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REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
told ya so.....

and months ago the new Brunswick health ministry admitted that they have no scientific evidence for the restrictions

Bombshell testimony from Dr. Anthony Fauci reveals he made up the six foot social distancing rule and other measures to 'protect' Americans from covid.

Republicans put out the full transcript of their sit down interview with Fauci from January just days before his highly-anticipated public testimony on Monday.

They plan to grill him about covid restrictions he put in place, that he admitted didn't do much to 'slow the spread' of the virus.

Kids' learning loss and social setbacks have been well documented, with one National Institute of Health (NIH) study calling the impact of mask use on students' literacy and learning 'very negative.'

And the impacts from social distancing caused 'depression, generalized anxiety, acute stress, and intrusive thoughts,' another NIH study found.

Speaking to counsel on behalf of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic earlier this year, Fauci told Republicans that the six foot social distancing rule 'sort of just appeared' and that he did not recall how it came about.

'You know, I don't recall. It sort of just appeared,' he said according to committee transcripts when pressed on how the rule came about.

He added he 'was not aware of studies' that supported the social distancing, conceding that such studies 'would be very difficult' to do.

In addition to not recalling any evidence supporting social distancing, Fauci also told the committee's counsel that he didn't remember reading anything to support that masking kids would prevent COVID.

'Do you recall reviewing any studies or data supporting masking for children?' he was asked.

'I might have,' he responded before adding 'but I don't recall specifically that I did.'

The pandemic patriarch also testified that he had not followed any studies after the fact regarding the impacts that forced mask wearing had on children, of which there have been many.

And his answer was an ironic COVID-esque pun, 'I still think that's up in the air,' Fauci said about whether masking kids was a solid way to prevent transmission.

Further, the former director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) told the counsel that he believes the lab leak theory - the idea that COVID began at the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) - is a real 'possibility.'

'I think people have made conspiracy aspects from it,' he said, adding 'it could be a lab leak.'

'So I think that in and of itself isn't inherently a conspiracy theory, but some people spin off things from that that are kind of crazy.'

His admission that COVID may have began at the WIV comes four years after he backed the publication of a paper which threw cold water on the lab leak theory called the 'Proximal Origin' paper.

REVEALED: Dr. Anthony Fauci confesses he 'made up' covid rules including 6 feet social distancing and masking kids | Daily Mail Online


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's (R-GA) vicious grilling of Dr. Anthony Fauci in today's House Select Committee on the Coronavirus hearing leads to multiple breakdowns over her "personal attack."
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Too bad they don't bring back the mask and jab mandates! DAMMIT!!!



Prolific User
Jun 27, 2010
I would think that distancing and masking would be a common sense thing to do, even if erring on the side of caution. When the pandemic started, there was a "fog of war', where you took reasonable precautions against spreading the infection, without having the benefit of past experience or absolute data or knowledge.

(I noticed some people still wear masks in public places or public transit, but that could be to avoid cold and flu viruses, or to protect loved ones at home who are ill or immuno-compromised).
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Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010

Edited clip with no context or....
SO, when a new contagious disease never seen before pops up, you believe scientists and researchers should know right away from the get go what to do, how to do it and what to give you? Perhaps as AI gets smarter and smarter, maybe that will happen but do you believe in 1981 Dr. St. Medal Deserving Director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci should have been an expert on Aids right out of the gates?
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
So let me get this straight. You want him to have recommended that when someone is sick with a disease, that they sit within inches of each other, not wearing a mask and cough in each other's faces?
no he advocated total shut down of the economy which DID NOT stop the spread. the first use the lie of keep hospital free. or 2 weeks the flatten the curve that lie was quickly exposed when people starting uploading videos driving to their local hospitals which were empty since then more excuses and more lies constantly created. the goal posts keeps moving. the restrictions ended when people started to protest and rebel back in early 2022.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
Fauci has saved literally millions of lives (AIDs, ebola, bird flu, h1n1, etc etc). People attacking him are pathetic. Fauci etal squashed H1N1, SARs, and Ebola. This is forgotten. And to think Fauci was somehow planning to injure or kill people? Beyond stupid.
As stated above, with Corona a NOVEL virus hits, your medical teams are hamstrung by the fucking Chinese government who are withholding data because, being a totalitarian state, they have to pretend nothing is happening or else face the wrath of dear leader. Plus, you have Trump defunding and dismantling the pandemic unit formed by Obama was formed by Obama. Plus spouting nonsense because he's worried about reelection and not giving a shit about lives. Ironically, if he was an average Joe, not president, he'd have been killed by covid.
So, the medical community pull out tactics that have worked with other contagious/infectious diseases, not knowing for sure how communicable covid is, how it travels, what it does to the body, and in an environment where stockpiles of equipment etc have been left to rot.
Thus, pandemic hits, major shortage of masks, ventilators, hospitals overflowing, 2-3,000 dying per day.
As a politician do you say "well, we don't want to inconvenience anyone, so let's just let people die. They tend to be older so who cares."
You can Monday morning quarterback this, and maybe the response could have been better. Hopefully the world learns and these lessons get implemented. We know there were real-time efforts that varied. The swedes didn't do as much in order to keep things and lifestyles flowing, but they had 4 times the deaths of their neighbors, and no economic benefit compared to thei neighbours..
USA could have let it go, take on 4 or so more million deaths above the 2 million, and settle on herd immunity.
Maybe USA sends kids back to school, they do fine, but what if they carry the virus back and kill off some parents and grandparents in the process?
Keep in mind the USA nursing profession STILL has not recovered from the deaths and quitting of nurses caused by the stress of working around the clock, fearful of bringing an airborne virus home to their own families.
Also, we are now discovering that "long covid" can be a serious complication of getting covid without the vaccination.

Anyhow, the "covid amnesia" that has infected mainly the USA but other places will insure the next deadly pandemic will be worse than it has to be because people will draw so many of the wrong conclusions pushed by the anti vaxxers and other enemies of science.
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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
Anyhow, the "covid amnesia" that has infected mainly the USA but other places will insure the next deadly pandemic will be worse than it has to be because people will draw so many of the wrong conclusions pushed by the anti vaxxers and other enemies of science.
This is going to be a huge problem in the future.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
and in late summer of 2023 it was leaked that the same tyrants where calling for the return of restrictions by December after pubic outrage the tyrants back down.


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
That further proves that the shutdowns were necessary. With shutdowns, hospitals were overflowing. It would have been worse had the shutdowns not been enforced. You'd have had people dying on the streets, due to lack of beds and Oxygen cylinders.

no sorry hospitals where not overflowing

from CTV news

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic

'All of our rooms are empty': Hospital ERs vacant during pandemic | CTV News

and nurses and other people were making dancing videos and ticktoc
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Well there were cases of hospitals overflowing the world over. I infact donated $5000 to a fundraiser for India as hospitals were running out of O2 cylinders despite India totally shutting down for 8 weeks.

If here the rooms were "empty" then that also means the shutdowns actually worked. If there were no shutdowns we'd have hospitals overflowing.

i am talking about Hospitals in Ontario and U.S A NOT India

every year during flu seasons hospitals are filled up. nobody was calling for lockdowns in previous flu seasons

an example


Toronto-area hospitals 'overwhelmed' as flu hits harder than usual | CTV News
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The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
Well there were cases of hospitals overflowing the world over. I infact donated $5000 to a fundraiser for India as hospitals were running out of O2 cylinders despite India totally shutting down for 8 weeks.

If here the rooms were "empty" then that also means the shutdowns actually worked. If there were no shutdowns we'd have hospitals overflowing.
How can you not know that the hospitals were empty in Canada during that time?
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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
If hospitals were overflowing, then without the shutdowns, the situation would have been even worse. Which was evident from what happened in countries like India and the US. It is not true that the hospitals in the US did not feel this pressure as evidenced by this article in 2020.

If the hospitals were relatively empty in Ontario during the pandemic, it was because of the shutdowns. So you should be appreciating the fact that we did shutdown.

In any case both show that shutdowns were infact necessary and a good deterrent. Not to mention we wouldn't be enjoying remote and hybrid work cultures today were it not for the shutdowns.

the only people that enjoyed and benefit from hybrid and working from home are the so called rich, wealthy laptop classes. the vendors you see selling on the streets and everybody else were devasted by the lockdowns you support

The pandemic created a perceived new class division: the laptop class vs. everyone else | TechRepublic


Well-known member
Jun 16, 2007
Toronto, Ontario
Sure they did suffer. Not denying that. But would you rather have a few businesses go out of business, or have people dying en masse? These are tough times and there are no perfect answers.

the deaths rates in 2020 in Canada was no different from the previous 5 years(250,000 Canadians die each year)


Well-known member
Jan 8, 2010
Facts vs Fiction

Realty vs Twatism

Real history vs Revisionist History

Acute care occupancy rates are at 96% with some large hospitals approaching or exceeding 100%, and significant ICU bed capacity is still needed for increasing numbers of patients with COVID-19.

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Just a bundle of fucking sunshine
Mar 27, 2014
the deaths rates in 2020 in Canada was no different from the previous 5 years(250,000 Canadians die each year)
Were you around for the whole bet on this? It occupied a whole thread back in the day.

-- Life expectancy fell by more than half a year in 2020, the largest single-year decline in Canada since national vital statistics started to be collected in 1921
-- Over the course of the year, COVID-19 was the third leading cause of death in 2020, accounting for 5.3% of all deaths in Canada, behind cancer (26.4%) and heart disease (17.5%).

First of all, "250,000 a year" is a death total, not a rate.
And it staying exactly the same over 5 years with an increasing population would actually mean the death rate was getting higher.

But sure, let's look at the actual numbers.

YearDeathsMortality rate (deaths/100,000)
2020308,412 811.5

2020 broke 300,000 for the first time (but it was already well above the 250,000 you thought it was) and just to show it clearly, it also shot above 800/100,000

If you want to argue about COVID, go ahead, but please don't just make up numbers and pretend nothing happened.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2014
USA peeked outside of the expected deaths normal range during for first time since records were kept after WWII.
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