REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

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Jun 29, 2019
Were you around for the whole bet on this? It occupied a whole thread back in the day.

-- Life expectancy fell by more than half a year in 2020, the largest single-year decline in Canada since national vital statistics started to be collected in 1921
-- Over the course of the year, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2020, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths in Canada, behind cancer (26.4%) and heart disease (17.5%).

First of all, "250,000 a year" is a death total, not a rate.
And it staying exactly the same over 5 years with an increasing population would actually mean the death rate was getting higher.

But sure, let's look at the actual numbers.

YearDeathsMortality rate (deaths/100,000)
2020308,412 811.5

2020 broke 300,000 for the first time (but it was already well above the 250,000 you thought it was) and just to show it clearly, it also shot above 800/100,000

If you want to argue about COVID, go ahead, but please don't just make up numbers and pretend nothing happened.
why did you stop at 2020 in your chart?

in 2022 the number of deaths increased to 334 081

does that mean that the vaccine didn't work?

in Sweden no lock down approach was accepted and the number of deaths decreased from 2020 to 2022
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
why did you stop at 2020 in your chart?\
Because the specific claim I was addressing was the following:

the deaths rates in 2020 in Canada was no different from the previous 5 years(250,000 Canadians die each year)
The chart answers that specific statement.

in 2022 the number of deaths increased to 334 081

does that mean that the vaccine didn't work?
No, it doesn't mean that at all.
That would be a silly thing to say.

in Sweden no lock down approach was accepted and the number of deaths decreased from 2020 to 2022
Yes, but as you can see, the baselines and trajectory are different.


So Sweden did much worse in 2020 when it first hit, and then it, like Canada, has experienced a rise overall after the shift in 2021.

These are crude numbers, though, so there may be more interesting data in the demographics.

Zoot Allures

Well-known member
Jan 23, 2017
no he advocated total shut down of the economy which DID NOT stop the spread. the first use the lie of keep hospital free. or 2 weeks the flatten the curve that lie was quickly exposed when people starting uploading videos driving to their local hospitals which were empty since then more excuses and more lies constantly created. the goal posts keeps moving. the restrictions ended when people started to protest and rebel back in early 2022.
No lies on Fauci as science is a moving target which is under constant review as more data comes in

Everyone except 1719109389116.png and his acolytes know this
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
why would it be silly?

because you do not agree with it?
Just because it is obviously untrue looking at the numbers.

so you could be wrong?

or is it silly to even suggest that?
Not at all.
Of course I can be wrong.
Maybe these aren't accurate numbers from Sweden or Canada.
But you would have to actually go find those actual numbers, now wouldn't you?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2017
no sorry hospitals where not overflowing

from CTV news

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic | CTV News

and nurses and other people were making dancing videos and ticktoc
For c19 i
no sorry hospitals where not overflowing

from CTV news

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic | CTV News

and nurses and other people were making dancing videos and ticktoc
You think they treat C19 patients in the ER? They get treated in the ICU. They may arrive at the ER initially for a diagnosis but they do not stay in the ER.

When ICU beds were near capacity was when we had more stringent lockdowns.

I do not know if you are this dumb or you are just good at pretending to be dumb.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
you said

and I agreed

maybe the numbers were skewed to fit the nareative
You think the total death numbers in the countries were skewed to fit the narrative?
We aren't talking deaths assigned to COVID-19 here.
You are claiming countries are across the board lying about how many people died from any cause?

OK, That's even further off the deep end than I expected from you.


Jun 29, 2019
So Sweden did much worse in 2020 when it first hit,
no it did not

In Canada the difference from 2019 to 2020 was about 8% rise in number of deaths

in Sweden it was about 10% so it was more but not "much" worse

but after that Sweden's numbers dropped down and Canadian numbers rose by 17% between 2019 and 2022

in Sweden between 2019 and 2022 the number rose by less than 7%

You are claiming countries are across the board lying about how many people died from any cause?
I never said that


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
no it did not

In Canada the difference from 2019 to 2020 was about 8% rise in number of deaths

in Sweden it was about 10% so it was more but not "much" worse
Death rate was much worse.
I will give you the rise was only slightly worse.

but after that Sweden's numbers dropped down and Canadian numbers rose by 17% between 2019 and 2022

in Sweden between 2019 and 2022 the number rose by less than 7%
Which I just showed you.
I do agree that it implies Sweden's much more aggressive vaccination policy (as well as their more aggressive travel and group gathering restrictions in response to the increasing pandemic) were much better implemented in 2021 than Canada's response, hampered as it was by the anti-vaxx/anti-lockdown/"COVID is a hoax" movement.

I never said that
You just did.


Well-known member
Feb 7, 2008
How much $ income did you lose during covid due to the lockdowns?
I'm going to guess those who still remain in favour of the lockdowns didn't lose a penny, being able to WFH.


Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
87% vaccinated in Sweden

84% vaccinated in Canada

so you are wrong again
No idea where you got those numbers (they seem too high for both countries) but it does seem you are right that Canada did catch up to Sweden in mid-2021 on vaccinations.
So while I stand by the fact Sweden's more aggressive policy they adopted in 2021 helped them and was more effective than the Canadian one, I overestimated how much vaccination was part of the discrepancy there.

I'm pretty sure that it was you who said it
I said that you could always choose to believe those numbers are wrong.
But then you would have to show it.
You answered that you thought the death numbers "were skewed to fit the nareative" .

If you think Sweden and Canada are lying about the total deaths in their countries, I'm afraid you are going to have to produce some kind of evidence beyond your paranoia.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010

it's incredible that some people still believe and trust this rat Fauci
He answered the questions honestly and established his role. The CDC made the recommendation and it wasn't based on clinical trials. Perhaps in a clinical trial it would have been 9 ft, maybe 12 ft. Would that have been better for you? The one who looks like an idiot is the one asking the questions.


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Fauci and his merry band of followers are such a crowd of weasels. My God.

Those aerosols were travelling miles for Christ's sake...Six feet LOL...Where did the CDC come up with that magical number.
Hence the reason for the masks to accompany the 6 ft which you also fought tooth and nail because some plumber on facebook said they didn't work.
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