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My health


Well-known member
Apr 9, 2023
Thanks to US hospitals i have lots more time . I dont even have a Canadian doctor .i am fortunate to be in this position and pay for my treatment lost so many dear friends to Canadian health care system. When its time for you to go you go . Atleast in US people have a chance to get rapid care . Not like canada you have to wait 6 months for a MRI . I pay alot of taxes for other people . I think that was the good deed i did for canada . I grew up in US and i am a proud canadian . But now with all the crimes and scams we are worse than most of the European countries . Times have changed alot both usa and canada are shit hole countries in different ways with all due respect to everyone on the board . I am not a fan of this prime Minister . Lot of parts of the gta and surburbs have become shit holes . 65 years ago these areas use to be farm land .Time to move to nova scotia . Thanks for reading my rant . Best of health to everyone. Is there a board like this in nova scotia ?

Every day is a blessing and never give up

Mr Deeds

Muff Diver Extraordinaire
Mar 10, 2013
A year ago I had major arterial surgery. Before though I was diagnosed mri took I week, had I needed it sooner it would have happened. The hospital (trillium) and the staff took very good care of me. In the us thousands of people die every year because they can't afford Healthcare for profit medicine only serves the wealthy and someone with insurance and corporations are cutting back on that benefit. The shithole areas you talk about in Canada are nothing compared to some of the states I've been to. The level of poverty, eroding of infrastructure the lack of basic necessities,the lack of education are as bad and any third world country. Every developed country has a universal health care program because it works. Canada for all its faults ( and there are many) has a much better quality of life for the average person than the us can ever hope to achieve. Power and greed should dictate basic human necessities.

The Oracle

Pronouns: Who/Cares
Mar 8, 2004
On the slopes of Mount Parnassus, Greece
A year ago I had major arterial surgery. Before though I was diagnosed mri took I week, had I needed it sooner it would have happened. The hospital (trillium) and the staff took very good care of me. In the us thousands of people die every year because they can't afford Healthcare for profit medicine only serves the wealthy and someone with insurance and corporations are cutting back on that benefit. The shithole areas you talk about in Canada are nothing compared to some of the states I've been to. The level of poverty, eroding of infrastructure the lack of basic necessities,the lack of education are as bad and any third world country. Every developed country has a universal health care program because it works. Canada for all its faults ( and there are many) has a much better quality of life for the average person than the us can ever hope to achieve. Power and greed should dictate basic human necessities.
The rip on health care in Canada is that access to services was vastly superior 25 years ago.


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2011
I don't know whete some of these rants come from. My two hospitalizations, from being a pedestrian hit by a car and appendix out I had rapid care and everything went fine. Beyond that have various relatives and friends hit with cancer, other organ issues, heart surgery, accidents and all getting reasonbly timely treatment. Anyone who didn't make it was because they were hit with stage 4 diagnosis or the like because they ignored signs and bad lifestyles.

Even those getting hip replacement, knee surgery etc are all doing well.

And by to the OP Maritimes health services are in far worse shape. So whole you can get south for rkective, emergency you can't. Keep that in mind.


Fabulously Full Figured
Supporting Member
Jul 14, 2020
North Whitby Incalls
I don't know whete some of these rants come from. My two hospitalizations, from being a pedestrian hit by a car and appendix out I had rapid care and everything went fine. Beyond that have various relatives and friends hit with cancer, other organ issues, heart surgery, accidents and all getting reasonbly timely treatment. Anyone who didn't make it was because they were hit with stage 4 diagnosis or the like because they ignored signs and bad lifestyles.

Even those getting hip replacement, knee surgery etc are all doing well.

And by to the OP Maritimes health services are in far worse shape. So whole you can get south for rkective, emergency you can't. Keep that in mind.
I don’t get the rant either to be honest. That’s why I laughed.
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JeanGary Diablo

Well-known member
Aug 5, 2017
How much were you paid to write this nonsense? I've never met a single person in my life who wants a US-style health system in Canada until I come online.

Seriously, everyone knows the healthcare systems -- we have systems, not a "system" in Canada -- are not perfect, but at least they're not for-profit and anyone can access them. And if you need an emergency MRI in Canada, you're going to get it, just like a person who has a sprained wrist is going to wait to be treated after a person who has just suffered a stroke, no matter how much money they have, and that's the way it should be.

In the US, your health and well-being has a price-tag attached to it, and that's revolting.

Also, you can have health insurance (which you will pay dearly for in premiums) and your insurance company can still find weasel clauses to get out of covering you. And then there's the deductibles and co-pays and all the other add-ons. Healthcare is the Number 1 reason why Americans go bankrupt.

Fuck that shit. Keep it the hell out of this country.


Well-known member
Nov 6, 2010
I gotta wonder, where the hell do you live in Canada? Never ever have I experienced the long wait times like some of you post online do, I think the longest I ever waited recently was for a urologist, I think it was either 2 or 3 months, it was so insignificant I don't even recall if I waited either 2 or 3? But for the most recent specialist it was a dermatologist, it was a 1 month wait, which i find is perfectly fair. I was born in Toronto and lived here all my life. I also never had any problems finding a family dr like 5 years ago when i switched drs, I think it took about a month. And I used the healthcare system a lot when I was younger, I was weak and sickly. Never had any big complaints when it comes to wait times, everything usually is a month, or usually less. I almost always receive excellent care with nurses too, the healthcare system is top notch in Toronto, Canada

How the fuck are you people here waiting 6 months for an MRI, how the fuck are you losing people you know to bad health care? Where the hell do you all live in Canada? These posts, and others on the internet about the "bad" healthcare in Canada are confusing the hell out of me.
I'm not disputing your case just saying that the average wait time in the Niagara Region for a MRI is 306 days. Urgent cases get priority of course.
A friend has a torn meniscus in his knee. He ask the specialists to send his request for an MRI to the Burlington hospital. Wait their was only 3 months.
Niagara Region ranks 4th worst for the average wait time of 33 weeks.
I believe it depends where you live.

Last edited:


Well-known member
Sep 8, 2001
I'm not disputing your case just saying that the average wait time in the Niagara Region for a MRI is 306 days. Urgent cases get priority of course.
A friend has a torn meniscus in his knee. He ask the specialists to send his request for an MRI to the Burlington hospital. Wait their was only 3 months.
Niagara Region ranks 4th worst for the average wait time of 33 weeks.
I believe it depends where you live.

part of the issue with MRI wait times is that they are often ordered for problems that the mri results have very little chance of changing management / treatment. The system is clogged with MRI requests (often insisted upon by the patient) for back pain, knee aches etc, and for many of these the result will have no impact on treatment, and this has the effect of making those with a legit need for an MRI wait much longer than they should.


Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
I gotta wonder, where the hell do you live in Canada? Never ever have I experienced the long wait times like some of you post online do, I think the longest I ever waited recently was for a urologist, I think it was either 2 or 3 months, it was so insignificant I don't even recall if I waited either 2 or 3? But for the most recent specialist it was a dermatologist, it was a 1 month wait, which i find is perfectly fair. I was born in Toronto and lived here all my life. I also never had any problems finding a family dr like 5 years ago when i switched drs, I think it took about a month. And I used the healthcare system a lot when I was younger, I was weak and sickly. Never had any big complaints when it comes to wait times, everything usually is a month, or usually less. I almost always receive excellent care with nurses too, the healthcare system is top notch in Toronto, Canada

How the fuck are you people here waiting 6 months for an MRI, how the fuck are you losing people you know to bad health care? Where the hell do you all live in Canada? These posts, and others on the internet about the "bad" healthcare in Canada are confusing the hell out of me.
I have been without a family doctor for several years. There are none available in this part of the province and that is the case for many thousands of people in this area that serves around 200,000 in the district. I am along in years and have not been able to get a general medical checkup in years... but I'm making it a priority now and hopefully can at least get the regular tests done and get referrals if necessary. I might have to go sit in an emergency room for half a day or so, or more likely get an online doctor to order the lab work for me.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
Basically, Canada will NOT let you die
My father was in the hospital and his lungs were filling up with fluid, a person who normally never complains was going full Karen mode, pulling at his IV and complaining all the time because drowning will do that to a guy. Oh its a long weekend, we will get a guy in Tuesday to clear his lungs manually.
He died about 2:00 AM on Tuesday morning.

Also they kept going on about improvements and how things were hopeful even though he was going down hill every day and getting noticeably worse for 10 days. If they were not so filled with optimistic bullshit, I would have spent more time in the hospital, could have gotten my jive soul bro to come in, could have set up the financials a bit better, or even better then they were, I mean he was 91 but still.

Insidious Von

My head is my home
Sep 12, 2007
My condolences NotADoctor.

Wearing a lung catheter is a really pain in the ass, I understand how your father felt. You can't sleep on your side when attached, I had to endure it for two months. When I was in the hospital they scoffed at the notion that I might die, yet I was still quarantined.


Nitpicker Extraordinaire
Oct 2, 2001
I don't know whete some of these rants come from. My two hospitalizations, from being a pedestrian hit by a car and appendix out I had rapid care and everything went fine. Beyond that have various relatives and friends hit with cancer, other organ issues, heart surgery, accidents and all getting reasonbly timely treatment. Anyone who didn't make it was because they were hit with stage 4 diagnosis or the like because they ignored signs and bad lifestyles.
The fact that the average life span of a Canadian is more than an American would be a testament to the Canadian health system. I know many factors are involved but the relative health care systems would still a significant one.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
I guess they will let you die if you are past certain age. Nevertheless. Sorry about your loss. This was really hard to read.
Except they said they would have a guy in past the long weekend, he just couldn't wait that long. He was there 10 days, brought him back from a code blue, cancer treatment almost a year earlier.
So I don't think it was a "fuck it, he is old" type situation, and more of a, rather let a fucker die than call someone in from a long weekend type situation.


His most imperial galactic atheistic majesty.
Mar 8, 2017
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Well-known member
Apr 9, 2023
Wait times for MRIs are very real. Last year I was doing a military press, when I heard a "pop" in my cervical spine. Now I have recurrent pain and I think I might have herniated a disc when I did it. My family doctor recommended an MRI and he gave the prescription in December 2023. But my appointment is in October 2024. This is with UHN. I did not bother to look for outpatient clinics etc. Would probably be faster that way.

However for more serious issues they schedule appointments pretty fast.

I was patient at PMH for prostate cancer for 6 years. My doctor knew my PSA was doubling every 6 months when i did blood test. She stated that you need biopsy and i told her it is necessary to get MRI and was told wait times at PMH is six months and was told to go Buffalo to get mri which i decline. That is the reason that i went to USA. I had 2 MRI within 2 days. Biopsy the following week and prostate removal within 2 weeks. I started Chemo right away. did pet scan and there was no evidence of cancer but i need to do chemo once a month for the next 6 month. Since I had done all I can in my power , PMH agreed to do chemo as per instruction of MD Anderson.

We do need lots of MRI and PET/CT in Canada.
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