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Munk Debate on Zionism


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
It looks like Kautilya's "fan club" AKA mockers is growing. A recent post by bc:
You can add me to that fan club. As you may know, I'm no fan of Zionism or Israel. But I respect those who can argue and disagree logically.

This guy can't. In separate threads, he assumed me and another poster were white, just because our views differed from his.

He can't comprehend that POC can think for themselves.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Post a summary, why would I waste 10 minutes of my life watching some zionist on youtube?
AKA, why would I watch someone whom I know is my intellectual superior and speaks the truth? It's better to be cowardly and remain ignorant.

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I can point you to a few more right wingers on this board who hate me. So you guys can go ahead have your own little Kautilya hate party.
We don't hate you. We're just laughing at your lack of intellect while you remain so smug.

BTW, I am not even close to being a right winger. I may be pro-Israel but I am pro gun control, pro-choice, anti-climate change denial, I favoured covid vaxxing etc., etc.

And I have logically argued all of your points that you have raised. You dont want to admit that you were wrong while accusing me of the same.
See, that's the point. The reality is that you now have 5 people that you've debated that can attest to the fact that you have no sense of what logic entails. You don't win debates. People just give up trying to make you understand simple facts so they just stop trying.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
You keep pushing that hate speech, gvir.
Keep trying to argue that all Jews back genocide like zionists like you do.
You're lying and you know it.
You have disengaged from reality.

How long till you switch to another nickname, Geno?


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Just found this thread. Looks like Kautilya lives rent free in the heads of shack and his nanny who is not really a doctor, after being thrashed around in a few debates. 😂

Oh and by the way back on topic. Nice work, quoting a Nazi in support of Zionism and discrediting yourself one more time. That right there should prove to you, that anti-Zionism is not anti-Semitism.

Academic and journalistic sources have variously described Murray's ideology and political views as conservative, neoconservative, far-right, alt-right and Islamophobic.Murray is a regular critic of immigration and Islam. British journalist and broadcaster Peter Oborne described Douglas Murray as an anti-Muslim polemicist.

Murray has been accused of putting a socially acceptable face on far-right ideologies. Murray has also been described as promoting far-right conspiracy theories, including the Great Replacement theory, the Eurabia conspiracy theory and the cultural Marxism conspiracy theory.

Here is Benjamin Moser, an actual Pulitzer prize winning Jewish author:

Anti-Zionism is the default Jewish position. Therefore to say antizionism is antisemitic, is antisemitic.

Anti-Zionism isn’t the same as antisemitism. Here’s the history.

The only ones who condemned the Jews for not having a state are the Europeans. Palestinians have nothing to do with it and they should not have to pay for European crimes.
The only thing that you are proving is how pervasive anti-Semitism is. It is endemic in almost every walk of life as it has been for thousands of years. That was part of Murray's winning argument. Anti-Semitism is shape shifting. Thanks for proving his point.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
AKA, why would I watch someone whom I know is my intellectual superior and speaks the truth? It's better to be cowardly and remain ignorant.
Is that why you only watch the teletubbies?
Shazi, you really need to stop trying to claim you are superior.
Its KKK like supremacy that has lead you to justify killing women and children you think are subhuman.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
The only thing that you are proving is how pervasive anti-Semitism is. It is endemic in almost every walk of life as it has been for thousands of years. That was part of Murray's winning argument. Anti-Semitism is shape shifting. Thanks for proving his point.
This really is your moral hero, someone you think is even smarter than yourself?


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
PS: You've talked trash about India many times. So I still have my doubts about who you are.
And you have not? I seem to recall you speaking ill of Modi and his ilk.

I've also criticized Israel, at which point you claimed I was from Pakistan or Bangladesh.

But then again, I've also criticized Muslims, so what does that make me now?

Is it possible I'm just someone who considers each issue independently?


Well-known member
May 21, 2002
but as I said it is a fruitless exercise trying to guess where you are from. So I will leave it at that.
Why does it matter where I'm from? It's because you devolve to ad hominem attacks when you can't attack the argument.

"Well, you're just a White/Pakistani/Bangladeshi/Jew so that's why you have this position."

How is that any different from "you're just a goyim/kafir/infidel/heretic/fascist/Nazi etc."?

No further explanation required. The true hallmark of a pseudo-intellectual.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
The people I debate are either right wingers or Zionists such as yourself, or anti-immigrant crusaders. You may not be right wing on other issues, but you are certainly far right in your blind support for Israel.
TBH, I don't even know why Israel is a left or right thing anyways. I look at it as a morality/Western style democracy thing. Israel's society is more similar to our N. American style of life than any Arab Nation. They share more of our values. Israel contributes to the world in terms of medicine, science and technology and shares much of it with the world. Palestinians don't. (I know you disagree with a lot of the characterizations and you have lots of counterpoints, but I'm just pointing out my own personal reasonings in an attempt to show that it's not a left/right thing for me. Nothing that I'd care to debate at this time. They are just my feelings.)

This board skews right wing. Left wingers are going to be hated. And I bask in that hatred lmao. Infact the more you hate, the better it is.
No way to prove it one way or the other, but I think it's pretty balanced and a reflection of our home, Toronto. If anything Toronto is more left leaning than right and I think that TERB is as well. Having said that, I have been surprised by some of the right wing rhetoric and opinions. But we have radical lefties here as well. (Is Geno watching?)

See you talked about logic while displaying none of it.
We already have a number of testimonials from others in just this thread that declare that it is you who is at a disadvantage in terms of logic. I don't recall anybody coming to your defense declaring that you are a brilliant debater. Only you.

Let's agree that the majority rules. ;)

I literally posted who Doug Murray was - a far right neo-Nazi and an Islamophobe. And I quoted Benjamin Moser who is Jewish and pulitzer prize winning author and you repeat some talking point about anti-semitism. You are cheapening the word.
You've admitted your extreme bias and posted "opinions" of other anti-Semites and even some misguided Jews. They are not facts. It proves nothing. I could post opinions of others that would say that he is a brilliant, logical speaker who can back up every single one of his claims with facts, history and a sense of morality. He is always cool, calm and collected because he has the confidence derived from the validity of what he says as opposed to a guy like Cenk Uyghur whose veins are popping out of his neck because he's a Jew hater and has to resort to lies. Murray stymies him every time, as in the Piers Morgan debate. Cenk looked foolish. His anger stems from the fact that he is afraid of being challenged, like a bully is.

So, what you posted about Murray is one-sided, and as such, irrelevant.

We could have a battle of references but it would prove nothing to either of us.

You've respectfully stated your opinion and I've attempted to do likewise. I don't see a need to further this particular discussion as it will most likely degenerate into something more nasty. I'm pretty mellow right now and would like to stay that way.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Just for you I'm going with Shazi for a little while.

zionists are blowing the legs off about 10 kids a day

You've posted so many lies and fake, unsubstantiated photos, Geno, that you have no credibility. Your images are all photoshopped propaganda.

BTW, if you had a good, cutting name for me you'd stick with. When I mention Geno, everybody automatically knows that I'm referring to you. It's perfect, because you've accused so many of us as supporting genocide that it no longer has any resonance. Just like the boy who cried wolf, you've overused it.

Geno, I sometimes forget what your actual handle is.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
TBH, I don't even know why Israel is a left or right thing anyways. I look at it as a morality/Western style democracy thing. Israel's society is more similar to our N. American style of life than any Arab Nation. They share more of our values. Israel contributes to the world in terms of medicine, science and technology and shares much of it with the world. Palestinians don't. (I know you disagree with a lot of the characterizations and you have lots of counterpoints, but I'm just pointing out my own personal reasonings in an attempt to show that it's not a left/right thing for me. Nothing that I'd care to debate at this time. They are just my feelings.)
Israel is apartheid, not democratic. Those are not western values.

You've admitted your extreme bias and posted "opinions" of other anti-Semites and even some misguided Jews. They are not facts. It proves nothing. I could post opinions of others that would say that he is a brilliant, logical speaker who can back up every single one of his claims with facts, history and a sense of morality. He is always cool, calm and collected because he has the confidence derived from the validity of what he says as opposed to a guy like Cenk Uyghur whose veins are popping out of his neck because he's a Jew hater and has to resort to lies. Murray stymies him every time, as in the Piers Morgan debate. Cenk looked foolish. His anger stems from the fact that he is afraid of being challenged, like a bully is.
You post from a self declared Islamaphobe you think is unbiased.

I post from the UN, HRW, Amnesty, B'tselem, the ICC, ICJ, WFP, UNICEF and MSF, amongst others.
Those you call antisemitic.

Then you declare that you are unbiased.

Shazi, there is no daylight between your views and these.
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Well-known member
May 21, 2002


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You've posted so many lies and fake, unsubstantiated photos, Geno, that you have no credibility. Your images are all photoshopped propaganda.
Shazi, I post the truth.
No lies, no bullshit and no doctored photos.
Are you trying to claim that you are like Germans who didn't know what was going on in the camps?
Cuz that doesn't fly when you've been shown the evidence and your only response is to go all MAGA and declare it 'fake news'.

How do you think a place that has been totally destroyed is able to still produce so many videos you think are fake?

This video is blurred for decency, but you really think this is fake?

You think the UN is lying?

You think this is fake?

You really think this is fake?

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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Doesn't mean much.
Is it......wait for it.....irrelevant?

The debate is being hosted in a very pro-Israel country, Canada and the debate itself was hosted by an organization that was established by someone Jewish, so not sure about the diversity of the audience invited to the debate. Especially because the majority were pro-Israeli to start with as evidenced by them being 61% for the motion even before the debate started.
Making excuses is loser talk and your side lost.

If Canada is so pro-Israel, why does Geno show us pictures of of the consistent100,000 people pro-Pali marches and student protests. BTW, these things are happening in Toronto the same place that the debate was held.

Out of curiosity, did you actually watch the 6 minute clip of Murray's opening comments. I ask because Geno was afraid to look. I'm assuming that you knew in advance you'd disagree with everything he said but you were still open-minded enough to want to hear what he had to say. But in the end you could only attack the messenger and did not attempt to refute a single thing he said.

Geno, if he'd watched, would also not be able to do more. Just the same as Cenk, as well. He wins every single debate (at least from what I've seen), even though he's a far right, neo-Nazi, Islamophobe.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
If Canada is so pro-Israel, why does Geno show us pictures of of the consistent100,000 people pro-Pali marches and student protests. BTW, these things are happening in Toronto the same place that the debate was held.
There are massive protests globally, including in Israel, Shazi.
What is happening is that Biden and other governments aren't listening to their voters, they are listening to the people bribing them.

Geno, if he'd watched, would also not be able to do more. Just the same as Cenk, as well. He wins every single debate (at least from what I've seen), even though he's a far right, neo-Nazi, Islamophobe.
I just watched the first two minutes, that's enough.

Murray, your racist hero, is incredibly angry that the world isn't sympathizing with the occupying power. HIs total rage in that first two minutes is just like your 400 pages of posts here. He demonizes Palestinians, refuses to admit that Israel are the instigators through the occupation, refuses to sympathize with Palestinian civilians killed and instead rants and whines that the world doesn't back the Israeli genocide. That guy has the burning rage of the KKK and nazis, the kind of hate he really can't hid.

Buddy, like you, refuses to admit that Palestinians are humans and that they are indigenous to Palestine, unlike zionists, including Polish born Netanyahu.

I see why you liked that video.
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Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
Shazi, I post the truth.
No lies, no bullshit and no doctored photos.
Have you ever lied on TERB?

You have forfeited the right to quote the UN, Geno.

You ignore the UN's words when they call on Hamas to immediately and unconditionally return the hostages. That was months ago.
You ignore the UN's words when they call on Hamas to accept the latest proposal for a ceasefire that Israel and the US have accepted.
You ignore the UN's words when they tell us Hamas raped Israeli women and mutilated them before killing them.

You lie about what was said by the UN and/or and make excuses for Hamas not complying. But you cannot change the exact words of the UN, that have been posted here for all to see.

You are a total hypocrite when it comes to selectively invoking the UN's statements. Until you stop the double standard hypocrisy, you can take your UN references and shove them where the sun don't shine.

Based on your history here, it is safe to declare that your pictures are not legit.
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