Trudeau Liberals' indifference to NATO plays right into Russia's hands


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Jul 11, 2024

For Americans, the good news from the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. is that President Joe Biden managed to read a stirring speech from a teleprompter without too much stammering or gargling noises. While the threat of Donald Trump’s return to the White House looms darkly over the 75-year-old transatlantic alliance — Trump isn’t NATO’s biggest fan — for the moment, at least, the United States is NATO’s bedrock power. That’s all to the good.

But from here on in, the picture is going to get foggier. A lot of people are finding it hard to know who or what to believe. That’s because Moscow, Tehran and Beijing are fighting on fronts that institutions like NATO aren’t used to fighting on.

For Ukrainians, it wasn’t great news that NATO is still stalling the grant of membership, but it wasn’t all bad news. The United States will be leading a push to send Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s besieged and bomb-cratered republic several new air defence systems, including Patriot missile batteries.

F-16 fighter jets will finally be patrolling Ukrainian skies this summer, thanks to the Dutch and the Danes. Those aircraft will be the first of more than 80 F-16s that NATO states have pledged so far to help Ukraine repulse the full-scale invasion and war of conquest that Russia’s Vladimir Putin launched more than two years ago.

For Canadians, this has been an exceptionally embarrassing week. The “world stage” spotlights that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau once relished like a new-on-the-scene teen idol have lately become for him like flames to a moth, and the NATO summit in Washington cast the Liberal government in a particularly unflattering light.

A key focus of the summit was the Trudeau government’s signature indifference to the 32-member alliance, and Ottawa’s inattention to Canada’s defence generally. That indifference may well illustrate a fogginess by which Trudeau’s Canada, since 2015, has become acutely enfeebled. Certainly no less enfeebled than Trump’s America, anyway.

Canada’s inattention to NATO’s expectation that its member states should be spending two per cent of their Gross Domestic Product on defence was drawn into sharper relief by a Parliamentary Budget Officer estimate this week suggesting that Ottawa has wildly inflated its projections that military spending will rise to 1.76 per cent of GDP by 2030. The PBO reckons that even if Ottawa accomplishes the rarely-achieved objective of following through with its defence funding commitments, total spending will amount to only 1.42 per cent of GDP six years from now.

But 2030 might as well be a lifetime away. By then, the United States may be roiling in disarray from a second tumultuous Trump presidency.

While direct cause and effect lines are difficult to discern in all the statistical noise, a constant hum of Russian propaganda and disinformation incubated in the Moscow-Tehran-Beijing axis had clearly contributed to an erosion of the resolve of the liberal democracies even before columns of Russian tanks first crossed Ukraine’s borders on Feb. 24, 2022.

After the tanks rolled in, that erosion soon became readily evident. In the U.S., only nine per cent of Republican voters told Pew Research pollsters that they thought the U.S. was providing “too much” aid to Ukraine. By this past spring, the proportion of Republican respondents answering that way had risen to 49 per cent. Over roughly the same time period, the Angus Reid polling firm found Conservative voters who said Canada was being too helpful to Ukraine rose from 19 per cent to 43 per cent.

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has accelerated what was already a digital cyberwar waged by foreign dictatorships, aimed at confusing and confounding open societies. And it’s getting harder for democracies to cope with it.

Just this week, the U.S. Justice Department unsealed court documents in an investigation of a Russian “bot farm” behind almost 1,000 social-media accounts impersonating Americans. The operation, carried out on Twitter (now known as ‘X’) was intended to circulate Kremlin propaganda and “fake news.” The Justice Department seized two websites associated with the accounts, and ordered Elon Musk’s massive platform to turn over information related to 968 fake accounts controlled by a division of Moscow’s RT News.

“Russia intended to use this bot farm to disseminate AI-generated foreign disinformation, scaling their work with the assistance of AI to undermine our partners in Ukraine and influence geopolitical narratives favourable to the Russian government,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement released by the Justice Department.

Beijing has expended enormous resources in capturing conventional, digital and social media platforms in order to advance propaganda lines crafted by the Chinese Communist Party. In Canada, the platform WeChat, which hundreds of thousands of Chinese-Canadians rely upon for news, is closely censored and manipulated by a vast bureaucracy of party-state controllers.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has assessed that WeChat was an important conduit for interference operations mainly in aid of Liberal candidates and targeting mostly the Conservative party during the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

Hybrid-war information operations run out of Moscow and Beijing are increasingly cross-pollinating with Khomeinist efforts to incite hostility to Israel, meanwhile, most noticeably in the agitations and “activism” purporting to support Palestinians in the current Gaza war.

This week, U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines launched the first of what is expected to be a series of regular updates in advance of the U.S. presidential and congressional elections later this year. The first update focused on Iranian influence activities that have sought to “opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza,” Haines said. It’s a “playbook” other malign foreign actors have been using in recent years, she said.

“We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

In Canada, antisemitic violence, “anti-Zionist” histrionics and anti-Israel incitements based on Khomeinist propaganda have become commonplace in the left-wing activist milieu. However, despite the Conservative party’s rock-solid support for Ukrainians in their efforts to defend themselves against the Kremlin’s war of aggression, Russian disinformation tends to get noticeably more traction among self-identified “conservatives” than among Liberals or New Democrats.

DisinfoWatch and the Canadian Digital Media Research Network have found that most Canadians have been exposed to Russian-origin foreign information manipulation and interference, and many have believed the Russian “narratives” to be true, or plausible. Conservatives voters, who consistently poll as the most skeptical of conventional media, also showed themselves to be most susceptible to Kremlin “narratives.”

A strategic objective of the Kremlin’s cyber warfare is to exacerbate existing social divisions in order to undermine trust in governments, the news media and civil society. Beijing plays a similar game. So does Tehran.

This is what Ukraine is up against. It’s what Israel is up against. It’s what Canadians are up against, too, every time they sign on to the anarchy of memes and foreign bot projects that used to be called Twitter.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
No one in Washington believes Trudeau’s empty NATO promises anymore
John Ivison
Jul 11, 2024

Trudeau has lost his power to seduce and Canada’s standing has been lost, as allies far poorer than this country live up to their promises

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Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
The anti-Liberal National Post is total BS!!
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Last edited:


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
OIC, Opinion from Andrew Coyne. Not sure what humiliation, other than Canada not having a timeline for increasing their spending to 2%.

That has already been relayed to the rest of the NATO members. So, what other humiliation? Can you do a copy and paste from that article as I'm not wasting my $0.99 per week on that media.


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
I relay to the host of a party I am to attend I will be running around
with no clothes on in advance; I can still make a fool out of myself
at the party. Trudeau's presence at the summit has already
embarrassed Canada.
‘Shameful’: Five Tweets on how Canada’s defence spending has been received at the 2024 NATO Summit

The 2024 NATO Summit kicked off in Washington, D.C this week.

The intergovernmental military alliance of 32 member states—30 European and two North American—is celebrating its 75th anniversary in the very city where their founding treaty was signed in 1949. Canada counts itself as one of the founding member states.

In 2014, NATO heads of state and government agreed to allocate a minimum of 2 percent of their respective countries’ GDP to defence spending, to guarantee the alliance’s military preparedness. Canada has yet to meet the agreed-upon requirement and is currently contributing 1.38 percent.

Canadians’ low defence spending has been criticized by politicians and commentators worldwide, who claim Canada is a “free-rider” in the NATO alliance.

Here are five Tweets on how Canada was received at the 2024 NATO Summit



Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Thought that OP was going to do a copy and paste with that Andrew Coyne opinion. But no he has jumped ship to the so called Hub media!!


Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
This is what actually plays into Putin's hands:

Last February, Trump said he would “encourage” Russia to “do whatever the hell they want” to NATO allies who don’t pay their share on defence.
That is why Putin cannot wait to have Trump back into the Whitehouse!!


Well-known member
Aug 18, 2001
This comes up at every NATO meeting. I don't think Canada has ever met its NATO obligation. Harper had a chance and he never did. In fact, he cut defence spending. This is just another attempt for Conservatives to dump on Trudeau.
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Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
This comes up at every NATO meeting. I don't think Canada has ever met its NATO obligation. Harper had a chance and he never did. In fact, he cut defence spending. This is just another attempt for Conservatives to dump on Trudeau.
Nah...there already has been enough to dump on him over the past 10 years...he's done anyway. This is just for fun now.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2022
this will be better?
I think most Canadians would agree that at this point...anything would be better. That's how badly the Trudeau house of shit is burning.

ps are you excited about Poilievre axing the tax? I think a lot of people are.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
I think most Canadians would agree that at this point...anything would be better. That's how badly the Trudeau house of shit is burning.

ps are you excited about Poilievre axing the tax? I think a lot of people are.
Climate change denial is such a popular policy to campaign on.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You have to be a total wacko to believe carbon tax is actually making you more money than you had before.
Remember when you proved carbon taxes worked by saying nobody drives hummers any more because gas is too expensive?


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2001
Jul 11, 2024

For Americans, the good news from the NATO summit in Washington, D.C. is that President Joe Biden managed to read a stirring speech from a teleprompter without too much stammering or gargling noises. While the threat of Donald Trump’s return to the White House looms darkly over the 75-year-old transatlantic alliance — Trump isn’t NATO’s biggest fan — for the moment, at least, the United States is NATO’s bedrock power. That’s all to the good.

But from here on in, the picture is going to get foggier. A lot of people are finding it hard to know who or what to believe. That’s because Moscow, Tehran and Beijing are fighting on fronts that institutions like NATO aren’t used to fighting on.

For Ukrainians, it wasn’t great news that NATO is still stalling the grant of membership, but it wasn’t all bad news. The United States will be leading a push to send Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s besieged and bomb-cratered republic several new air defence systems, including Patriot missile batteries.

F-16 fighter jets will finally be patrolling Ukrainian skies this summer, thanks to the Dutch and the Danes. Those aircraft will be the first of more than 80 F-16s that NATO states have pledged so far to help Ukraine repulse the full-scale invasion and war of conquest that Russia’s Vladimir Putin launched more than two years ago.

For Canadians, this has been an exceptionally embarrassing week. The “world stage” spotlights that Prime Minister Justin Trudeau once relished like a new-on-the-scene teen idol have lately become for him like flames to a moth, and the NATO summit in Washington cast the Liberal government in a particularly unflattering light.

A key focus of the summit was the Trudeau government’s signature indifference to the 32-member alliance, and Ottawa’s inattention to Canada’s defence generally. That indifference may well illustrate a fogginess by which Trudeau’s Canada, since 2015, has become acutely enfeebled. Certainly no less enfeebled than Trump’s America, anyway.

Canada’s inattention to NATO’s expectation that its member states should be spending two per cent of their Gross Domestic Product on defence was drawn into sharper relief by a Parliamentary Budget Officer estimate this week suggesting that Ottawa has wildly inflated its projections that military spending will rise to 1.76 per cent of GDP by 2030. The PBO reckons that even if Ottawa accomplishes the rarely-achieved objective of following through with its defence funding commitments, total spending will amount to only 1.42 per cent of GDP six years from now.

But 2030 might as well be a lifetime away. By then, the United States may be roiling in disarray from a second tumultuous Trump presidency.

While direct cause and effect lines are difficult to discern in all the statistical noise, a constant hum of Russian propaganda and disinformation incubated in the Moscow-Tehran-Beijing axis had clearly contributed to an erosion of the resolve of the liberal democracies even before columns of Russian tanks first crossed Ukraine’s borders on Feb. 24, 2022.

After the tanks rolled in, that erosion soon became readily evident. In the U.S., only nine per cent of Republican voters told Pew Research pollsters that they thought the U.S. was providing “too much” aid to Ukraine. By this past spring, the proportion of Republican respondents answering that way had risen to 49 per cent. Over roughly the same time period, the Angus Reid polling firm found Conservative voters who said Canada was being too helpful to Ukraine rose from 19 per cent to 43 per cent.

The advent of Artificial Intelligence has accelerated what was already a digital cyberwar waged by foreign dictatorships, aimed at confusing and confounding open societies. And it’s getting harder for democracies to cope with it.

Just this week, the U.S. Justice Department unsealed court documents in an investigation of a Russian “bot farm” behind almost 1,000 social-media accounts impersonating Americans. The operation, carried out on Twitter (now known as ‘X’) was intended to circulate Kremlin propaganda and “fake news.” The Justice Department seized two websites associated with the accounts, and ordered Elon Musk’s massive platform to turn over information related to 968 fake accounts controlled by a division of Moscow’s RT News.

“Russia intended to use this bot farm to disseminate AI-generated foreign disinformation, scaling their work with the assistance of AI to undermine our partners in Ukraine and influence geopolitical narratives favourable to the Russian government,” FBI Director Christopher Wray said in a statement released by the Justice Department.

Beijing has expended enormous resources in capturing conventional, digital and social media platforms in order to advance propaganda lines crafted by the Chinese Communist Party. In Canada, the platform WeChat, which hundreds of thousands of Chinese-Canadians rely upon for news, is closely censored and manipulated by a vast bureaucracy of party-state controllers.

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) has assessed that WeChat was an important conduit for interference operations mainly in aid of Liberal candidates and targeting mostly the Conservative party during the 2019 and 2021 federal elections.

Hybrid-war information operations run out of Moscow and Beijing are increasingly cross-pollinating with Khomeinist efforts to incite hostility to Israel, meanwhile, most noticeably in the agitations and “activism” purporting to support Palestinians in the current Gaza war.

This week, U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines launched the first of what is expected to be a series of regular updates in advance of the U.S. presidential and congressional elections later this year. The first update focused on Iranian influence activities that have sought to “opportunistically take advantage of ongoing protests regarding the war in Gaza,” Haines said. It’s a “playbook” other malign foreign actors have been using in recent years, she said.

“We have observed actors tied to Iran’s government posing as activists online, seeking to encourage protests, and even providing financial support to protesters.”

In Canada, antisemitic violence, “anti-Zionist” histrionics and anti-Israel incitements based on Khomeinist propaganda have become commonplace in the left-wing activist milieu. However, despite the Conservative party’s rock-solid support for Ukrainians in their efforts to defend themselves against the Kremlin’s war of aggression, Russian disinformation tends to get noticeably more traction among self-identified “conservatives” than among Liberals or New Democrats.

DisinfoWatch and the Canadian Digital Media Research Network have found that most Canadians have been exposed to Russian-origin foreign information manipulation and interference, and many have believed the Russian “narratives” to be true, or plausible. Conservatives voters, who consistently poll as the most skeptical of conventional media, also showed themselves to be most susceptible to Kremlin “narratives.”

A strategic objective of the Kremlin’s cyber warfare is to exacerbate existing social divisions in order to undermine trust in governments, the news media and civil society. Beijing plays a similar game. So does Tehran.

This is what Ukraine is up against. It’s what Israel is up against. It’s what Canadians are up against, too, every time they sign on to the anarchy of memes and foreign bot projects that used to be called Twitter.

The NP is almost 100% anti Liberal, non fact-based rant.
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