The Sad Tragedy Of Greta Thunberg


Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Daniel Markind
Jun 20, 2024

Like her or hate her, it was impossible to ignore Greta Thunberg. The Swedish teenager (she's now 21) burst on the world scene in 2018 as a leader for dramatic climate activism. "How dare you!" she demanded of the United Nations at its New York world headquarters. "You have stolen my dreams and my childhood," she said.

The extent to which that might be true is a matter of conjecture, of course, but Thunberg certainly got the world’s attention. She seemed to be the natural leader for serious climate action among the younger generation.

That all changed after October 7, 2023, when Greta found a more important cause – to her, that is – hatred of Israel. So determined was she to seek to destroy the Jewish state that she travelled to the Swedish city of Malmo to participate in mass demonstrations demanding a young Israeli singer be banned from participating in the annual Eurovision song contest. Miss Thunberg insisted that her voice be heard in opposition to the Israeli singer, yet she remained silent as Hezbollah rockets set fire to thousands of acres in northern Israel. For the first time, the environment was less important to Greta than world politics. "How dare you," indeed.

It's hard to see where Greta goes from here. Any future attempt by her to exert leadership of the environmental movement will be met with howls by many who either support Israel, are neutral about it, or are just primarily concerned about the world environment.

This is not necessarily good news for the rest of us. As the recent European parliamentary elections show, many Europeans are tiring of the green agenda. With costs rising and a feeling that the burdens of combating climate change are disproportionately shared, environmental activists now are fighting a rear-guard action to maintain momentum in combatting climate change. One thing that people have clearly realized is that environmental issues and energy transition are difficult subjects. They do not
lend themselves to simplistic answers or pithy slogans.

The tragedy here is that, as she matured and learned, Greta Thunberg seemed to be a natural leader of the green movement. As an adult, she could have led the movement to fight manmade climate change from a more educated and practical standpoint. Greta could have been the spokesperson for the movement as it seeks to push the world forward and educate it about the compromises needed and the priorities that we must follow to defeat climate change, or at least to learn to live with it.

That opportunity seems distant now. For whatever reason, Ms. Thunberg aligned herself with the intersectionality that claims somehow that there can be no moving forward environmentally without Palestinian independence, possibly at the expense of the Jewish state. As the Palestinians have no real record of environmental stewardship, it was difficult to understand the connection. However, such is the concept of intersectionality.

In yielding her environmental bona fides to anti-Israel intersectionality, Greta Thunberg no doubt has diminished what had been her life's work. We all will be the poorer for it.



Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The tragedy here is that, as she matured and learned, Greta Thunberg seemed to be a natural leader of the green movement. As an adult, she could have led the movement to fight manmade climate change from a more educated and practical standpoint. Greta could have been the spokesperson for the movement as it seeks to push the world forward and educate it about the compromises needed and the priorities that we must follow to defeat climate change, or at least to learn to live with it.
Majority of the west has long been brainwashed by the
climate movement thanks to Greta's role in helping with
spreading their leaders' climate propaganda. Greta's mission
has been accomplished. It is wise for her to move on to
other more worthy causes.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
The majority of the world opposes Israel's genocide and ethnic cleansing of Gaza, so what so special about Greta?
Greta has understandably disappointed people involved in
the climate movement who don't share her stand against

I am actually very pleased with Greta's switch from fighting
climate change to protesting genocidal Israel. Now I just hope
Greta's climate sheeple fans can figure out the reason of their
climate leader's move away from climate activism--Greta's
handler has decided enough benefits have been reaped by
their attention whore. Climate sheeple will hopefully be sufficiently
enlightened by Greta's betrayal of their cause to accept the reality
that is their dependence on burning earth's remaining fossil fuel to
full depletion for their survival.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Greta has understandably disappointed people involved in
the climate movement who don't share her stand against

I am actually very pleased with Greta's switch from fighting
climate change to protesting genocidal Israel. Now I just hope
Greta's climate sheeple fans can figure out the reason of their
climate leader's move away from climate activism--Greta's
handler has decided enough benefits have been reaped by
their attention whore. Climate sheeple will hopefully be sufficiently
enlightened by Greta's betrayal of their cause to accept the reality
that is their dependence on burning earth's remaining fossil fuel to
full depletion for their survival.
Most people who are against the genocide are also trying to do something about climate change.



Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
Greta is an immature child who has no idea what she wants and no idea how the real world works.
She spews nothing but verbal diarrhea.
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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2002
Greta is an immature child who has no idea what she wants and no idea how the real world works.
She spews nothing but verbal diarrhea.
And it takes an idiot like Trudeau as the leader of our nation
to turn to an immature child for advice.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
Greta is an immature child who has no idea what she wants and no idea how the real world works.
She spews nothing but verbal diarrhea.
Um, I think she is on the Spectrum. Probably Asperger Syndrome. So she has zero social skills due to this. She is being used as a figurehead and place to deflect animosity towards. She believes in what she is doing, and while I think a more measured respose is going to happen having activists like her is important to move the ecological Overton Window in the West.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
Um, I think she is on the Spectrum. Probably Asperger Syndrome. So she has zero social skills due to this. She is being used as a figurehead and place to deflect animosity towards. She believes in what she is doing, and while I think a more measured respose is going to happen having activists like her is important to move the ecological Overton Window in the West.
She has publicly stated she has Asperger.

You guys should read the latest about the possibility of an AMOC collapse.
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Apr 12, 2017
That is not true. The majority of the world does care and they do not support the genocide. However, the majority of the world are not in a position to do anything about it, or go up military against Israel and by extension the United States as they are not strong enough. Just take a look at the recent UN resolutions asking for ceasefire etc,, and see how many vote in favour of the motion.
There are 8 billion people in the world. Go to India, China, South America, most of America or Canada, heck even your coworkers. They don’t care. We have our own lives to live. I travel a lot and it’s just not something that people are actively tracking because it directly does not affect them. Sure if you’re watching the news all the time it’s in your head but most people aren’t. The world is a big place with localized issues going on that require more direct attention.
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dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
There are 8 billion people in the world. Go to India, China, South America, most of America or Canada, heck even your coworkers. They don’t care. We have our own lives to live. I travel a lot and it’s just not something that people are actively tracking because it directly does not affect them. Sure if you’re watching the news all the time it’s in your head but most people aren’t. The world is a big place with localized issues going on that require more direct attention.
Even in Canada 45% think its genocide.
Only 21% don't.


The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
There are 8 billion people in the world. Go to India, China, South America, most of America or Canada, heck even your coworkers. They don’t care. We have our own lives to live. I travel a lot and it’s just not something that people are actively tracking because it directly does not affect them. Sure if you’re watching the news all the time it’s in your head but most people aren’t. The world is a big place with localized issues going on that require more direct attention.
His algorithm cares though and that's all he sees.
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Apr 12, 2017
Well the 8 billion individuals do care, and they do speak up for one side or another when asked for an opinion. But they cannot do much more than that. It is the govts of these countries that have to speak up on the international stage and the majority do in favour of Palestine.
You have no logical way of knowing this. It’s an assumption. My point is not that the majority supports Israel or Palestine. My point most don’t care about the people of Palestine as I have not heard it spoken or uttered outside of the news and localized protests on college campuses. That is a very small minority of the population. Most people will say oh that’s a shame and go about their lives. Nobody I know or see is asking the government to take action. The UN and some Islamic nations are largely taking action by themselves. If this turns into a global war that affects the national security of our countries, then that is another issue.


dangling member
Apr 10, 2015
You have no logical way of knowing this. It’s an assumption. My point is not that the majority supports Israel or Palestine. My point most don’t care about the people of Palestine as I have not heard it spoken or uttered outside of the news and localized protests on college campuses. That is a very small minority of the population. Most people will say oh that’s a shame and go about their lives. Nobody I know or see is asking the government to take action. The UN and some Islamic nations are largely taking action by themselves. If this turns into a global war that affects the national security of our countries, then that is another issue.
The Palestine protests across the world have been massive, the largest protests since Greta's climate marches, which were bigger than the Iraq war protests. People who back Palestinian rights will not engage with racial supremacists, instead they'll just leave you alone and move on.
If people aren't talking to you about Palestine its because they don't think they can.
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Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
You have no logical way of knowing this. It’s an assumption. My point is not that the majority supports Israel or Palestine. My point most don’t care about the people of Palestine as I have not heard it spoken or uttered outside of the news and localized protests on college campuses. That is a very small minority of the population. Most people will say oh that’s a shame and go about their lives. Nobody I know or see is asking the government to take action. The UN and some Islamic nations are largely taking action by themselves. If this turns into a global war that affects the national security of our countries, then that is another issue.
Even Middle East countries don't want any of the Palestinian "refugees". That should tell you everything you need to know.
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