Conservatives win St Paul's byelection

Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
anyone who willing choose / supported the corrupt moron Justin Trudeau as the leader of their party is void of integrity, lacks the ability to judge character and is unworthy of the electorates support
never put an idiot in charge

They should have turfed him over the SNC scandal
they choose to retain power and look the other way as scandal after scandal and incompetence piled up

They have forever shamed the once proud Liberal Party of Canada and have caused much damage to Canada

the next federal election can not arrive soon enough
He won 3 elections and could still pull off a fourth. That is a significant accomplishment, especially in today’s political climate.

Clearly, the majority of Canadians were not as upset about JT’s mistakes/scandals as you would have liked them to be.

Unfortunately, the choice seems to have come down to a choice between JT vs an ally of the KKKonvoy. ☹
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Knuckle Ball

Well-known member
Oct 15, 2017
I'm sure they are already lining up their exit strategy, board positions, legal firms and consulting/lobbying gigs for the inevitable. Unless he resigns they will all go down with the ship unless a lucrative offer shows up by the New Year.
We’ll see…all these ministers and MP’s sound supportive now but who knows? This could wind up being like the dreaded Vote of Confidence that an ownership group gives a GM shortly before they unceremoniously show him the door…There are all kinds of ways of getting rid of someone in politics; I wouldn’t trust any of these MF’rs…LOL


Well-known member
Nov 23, 2004
How many people do you think are making more than $250,000 a year from capital gains?

Remember, primary residencies are left out, so this is only on people who are buying and selling property for profit regularly.
My God, did you even read the article? It's not only people who are buying and selling property for profit yearly. Again, you need to stop listening to Justin.

The federal government’s decision to increase the capital gains inclusion rate to 66.7 per cent from 50 per cent on amounts above $250,000 for individuals and on all gains for corporations has caused a lot of angst amongst business owners, professionals, investors and property owners, to name just a few. Any Canadian who has a trust or incorporated business (holding company) will see a significant increase in their taxes. Working professionals who are allowed to incorporate, for example, accountants, lawyers, doctors, realtors etc. In other words, for corporations, all capital gains are now subject to the two-thirds inclusion rate.

That's a huge difference, which is why so many people are upset with these new changes.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
My God, did you even read the article? It's not only people who are buying and selling property for profit yearly.

The federal government’s decision to increase the capital gains inclusion rate to 66.7 per cent from 50 per cent on amounts above $250,000 for individuals and on all gains for corporations has caused a lot of angst amongst business owners, professionals, investors and property owners, to name just a few. Any Canadian who has a trust or incorporated business (holding company) will see a significant increase in their taxes. Working professionals who are allowed to incorporate, for example, accountants, lawyers, doctors, realtors etc.
I see why you are so outraged.
Imagine how hard done it is to be making $250,000 a year tax free and then having to pay 16.7% more tax on the money you make above $250,000.
How is someone supposed to afford three homes, winter in Florida and a new Tesla on that kind of money.


Well-known member
Aug 10, 2020
meh, Seinfeld theory ... people got tired Harper after many years even though he didn't do a terrible job towards the end of his tenure.

Liberals will be back eventually; it's a cycle. Sean Fraser will be the next leader.

Freeland ? lol , she's hated as much as Trudeau, as his right-hand man (oops, woman).

Champagne? Doesnt have the IT factor; plus they've learned from Stephanie Dion.

Carney? No, too soon. He'll need to earn his time; otherwise, they'll just play the Ignatieff card.

Frank Baylis? Who?
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2005
He won 3 elections and could still pull off a fourth. That is a significant accomplishment, especially in today’s political climate.
a sad reflection of the Canadian electorate for selected a corrupt moron ... because he has a famous last name /

Clearly, the majority of Canadians were not as upset about JT’s mistakes/scandals as you would have liked them to be.
the corrupt moron has increased the cost of living for the electorate.
that is political suicide
he is done

Unfortunately, the choice seems to have come down to a choice between JT vs an ally of the KKKonvoy. ☹
no the unfortunate part is the damage the corrupt moron has created
fortunately there will be another federal election
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Well-known member
Dec 2, 2022
That's the thing.

People talk about how in Canada we are now seeing political divisions akin to US politics like we've never seen before. And there is truth in that. But when you look at it, it starts with Justin Trudeau .

In all my life, which is slipping more and more into decrepitude with each passing week, I've never seen such a divisive Prime Minister. He constantly insults and belittles ordinary Canadians who simply don't agree with him. We constantly get referred to as "racists", "misogynists", "islamophobes", "cruel", "small minded", "hateful", "homophobes", you name it. And for some, he suspends their constitutional rights, freezes their bank accounts, threatens to use the government to take away their children and holds them without bail for months.

These aren't his political rivals, these are ordinary Canadians he is constantly labeling as such. Just look at the rhetoric he and Freeland were using in the run-up to the by-election.

I can not think of a previous Prime Minister who ever behaved in such a reprehensible way in the past. Seriously. I don't recall Chretien, or Mulroney or PET ever calling Canadian people racists or misogynists. 45 percent of the population never would have voted for the Liberals and to Justin that means they are all racists and misogynist and homophobic. It's sick.

He's just like Hilary Clinton who labeled half of Americans "deplorables". No Hilary, they are citizens of the United States and the fact that they were not going to vote for you doesn't make them a deplorable.

Same goes to Poilievre, don't ever make that mistake. Don't label citizens who choose not to vote for you as anything but people you simply have a political disagreement with. In closing, i recall the late great John McCain who actually came to the defense of Barack Obama during political rallies when things got carried away. Can't imagine Justin Trudeau ever being a gentleman like that. And for that he deserves to lose.
That's what I've been thinking too. Trudeau has encouraged the Identity Politics and Echo Chambers found in American. We can't have an straight honest discussion about budgets and spending. Just look at the Capital Gain Tax. He tried to pass this off by using class warfare, but people have finally woke up. Eventually you have to deal with reality.

That's where Poilievre has shined. He doesn't fall for the identity trap and isn't afraid of challenging the negative statements. You take these things away, Trudeau and the Liberal followers have nothing. You're left with the truth that Justin has been and continue horrible.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
That's what I've been thinking too. Trudeau has encouraged the Identity Politics and Echo Chambers found in American. We can't have an straight honest discussion about budgets and spending. Just look at the Capital Gain Tax. He tried to pass this off by using class warfare, but people have finally woke up. Eventually you have to deal with reality.

That's where Poilievre has shined. He doesn't fall for the identity trap and isn't afraid of challenging the negative statements. You take these things away, Trudeau and the Liberal followers have nothing. You're left with the truth that Justin has been and continue horrible.
The problem is the rich are getting richer.
Taxing the rich through capital gains is exactly the start of what we need to have happen.

You really want this instead?


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
If JT loses we will just claim the election was rigged, storm the capital, and take power by force…because that’s what normal people do, right?
We talking about Maga? We font have it here...besides....millions voted for donny...did millions show up Jan 6? No..


Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
Pee Pee once he takes the reins will be stepping in piles of runny, messy manure because he's an arrogant POS. I just hope you will be as hard on the piss stain as you seem to be on anyone on the left but I doubt it.
At least you're starting to accept...peepee might take the're seeing the writings on the wall...majority want trudy out...
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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2009
That’s the wonderful thing about democracy.

Sad that so many conservatives find themselves drawn to fascism.
Fascism? Who's been in charge for 9 years and tell people to take it all in and if you will get your bank accounts frozen...genders are based on feelings and if you don't agree you're misogynistic and homophobic.... anybody who doesn't vote liberal are cold and small...LOL


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Fascism? Who's been in charge for 9 years and tell people to take it all in and if you will get your bank accounts frozen...genders are based on feelings and if you don't agree you're misogynistic and homophobic.... anybody who doesn't vote liberal are cold and small...LOL
It was only people taking foreign money to try to shut down the government who had their accounts frozen.
Do you really support having other countries pay to screw up the government?



Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
At least you're starting to accept...peepee might take the're seeing the writings on the wall...majority want trudy out...
I've been saying it for a long time. Reading and absorbing what you read is important. I will go further and say not might take the reigns, will take the reigns with a huge majority unless Pee Pee steps in a number 2 pile which he may although his handlers are trying to keep him in check. The difference between myself and righties is I live in the real world.
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Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
You really need to check your definition of fascism.
Good news, Argentina has completed the first wave of experiments on the fiscal policies that PeePee and the cons back.
Now you can know what will happen.

"we will take all measures to make sure everyone is fully vaccinated" with an experimental drug which has no proven long term safety order for you to be able to work for money to feed your family.....a drug that now has been pulled from the market (AZ) due to safety issues...and that has multiple lawsuits launched against the manufactuer (pfizer).
Dude, if that's not fascist in nature....cmon now. Wake the fuck up LOL!!!
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
"we will take all measures to make sure everyone is fully vaccinated" with an experimental drug which has no proven long term safety order for you to be able to work for money to feed your family.....a drug that now has been pulled from the market (AZ) due to safety issues...and that has multiple lawsuits launched against the manufactuer (pfizer).
Dude, if that's not fascist in nature....cmon now. Wake the fuck up LOL!!!
Anti vaxxers are just fucked in the head, sorry.
Measles have returned, vaccinations for a series of diseases are down and in the next 3-4 years most people will end up suffering long term covid and not even know why.



Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
Anti vaxxers are just fucked in the head, sorry.
Measles have returned, vaccinations for a series of diseases are down and in the next 3-4 years most people will end up suffering long term covid and not even know why.

Let's be realistic.
"Anti-vaxxers" who refuse proven treatments across the board are very different than people who don't trust the Covid jabs that were rushed, with no long term safety testing.
You use that term the same way the corrupt Prime Minister did in order to create divisive politics and demonize those who didn't blindly obey what the Gov and Media were pushing.

Try for one moment as difficult as it may be for you, to use logic.
You can't work and make money to feed your family unless you take this experimental injection.
FFW to that injection removed from the market due to safety issues.
FFW to no one needs to take the injection any longer to work.

This was temporary political fascism.
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Feb 11, 2009
Toronto Escorts