An appeal almost always questions the judge's decisions and his handling of the trial.
Fixed it for you, Earp.
But even if the verdict is reversed on appeal, it will be on technical points far above the discussion level of this board.
Are you kidding? Above the discussion level of this board?
These scholars graduated
MAGA cums loud from Trump University and did continue their studies at Twit U.
Have you not read some of the erudite legal analysis here.
Sounds like some momma outside the courtroom after her son was convicted of stabbing a guy during a drug deal by saying "He's a hard working
good boy! Worked two jobs..... was just making his last delivery for the pharmacy before going to his job at the butcher job. That knife was just his tools of the trade, like a mechanic has wrenches. This is pure and simple RACISM... why don't they charge more white people for stabbing fellow drug dealers on the southside of Chicago?