, and our victory will be your victory.”
Israel is Washington’s largest military outpost in the oil-rich Middle East. The Israeli army is the Pentagon’s main battalion in that strategically important region. And Netanyahu is the outpost’s commander in chief.
What is vital to Washington elites is that the outpost is supported at all costs; that it doesn’t fall to the “barbarians”.
Outpouring of lies
There was another small moment of inadvertent truth amid Netanyahu’s outpouring of lies. The Israeli prime minister stated that what was happening in Gaza was “a clash between barbarism and civilization”. He was not wrong.
On the one side, there is the barbarism of the current joint Israeli-US genocide against the people of Gaza, a dramatic escalation of the 17-year Israeli siege of the enclave that preceded it, and the decades of belligerent rule under an Israeli system of apartheid before that.
And on the other side, there are the embattled few desperately trying to safeguard the West’s professed values of “civilization”, of international humanitarian law, of the protection of the weak and vulnerable, of the rights of children.
The US Congress decisively showed where it stood: with barbarism.
Netanyahu has become the most feted foreign leader in US history, invited to speak to Congress four times, surpassing even Britain’s wartime leader, Winston Churchill.
He is fully Washington’s creature. His savagery, his monstrousness is entirely made in America. As he implored his US handlers: “Give us the tools faster and we’ll finish the job faster.”
Finish the job of genocide.
Performative dissent
Some Democrats preferred to stay away, including party power broker Nancy Pelosi. Instead, she met families of Israeli hostages held in Gaza – not, of course, Palestinian families whose loved ones in Gaza had been slaughtered by Israel.
Vice President Kamala Harris explained her own absence as a scheduling conflict. She met the Israeli prime minister, as did President Joe Biden, on Thursday.
Afterwards, she claimed to have pressed Netanyahu on the “dire” humanitarian situation in Gaza, but stressed too that Israel “had a right to defend itself” – a right that Israel specifically does not have, as the ICJ pointed out last week, because Israel is the one permanently violating the rights of the Palestinians through its prolonged occupation, apartheid rule and ethnic cleansing.
But the dissent of Pelosi – and of Harris, if that is what it was – was purely performative. True, they have no personal love for Netanyahu, who has so closely allied himself and his government with the US Republican right and former president Donald Trump.
But Netanyahu simply serves as an alibi. Both Pelosi and Harris are stalwart supporters of Israel – a state that, according to the ICJ’s judgment last week, decades ago instituted apartheid rule in the Palestinian territories, using an illegal occupation as cover to ethnically cleanse the population there.
Their political agenda is not about ending the annihilation of the people of Gaza. It is acting as a safety valve for popular dissatisfaction among traditional Democratic voters shocked by the scenes from Gaza.
It is to deceive them into imagining that behind closed doors, there is some sort of policy fight over Israel’s handling of the Palestinian issue. That voting Democrat will one day – one very distant day – lead to an undefined “peace”, a fabled “two-state solution” where Palestinian children won’t keep dying in the interests of preserving the security of Israel’s illegal settler-militias.
US policy towards Israel has not changed in any meaningful sense for decades, whether the president has been red or blue, whether Trump has been in the White House or Barack Obama.
And if Harris becomes president – admittedly, a big if – US arms and money will continue flowing to Israel, while Israel will get to decide if US aid to Gaza is ever allowed in.
Why? Because Israel is the lynchpin in a US imperial project for global full-spectrum dominance. Because for Washington to change course on Israel, it would also have to do other unthinkable things.
It would have to begin dismantling its 800 military bases around the planet, just as Israel was told by the ICJ last week to dismantle its many dozens of illegal settlements on Palestinian territory.
The US would need to agree a shared global security architecture with China and Russia, rather than seek to bully and batter these great powers into submission with bloody proxy wars, such as the one in Ukraine.
The coming fall
Pelosi, remember, smeared students on US campuses protesting Israel’s plausible genocide in Gaza as being linked to Russia. She urged the FBI to investigate them for pressuring the Biden administration to support a ceasefire.
Netanyahu, in his address to Congress, similarly demonized the demonstrators – in his case, by accusing them of being “useful idiots” of Israel’s main foe, Iran.
Neither can afford to recognize that millions of ordinary people across the US think it is wrong to bomb and starve children – and to use a war with an unachievable aim as the cover story.
Hamas cannot be “eliminated” through Israel’s current bout of horrifying violence for a very obvious reason: The group is a product, a symptom, of earlier bouts of horrifying Israeli violence.
As even western counter-terrorism experts have had to concede, Israel’s genocidal policies in Gaza are strengthening Hamas, not weakening it. Young men and boys who lose their family to Israeli bombs are Hamas’s most fervent new recruits.
That’s why Netanyahu insisted Israel’s military offensive – the genocide – in Gaza could not end soon. He demanded weapons and money to keep his soldiers in the enclave indefinitely, in an operation he termed as “demilitarization and deradicalization”.
Decoded, that means a continuing horror show for the Palestinians there, as they are forced to continue living and dying with an Israeli aid blockade, starvation, bombs and unmarked “kill zones”.
It means, too, an indefinite risk of Israel’s war on Gaza spilling over into a regional war, and potentially a global one, as tripwires towards escalation continue to grow in number.
The US Congress, however, is too blinded by championing its small fortressed state in the Middle East to think about such complexities. Its members roared “USA!” to their satrap from Israel, just as Roman senators once roared “Glory!” to generals whose victories they assumed would continue forever.
The rulers of the Roman empire no more saw the coming fall than their modern counterparts in Washington can. But every empire falls. And its collapse becomes inevitable once its rulers lose all sense of how absurd and abhorrent they have become.
Jonathan Cook is the author of three books on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, and a winner of the Martha Gellhorn Special Prize for Journalism. His website and blog can be found at This originally appeared in the Middle East Eye


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